
Differences between revisions 11 and 12
Revision 11 as of 2008-07-15 20:55:20
Size: 4863
Editor: 147-62
Comment: added a few talk propositions
Revision 12 as of 2008-07-15 20:56:47
Size: 4864
Editor: 147-62
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 * HowTo help in the Ubuntu community (Myriam)  * How To help in the Ubuntu community (Myriam)

Intrepid Ibex Releaseparty Zürich

Hier haben wir eine ruhige Ecke um uns über die Vergangene und die kommende RP auszutauchen, Ideen zu sammeln, usw.

Fühlt euch frei hier Eure Meinungen kund zu tun, wir werden uns Zeitnah bei einem IRC Meeting damit auseindersetzen was wir wie planen wollen, hier machen wir aber erstmal Brainstorming

Schedule draft

Zürich party is on November 1, 2008. Lausanne party on November 8, 2008.

  • 15:00: Doors open to the public
  • 16:00 - 16:20: First talk: A quick overview, what is Ubuntu? (20 min)
  • 16:20 - 16:35: Break for the audience, tech setup time for next speaker
  • 16:35 - 16:55: "Newbie" talk no. 1
  • 16:55 - 17:10: Break
  • 17:10 - 17:30: "Newbie" talk no. 2
  • 17:30 - 17:45: Break
  • 17:45 - 18:05: "Newbie" talk no. 3

Schedule topics

We could have three "newbie" talks and three for more advanced users. The talks should be no longer than 20 minutes. A pause of max 15 minutes between talks should be enough to allow the talkers to get their things ready. Please ask Roman ASAP if you need some particular settings (software, desktop environement, other).

The talks listed below are propositions, we will decide ASAP which talks will be chosen. -- MyriamSchweingruber DateTime(2008-07-15T20:55:20Z)

Newbie Talks

  • Welcome and short introduction to Ubuntu (stgraber, Ramon ?)
  • How To help in the Ubuntu community (Myriam)
  • ?

Advanced Talks

  • Total system encryption (by vaiursch)
  • Bug handling, Launchpad use (Tormod)
  • ?

Review RP ZH 8.04

Was war gut?

Was hätte man deiner Meinung nach besser machen können

  • Too many talks that did not concern the target audience. There were not many beginners. --PsyQ

Was hätte man deiner Meinung nach anders machen könne

Was war nicht gut verlaufen?

Preview RP ZH 8.10

Ausrichtung / Rahmen der RP

We are debating whether the 8.10 party should be an informational event aimed at newbies or simply a celebration, more or less for the team itself. --PsyQ

8.04 in ZH was an info day, but Zürich mainstream media ignores Linux and Ubuntu, so we didn't get the mainstream audience we hoped for. This is different in Lausanne. So it would be possible for the ZH RP to simply be a party/get-together "for us". If we do make the ZH RP into an info event, it needs to be done differently than 8.04: Less talks, and more interesting for Ubuntu veterans AS WELL as the newbies we won't get Smile :) --PsyQ

Infoveranstaltung wie 8.04

This section is for activities we could provide if we want the 8.04 party to be for the general public again. --PsyQ

  • Less focus on "newbies". Newbies are welcome and will get help, but the talks should be different. Idea: No more than 3 talks: --PsyQ
    1. What is Ubuntu, how do I install it, how do I install software? (very brief, 20 mins)
    2. (Some current hot topic in Ubuntu-land). e.g. "WINE 1.0: Using Windows programs and games" (that's just an example) (30 mins) --PsyQ
    3. Ubuntu hardware: What you should know when you buy a new PC to get a 100% compatible machine. --PsyQ
  • Few talks, but CLEARLY MARKED opportunities for people to talk to experts and ask their own free-form questions. --PsyQ

  • A quiet area somewhere near the bar with network cables and power, in case anyone wants to install (experience shows that there are few installs at these parties) --PsyQ
  • Demonstrations for Windows- and Mac-Users: How can I do e-mail with Ubuntu? What about office applications? Will Ubuntu fit in my Windows network? etc. --DirkDeimeke

LoCo Veranstaltung, einfach mal unteruns zusammen sitzen

This section is for activities in case we want to make the 8.10 party more of a celebration for us. Outsiders are welcome, of course. --PsyQ

  • Must be made clear that the party is simply a celebration, not an informational event. Although SwissTeam members are happy to answer questions if outsiders show up. --PsyQ

  • Small bar, chips, cake, beer, drinks --PsyQ
  • Sofas or general hangout equipment like at the 8.04 party --PsyQ
  • Some Internet access. --PsyQ
  • Live video stream from and to Lausanne? (if we do both parties on the same day) --PsyQ
  • A public machine that runs the video cam and an IRC session to #ubuntu-ch --PsyQ

That's probably all we need to have a party! --PsyQ

SwissTeam/ReleasePartyIntrepid/Zurich (last edited 2008-11-16 11:24:16 by 84-72-178-80)