
LXDE is a very lightweight and minimal desktop environment using the openbox window manager, the pcmanfm file manager, and a very select list of default applications. It is compatible with basic freedesktop standards and all needed parts are already packaged in Ubuntu today.

Release Note

Lubuntu has been introduced as a lightweight and minimal desktop environment that works particularly well with older legacy PC hardware and devices with less than 256 megs of Ram.


LXDE fulfills a goal that currently Xubuntu, while often suggested, actually fails at, which is working well as a very lightweight desktop environment on "minimal" or very old legacy hardware. This may also be particularly relevant to the introduction of early arm and sub-netbook (such as handheld) devices which may have as little as 64 - 256 megs of ram.

User Stories

Lubuntu is designed to serve several distinct interests:


All packages that are needed for a lubuntu desktop either already are or will shortly be available in the archive. Any ui work needed will be minimal.


Although we are not explicitly spinning a lubuntu distribution (that is, a live cd or usb) at this moment, the goal is to make it possible and easy for someone to do so or otherwise create a lubuntu root image. Hence, an explicit ubuntu-lxde seeding meta package will be created, which brings in lxde itself, along with a selection of packages that match the environment, and any ubuntu-izing artwork or default configurations that are chosen. This gives the community a baseline to spin an effective lightweight distro if the community wishes to do so.

The following additional applications are suggested for addition to a ubuntu-lxde seed: A volume control/mixer setting application for "settings". A number of "Recommended" applications (can be stripped out with --no-install-recommends) would also be offered through this seed, including abiword and gnumerics for "Office" applications. The CUPS printer setup and support would be added to the seed, with the CUPS admin available under the "Settings" menu. "connman" will likely be the network/wifi settings agent, and the newer gnome power settings added for battery/power display. HAL will be added as a "recommended" packages (but not required, so it can be stripped out with "--no-install-recommends") as lxde supports desktop auto-mounting removable media when HAL is present. The update manager and "Add/Remove" applications will also be added to complete lxde as an Ubuntu based desktop environment.

Please note at this time no specific or default media applications are being recommended for this seed. This will happen by community preference and is also not needed for some user stories / use cases. Similarly, there are no default "games" being recommended initially. Other default application choices may be added based on evaluation of other lxde distros.



There already is an active Lubuntu community team in Launchpad to support a LXDE targeted distribution.


UI Changes

The Human GTK and icon themes will be installed and enabled for the lxde desktop environment. We will not however use the top/bottom panel approach of the other -buntu's since lxde is targeted at lower resolution devices where this loss in screen space would be undesirable.

GDM Configure may need to be modified to support a x600/x575 line vertical resolution. This should be needed for unr spin already as well.

Community efforts will fill in other missing ui customization for Ubuntu and for low resolution devices.

The "settings" menu will be expanded to include a mixer and printer configuration.

Code Changes

None anticipated as part of this spec?

Test/Demo Plan

Unresolved issues

BOF Notes

Upstream site:

* What is LXDE?

Could possibly leverage the usability team in order to ready lxde for ubuntu

* current gnome infrastructure (network manager, gnome-keyring, etc): are there any light replacements ?

* What would it take to integrate it into Ubuntu?

ACTION items


Specs/UbuntuLxdeDesktop (last edited 2009-06-27 14:42:15 by pool-71-254-56-47)