
Revision 5 as of 2006-06-29 08:23:37

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Launchpad: [http://launchpad.net/people/tim-adam]

Homepage: [http://tim.ultis.net]

Email: <tim dot adam at qutility dot be>

About me

I'm a Belgian (Flemish) ICT engineer interested in open source software development and network security. I maintain 1 FreeBSD, 2 RedHat enterprise servers but the rest of them are just plain Windows 2000/2003 since our clients are all running WinXP pro.

Although i have to work mostly on the Windows platform for my job, i try to invest some time to learn how to handle the open source platforms, since i feel i will be needing the experience within some years when Linux will take over the enterprise networks as Desktop OS. I believe that taking Linux as a desktop environment in the office would increase productivity...

The remaining time i develop network/intranet applications, websites and webservices. I ususally develop in one of these languages depending on my needs:

  • Java (J2EE)
  • Visual Basic (.NET)
  • Perl
  • PHP 4.x

Currently i'm learning Python because i ran into some troubles using mono for my .NET projects on linux. Python in combination with the Eclipse IDE: it's an unstoppable combo Smile :)


Responsible for 2 distribution points in West-Vlaanderen, Belgium: one in Oostduinkerke and one in Roeselare. Check out [http://map.ubuntu-be.org/nl/ the map of personal distribution points].

Member of [https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be the ubuntu-be mailing list].

I'm a fresh member of the [http://www.lugwv.be the Linux User Group West Vlaanderen].


I have tried out various Linux distributions at home such as Debian, SUSE, Mandriva as secondary OS and a load of live cd's such as Gnoppix, Knoppix STD, Helix, Gentoo before i found Ubuntu. I kinda like the way the Ubuntu community sticks together.

Currently i'm running Ubuntu DD as primary OS on my Travelmate 290 and Toshiba T 8000, and i'm still learning new tricks thanks to the documentation & the forums. At work i recuperated an OldWorld G3 PowerPc that was about to be thrown away by installing Ubuntu on it. I've encountered a lot of boundaries and restrictions when trying to get it to work, but in some kind of way i feel it has only helped me to understand how Ubuntu works from the inside out.


  • Making more people Ubuntu-aware
  • Making demo-material and a handy list for people interested in Ubuntu
  • Beeing more active on bugreports & translations
