
Revision 9 as of 2008-08-25 14:23:49

Clear message


Two test cases:

  • It opens the update-manager, unselects all the available updates and checks if download size = 0 and the install button is disabled.
  • It opens the update-manager, checks for updates and install them in case there is any.

How to run

  • Enable the Assistive Technologies (System -> Preferences -> Assistive Technologies)

    • assistive.png

  • Install the latest tests as explained on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Automation/LDTP#Ubuntu%20Desktop%20Tests

  • Move to the updateSystem folder
  • If you're using Intrepid it might be necessary to restart gnome-panel application to activate the accessibility information.
  • Edit file update_manager_data.xml with your admin password.
  • Execute in a terminal ./run_test.sh update_system.xml


  • python-ldtp >= 1.1.0

  • ldtp >= 1.1.0

  • ubuntutesting library
  • xsltproc
  • firefox
