
Revision 14 as of 2007-10-11 16:05:08

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  • Server installs.



Default installation

  1. Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)
  2. Select Install to hard disk

  3. Choose your language, country and keyboard layout
  4. Set hostname: default - ubuntu
  5. Partition disks: Guided use entire disk

  6. Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC
  7. User account: enter username and password
  8. No software selection.
  9. Reboot and login.


Default installation: LVM partitioning

  1. Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)
  2. Select Install to hard disk

  3. Choose your language, country and keyboard layout
  4. Set hostname: default - ubuntu
  5. Partition disks: Guided use entire disk and LVM

  6. Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC
  7. User account: enter username and password
  8. No software selection.
  9. Reboot and login.
  10. Make sure that the root file system is mounted from /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root:
    • sudo mount



  1. Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)
  2. Select Install to hard disk

  3. Choose your language, country and keyboard layout
  4. Set hostname: default - ubuntu
  5. Partition disks: Guided use entire disk
  6. Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC
  7. User account: enter username and password
  8. Software selection: DNS Server

  9. Reboot and login.
  10. Confirm that bind is running:
    • pgrep named should return the pid of named.



  1. Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)
  2. Select Install to hard disk

  3. Choose your language, country and keyboard layout
  4. Set hostname: default - ubuntu
  5. Partition disks: Guided use entire disk
  6. Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC
  7. User account: enter username and password
  8. Software selection: LAMP

  9. Reboot and login.
  10. Test Apache:

    • Execute wget in a terminal and verify that it is the same as /var/www/apache2-default/index.html (i.e. 'diff index.html /var/www/apache2-default/index.html').

  11. Test MySQL

    • Execute mysql -u root in a terminal. You should then be presented with a mysql prompt mysql>  where you can enter mysql commands. Some commands you can use to verify the installation are show databases;, connect mysql;, show tables;, and select * from user;.


  1. Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)
  2. Select Install to hard disk

  3. Choose your language, country and keyboard layout
  4. Set hostname: default - ubuntu
  5. Partition disks: Guided use entire disk
  6. Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC
  7. User account: enter username and password
  8. Software selection: Print Server

  9. Reboot and login.
  10. Test cupsys:

    • sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys status should state the cupsd is running.


Openssh server

  1. Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)
  2. Select Install to hard disk

  3. Choose your language, country and keyboard layout
  4. Set hostname: default - ubuntu
  5. Partition disks: Guided use entire disk
  6. Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC
  7. User account: enter username and password
  8. Software selection: Openssh Server

  9. Reboot and login.
  10. Confirm that sshd is running:
    • pgrep sshd should return the pid of sshd.

    • If you can, try to connect to the server from a remote client.


Samba server

  1. Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)
  2. Select Install to hard disk

  3. Choose your language, country and keyboard layout
  4. Set hostname: default - ubuntu
  5. Partition disks: Guided use entire disk
  6. Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC
  7. User account: enter username and password
  8. Software selection: Samba Server

  9. Reboot and login.
  10. Confirm that sshd is running:
    • pgrep smbd, pgrep nmbd, pgrep winbindd should return the pid of the different processes.


Mail server

  1. Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)
  2. Select Install to hard disk

  3. Choose your language, country and keyboard layout
  4. Set hostname: default - ubuntu
  5. Partition disks: Guided use entire disk
  6. Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC
  7. User account: enter username and password
  8. Software selection: Mail Server

  9. Reboot and login.
  10. Confirm that postfix is running:
    • telnet 25 should connect to postfix.

  11. Confirm that dovecot pop3 and imap servers are running:
    • sudo netstat -ltnp | grep dovecot should list 4 dovecot instances (port 110, 143, 993 and 995).

  12. Send a test email:
    • mail -s 'test' ${USER} 

    • Start mutt - the test email should be in the inbox.


PostgreSQL Database Server

  1. Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)
  2. Select Install to hard disk

  3. Choose your language, country and keyboard layout
  4. Set hostname: default - ubuntu
  5. Partition disks: Guided use entire disk
  6. Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC
  7. User account: enter username and password
  8. Software selection: PostgreSQL Database

  9. Reboot and login.
  10. Create a database user:
    • sudo -u postgres createuser -A -D -A ${USER} 

  11. Create a database:
    • sudo -u postgres createdb -O ${USER} ${USER}_db

  12. Connect to the database:
    • psql ${USER}_db