
An out-of-archive one-time remix of Ubuntu will be prepared including the identical set of software as the Moblin 2.0 Release for demonstration and comparison purposes. This is not expected to be an ongoing release series, but rather a means of experimenting with integration between the Moblin project and other software in Ubuntu.


Moblin is current, compelling, and cool, but requires a complete reinstallation (or can be run as a Live USB image), and is an RPM based distribution. As a result, it is difficult to compare Moblin to Ubuntu, and investigate how to better integrate the two. By preparing a Remix, and comparing the experience, we can better understand how the Moblin software can improve Ubuntu.

User stories

Alice is a Moblin Developer, who remembers working with Ubuntu as a base for Moblin 1.0, and wants to investigate the compatibility between Moblin 2.0 and Ubuntu.

Bob is an Ubuntu Developer, who has an interest in Moblin, and wants to try a complete solution in a while retaining the familiar Ubuntu base.

Chris is a Mobile Enthusiast, and wants to experiment with Moblin on Ubuntu without worrying about any issues that may occur as a result of interaction with other software.



This will be a fairly standard derivative remix.

Any necessary additional or upgraded packages will be prepared in a PPA.

A seed collection will be created, defining the correct set of software to be included, and be the basis for metapackages and tasks.

A live image will be generated based on the seed collection.



No migration plan exists for users wishing to move to or from the Ubuntu Moblin Remix. This exists for demonstration purposes only.

Test/Demo Plan

It's important that we are able to test new features, and demonstrate them to users. Use this section to describe a short plan that anybody can follow that demonstrates the feature is working. This can then be used during testing, and to show off after release. Please add an entry to for tracking test coverage.

This need not be added or completed until the specification is nearing beta.

Unresolved issues

* The resulting image may not be fully Moblin 2.0 complaint (depending on available versions of software, incompatible patches, etc.). * No special effort will be taken to support installation (although if ubiquity works, it will be included).

BoF agenda and discussion


Specs/MobileKarmicMoblinRemix (last edited 2009-10-09 06:22:13 by 219-70-231-192)