July 2008 Team Reports
If your team is not making team reports, see these guidelines for how to do so.
Ubuntu Development Teams
Desktop Team
- Jockey now supports the new NVidia/Fglrx driver structure in Intrepid and can install those drivers in the usual human-friendly way. (Pitti)
- Apport retracers were finally fixed again, and are running. Apport will be enabled by default again right after Alpha-3. (Pitti)
UpdateManager knowns now what nvidia driver packages are required on upgrade and automatically installs the right now (in the better-nvidia-support bzr branch) (mvo)
- Compiz and kwin will share the same script (compiz-manager) to detect if the system is capable of running a composited window manager (mvo, jriddel)
- GNOME has been updated to 2.23.5 (seb128)
- the new gnome-session has been uploaded to intrepid (seb128)
- the new gdm has been packaged and is available in the ubuntu-desktop launchpad bzr but there is still some issues that need to be solved (seb128)
- New website [kubuntu.org]
- KDE 4.1 packaged
Quite a lot of changes in this period:
- rainct joined the team as a mentor and is now mentoring bobbyward, thanks rainct!
- emgent and vorian are not MOTU, way to go guys!!
- warp10 is now mentoring didrocks and pitti is mentoring tacone.
- porthose, huats and nxvl have joined the reception team and are now busy helping with matching and updating our records and documentation. Welcome on board guys!
- To coordinate better the work flow within the reception I have requested a team mailing list, request which so far was unanswered. In the meantime, we have setup a private mailing list.
We are pushing the new mentoring model through (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring/NewModel). We are right now in a transition period, busy updating our documentation and ready to roll off the new program.
MOTU Council
- MC Call 2nd July
- Open Applications: Emanuele Gentili
Working with the Security Team for several months and a clear focus on other security-related activities got Emanuele Gentili a good reputation and lots of sponsors weighed in on his application. We're happy to have him on the MOTU team.
Steve Stalcup has done amazing work and got amazingly good feedback during his MOTU application. Please welcome him to the MOTU team.
- MC Call, July 16th:
- There are no open applications at this time, noone had other business.
Server Team
- JMak has completed the GDM theme for Intrepid.
- Final draft of the Xubuntu Strategy Document has been completed. This will be presented to the Community Council at the next meeting.
- Many updates completed on Xubuntu Wiki
Organized the team for the update of the Xubuntu.org website
- Released Hardy Heron 8.04.01.
- Released Intrepid Alpha 1 and 2 Xubuntu versions
- Added catfish to desktop-recommends.
- Added yelp to desktop-recommends.
- Moved avahi-daemon to desktop-recommends.
- Moved gnome-system-tools to desktop-recommends.
- Moved xfce4-mcs-plugins-extra to desktop-recommends.
- Moved xfce4-terminal to desktop-recommends.
- Added xfce4-mixer to panel by default.
- Set catfish as search command for places plugin.
Started wiki page on performance and began collecting data.
Xubuntu Testing is looking for a Team Leader. Please contact Cody Somerville if you are interested.
Xubuntu is in need of people skilled in Artwork, CSS and HTML for the update of the Xubuntu.org website.
Xubuntu website project status information is available on the Special Projects page.
- Held a community meeting on July 12, 2008. Draft plan to update the website was discussed. Status of xfce4.6 was agreed upon.
Ubuntu LoCo Teams
LoCo Council
- Lithuania, Tunisia approved
- Japan successfully reviewed
- Jorge to help with mailing lists
Georgia (US) Team
- Held planning for Atlanta Linux Fest 2008
Held planning for November UbuCon.
- Found location
- Created logo
Japanese Team
- Team members have written articles for following local magazines:
Nikkei Linux August issue: "Ubuntu 8.04 徹底活用" / "Ubuntuの育て方"
"Ubuntu Linux 入門キット for 8.04 LTS"
The Japanese Team exhibited at the "Open Source Conference 2008 Kansai" on Jul 18 - 19
- The Booth had over three hundred visitors. We distributed Ubuntu CDs, leaflets, and displayed an original poster.
- A seminar was titled "Ubuntu 45 minute cooking." led by Fumihito YOSHIDA
Summrized experience of the previous year and roadmap for the future of the Japanese LoCo Team for Annual Review.
- Released Japanese Remix Desktop CDs for Kubuntu 8.04
- Released virtual machines for Virtual Box and VMware for Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
Colombian Team
We were part of Campus Party Colombia in no official way, as a team and organizing two activities about desktop and graphic enviroments modding, additional to being part of the install fest that lasted the whole week long, doing around 80 Ubuntu installations. Campus Party photo Gallery.
Installfest on SENA Bogota, on the borrowed computers for the first free software journey on this institution. Photo Gallery.
The first Free Software Journey took place on SENA Bogotá, where different talks were given and had a demostration and workwhops room. Photo Gallery.
Ubuntu and Cali underground got together to share free software among Rock music, there was a concert and linux demostrations on the same event.
Israeli Team
Ubuntu Hebrew Blog created at: http://www.ubuntu-il.com/blog.
- A new Drupal main site is being developed.
Tamil Team
Full Circle Magazine
- Issue #15 is now released (as of 25th July).
- #14 released on 26th June, ~20k downloads so far.
- #12 Hungarian and #13 Chinese, Hungarian and Italian are up for download.
We're on the look out for new articles so if you (or someone you know) wants to write an article please email a paragraph detailing your article to: ronnie@fullcirclemagazine.org and I'll get back to you ASAP with a response. Number one rule is: your article must relate (in some way) to K/X/Ubuntu.
- Wine 1.0.0 is available for Hardy in hardy-updates.
- This version includes a fix for double clicking .msi files, however hardy also needs an update to shared-mime-info.
- The version of Wine for Intrepid will likely be from the stable Wine 1.0 branch.
Wineconf is in September, and ScottRitchie will be going. He might decide on a later Wine for Intrepid if he can get some reassurances about regressions.
Mozilla Extension Team report: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/ReportJuly08
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