
Welcome to our Swiss Team Brainstorming site!

Feel free to post your ideas here.

Keep in mind that those ideas may not be up to date. If you want to get something started please get in contact with the community through the mailing list.

Release Party Ideas

<idea by dsto>: what is the opinion of the team about organizing two different release parties? One for community and end-user (on Saturday, as suggested at the Denk:Mal) the other for business and end-user (can't be on Saturday, idea: at Education site or other public place). I did some investigations: Sponsoring is offered - in case we are able to provide presentations/success stories by guest speakers who have deployed Ubuntu at their companies. </idea>

Modifying Contact list

As the SwissTeam is growing steadily and more volunteers add themselves to the contact list, it becomes quite long and unhandy. Various propositions for modification are:

Support Point Map

Myriam got in touch with MarkVanDenBorre during FOSDEM in Brussels and he sent the links to the code. Check the specification set up by the BelgianTeam here: BelgianTeam/SupportPointsSpec. They posted a support point volunteers manual here: BelgianTeam/SupportPoints.

Swiss Linux Portal

Ideas for a web site: SwissTeam/Ideas/SwissPortal

Ideas for the ubuntu-ch logo and banner.

Press review

* Ubuntu at school in Switzerland starting September 2008: []

* Ubuntu review in one of the main french general purpose daily newspaper Liberation (August 2008): [,4806.html]

Marketing Event Planning

Details regarding upcoming marketing events initiated by

Marketing Event Planning

Ubunteros Association

Ubunteros Association


SwissTeam/Ideas (last edited 2013-11-14 09:32:33 by nebula)