
Revision 16 as of 2009-09-11 12:51:00

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A place for attaching and discussing artwork, like logos, flyers, etc.

Banners and Logos

By Aldo Latino (posted on the mailing list by Daniel Schwitzgebel):



A fantastic picture of Intrepid Ibexes coming out of the mist:

This picture is released under the CC ny-nc-sa license, Copyright Ian Spare.

Find here the original JPG file:


Flyers for the Intrepid Ibex release by Florian Bruhin, based on the Ibex picture provided by Ian Spare (see above)


Openexpo Winterthur 09

A great suggestion by Iris Hariz:

Openexpo Bern 09

Again, a very nice poster suggestion by Iris Hariz:

We chose poster no 2 to display at the booth.

Intrepid Ibex Release Party

We have an new artist on board: please welcome Iris Hariz. She made three beautiful posters for the party:

In our last IRC meeting, the members decided to go for poster No. 1. Find below the final versions, in English and German:

Other artwork