Cody A.W. Somerville
Location : Ottawa, ON, Canada
Launchpad :
IRC : cody-somerville @
About me
I'm an Ubuntu Core Developer since 2009, member of the Ubuntu Developer Membership board, and former project leader for the Xubuntu flavour of Ubuntu.
Previously an employee of Canonical, I designed and implemented the image building, software package repository management, and release infrastructure used by the Professional Engineering and Services group to deliver Ubuntu pre-installed on eight-to-ten million devices in 2011.
I'm now an engineer in Hewlett-Packard's Office of Corporate Strategy and Technology doing fun cloud R&D stuff
I'm always happy to lend a hand or help anyway I can. If you're interested in any of the projects I'm involved in or think I'd be interested in one of yours, please feel free to contact me.
Areas of Contributions
- Ubuntu Core Developer and MOTU
- Image building infrastructure
- Member of Ubuntu Developer Membership board
- Member of the Ubuntu Documentation Project Core Commiter Team
- Former Xubuntu Project Lead and Developer - developed the Xubuntu project strategy document
Former Chief Editor of UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter
- Former member of the Ubuntu Universe SRU Approval Team
CodySomerville (last edited 2013-01-30 01:37:29 by CPE204e7f143661-CM78cd8ec1a8dd)