Szilveszter Farkas (aka. phanatic)
Email: <Szilveszter DOT Farkas AT gmail DOT com>
Blog (in Hungarian): in English:
- IRC: phanatic @ (#ubuntu-hu, #ubuntu-motu, #ubuntu-devel and #bzr)
- ICQ: 119118300
- MSN: info AT psoftwares DOT hu
- Jabber (Google Talk): szilveszter DOT farkas AT gmail DOT com
- Skype: phanatic86 (rarely available)
Launchpad: phanatic
Contributions to OSS in the past
Nanoweb: PostgreSQL authentication module, unofficial Debian packages (see here)
blackPanther OS: Hungarian Linux distribution, some little hacks on scripts written in Perl
nanoFTPd: FTP server written in PHP, more like a PoC than a serious thing, needs time to enhance features, but no time for it now
XAMS: first unofficial Debian packages (see here), Hungarian translation
gbzr: Bazaar-NG GUI wriitten in GTK2-Perl
Contributions to Ubuntu
Organizer of the Hungarian Ubuntu Conference 2006.
Google SummerofCode2006 student (proposal title: Graphical User Interface for Bazaar-NG version control system (bzr-gui)). Launchpad spec and product page. Homepage of Olive.
- Ubuntu Member (since 7th March 2006)
Hungarian translations (member of HungarianTeam)
Comment on bug #11813
Bugs fixed: #34890, #43451, #43454, #43456, #43524, #43527, #43534, #43673, #43859, #43865, #43874
Launched the Hungarian Ubuntu Linux Community site: - it provides informations in many topics (mainly based on the Hungarian translation of the Ubuntu Guide, but extended), such as howtos, faqs, and install instructions for laptops (wiki-style, and a forum is also available).
- Helped to organize the first Hungarian Ubuntu Translation Weekend (2006-02-11/12) - since then we have Translation Weekends every month.
Presenting Ubuntu on local TV (, Linuxportál live show): Introduction (2006-02-01), Installing and Updating (2006-02-08), Settings (2006-02-22), Multimedia (2006-03-01)
Talked about Ubuntu on local radio (Fikszrádió, Linuxportál, 2006-02-13)
Package(s) in REVU: ubuntu-grub-splashimages
Package(s) in universe: gnome-rdp, nanoweb, sysinfo, libgtk2-sourceview-perl, olive
Planned contributions to Ubuntu
- MOTU packaging
- Community related stuff
About me
I'm a 20-year-old student from Hungary. I'm spending my second year at the Technical University of Budapest (nowadays called Budapest University of Technology and Economics). I installed my first Linux distro (Debian) about 6 years ago. Then I used SuSE, Mandrake and Red Hat before sticking to Debian again (suited the most for me). Since Hoary do I use Ubuntu, and I'm very satisfied with it so far (that's why I decided to contribute in some way: I began with translating into Hungarian - GaborKelemen: thanks for your support). In the future I'd like to contribute more: packaging, testing, and some community related stuff.