
Revision 8 as of 2013-02-01 13:13:18

Clear message


This web page is where we are coordinating the work to build a Calculator application for the Ubuntu Phone that could also extend to other form factors too with the responsive design features built into the Ubuntu SDK

The Details

Launchpad Project


Launchpad Team


IRC Channel

#ubuntu-phone on Freenode



User Stories

Note: please don't add user stories here. We are defining these as a limited set to keep the scope more limited to get out a first version.

  • Must Have: I want to use standard calculator features
  • Should Have: I want to utilize bracketing for more complex calculations
  • Could Have: I want to use memory features (e.g. MR, MC)
  • Could Have: I want to use scientific calculator features

Functional Requirements

Note: likewise, please don't add functional requirements here. We are defining these as a limited set to keep the scope more limited to get out a first version.

  • Parse a calculation string -or- record use input to build calculation
  • Switch views from standard to scientific calculator


How To Add Your Design

Basic functions view

  • Jon Chambers - A basic view with some slightly more advanced features from scientific calculators.

Scientific functions view

  • Needed

Switching between views

  • Needed

Add to Memory

  • Jon Chambers - Adding values to memory achieved without needing extra buttons.

  • Jon Chambers - functionality for saving/loading "template" formulas where you can define variables to be substituted when the formula is loaded.

Retrieve from Memory

  • Jon Chambers - A comprehensive retrieve from memory view allows you to get stored values, constants such as Pi, or view input history.


This is where the spec will be.

Prior Art

MyScript Calculator

MyScript Calculator has nearly no user interface elements and allows the user to input mathematical expression by drawing them on the screen. This concept feels natural, is very flexible and looks modern.