- Meeting 2011-01-11
- Chair: Kees Cook
- Present: Martin Pitt, Matt Zimmerman, Colin Watson, Scott James Remnant
- Apologies: Mark Shuttleworth
- Guests: Allison Randal, Brian Murray, Jonathan Lange, Kate Stewart
- Action review
- Prior meeting actions were finished, based on review by Colin.
- Version template for -extras
- Settled on $upstream-0extras$YY.$MM.$serial where $YY.$MM is the Ubuntu release version number.
- Reorganizing drivers/owners/release managers permissions in Launchpad
progress being tracked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaunchpadPermissions
- Action: mdz - Set the release manager to ubuntu-release
- Action: mdz - Review ubuntu-drivers membership and make sure it includes (only) people who need to manage blueprints
- Action: mdz - Review ubuntu-release membership
- Action: mdz - Set the owner/maintainer to techboard
- Action: mdz - announce something to ubuntu-devel-announce
- Action: bdmurray - file bug about bug supervisor not being able to set bug reporting guidelines for Ubuntu as a whole (not just packages)
Action: pitti - file bug about the fact that uploaders cannot target bugs to series (IBugNomination.CanApprove)
- Next chair: Keybuk
- Meeting 2011-01-25
- Chair: Martin Pitt
- Present: Colin Watson, Kees Cook
- Apologies: Mark Shuttleworth, Matt Zimmerman, Scott James Remnant
- Guests: Xavier Robin
- Action review
- mdz - Set the release manager to ubuntu-release: carried over
- mdz - Review ubuntu-drivers membership and make sure it includes (only) people who need to manage blueprints: carried over
- mdz - Review ubuntu-release membership: carried over
- mdz - Set the owner/maintainer to techboard: carried over
- mdz - announce something to ubuntu-devel-announce: carried over
- bdmurray - file bug about bug supervisor not being able to set bug reporting guidelines for Ubuntu as a whole (not just packages): carried over
pitti - file bug about the fact that uploaders cannot target bugs to series (IBugNomination.CanApprove): Done, 451390
Default ntpd configuration (104525)
Xavier already asked for X.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org to be created, and it is working.
- Provides round-robin with geolocation, and thus should provide more decentralized service on average
- The only concern is about their quality assessment, otherwise this was regarded as an improvement
- Action: Martin to check with James Troup about current quality experience of pool.ntp.org
Action: Martin to add TB as vendor contact point for http://groups.google.com/group/ntppool-vendors?pli=1
- TB will review this topic again in the next meeting once above actions are done.
- Seamonkey microrelease SRU exception
- Martin and Mark already voted +1 by mail; Kees and Colin voted +1 in meeting
Approved and added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions
- Next chair: Scott