
Differences between revisions 4 and 34 (spanning 30 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2008-11-06 01:18:46
Size: 3782
Editor: c-98-201-42-190
Revision 34 as of 2008-12-09 00:45:48
Size: 9961
Editor: 74
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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This page will be the primary sign up sheet for contributors who wish to help with upgrading the Ubuntu Desktop Course from 7.10 to 8.04 LTS. We are asking for volunteers to read through each chapter of the materials and if you have any suggestions, then add it to this list. If you would also like to create a patch to address the change, add your name to that column so we know who is working them. If you need to know how to create a patch, well I'm working on that page next. This page will be the primary sign up sheet for contributors who wish to help with upgrading the Ubuntu Desktop Course from 7.10 to 8.04 LTS. We are asking for volunteers to read through each chapter of the materials and if you have any suggestions, then add it to this list. If you would also like to create a patch to address the change, add your name to that column so we know who is working them. If you need to know how to create a patch, there will be a weekly session in #ubuntu-training on Wednesday @20:00 UTC. Several wonderful folks have also updated the [[|KnowledgeBase]] with new instructions.
Line 5: Line 5:
We also just received clarification that we will need to update all 'generic' type screenshots from the 7.10 desktop to the 8.04 HH default wallpaper. (argh!!!!) so we are also looking for 1 or 2 more dedicated screenshot contributors to help Popey with that process. I'll create another page with out screenshot process.
Line 6: Line 8:
Notes from EJ:
 * The numbered sections are part of an auto-generated TOC. They should be fixed automatically on the next build. Please verify after building the next set of PDFs that the numbering is correct.
|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' || '''Identified by''' || '''Contributor to fix''' ||
||||'''Front Matter - section assigned to Dinda for review'''|||| ||
||Front Matter, page 2 ||Remove sentence "The best way to do this is with a link to this web page." ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||Front Matter, page 2 ||replace page # header "2" with "ii" to be consistent with other #s in section ||Dinda|| EJ ||
||Front Matter, page iii ||Remove "3.3.2 Thunderbird" from TOC ||Dinda|| EJ ||
||Front Matter, page iv ||Remove "4.7.2 Scribus" from TOC ||Dinda|| EJ ||
||Front Matter, page iii ||Remove "4.7.3 Evince" from TOC ||Dinda|| EJ ||
||Front Matter, page v ||Remove "with gThumb" from item 7.2.1 ||Dinda|| EJ ||
||Front Matter, page vii ||Replace "7.10" with "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS", 1st paragraph & in section 1. ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||Front Matter, page vii ||Note to self: Need to verify updates of LP PPAs ||Dinda||Dinda ||
||Front Matter, page ix ||Remove "Desktop Search Tracker" from Exploring Ubuntu Desktop section || Dinda || EJ, done ||
||Front Matter, page ix ||Replace "Accessing Newsreaders" with "Accessing RSS Feeds" ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||Front Matter, page x ||Remove "with gThumb" from "Viewing Images" ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
Line 7: Line 24:
|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' ||'''Identified by''' || '''Critical?Incorporate? (yes/no)''' ||'''Contributor to create patch'''|| '''Date Fixed''' ||
||||'''Front Matter - section assigned to Dinda for review'''|| || || || ||
||Front Matter, page 2 ||replace "this web page" with URL ||Dinda|| || || ||
||Front Matter, page 2 ||replace 2 with "ii" to be consistent with other #s in section ||Dinda|| || || ||
||Front Matter, page iii ||update TOC to include new items ||Dinda|| || || ||
||Front Matter, page iv ||replace names of OO apps with new ||Dinda|| || || ||
||Front Matter, page v ||gThumb? obsolete section? ||Dinda|| || || ||
||Front Matter, page vii || replace all instances of 7.10 to 8.04 LTS, verify LP PPA info ||Dinda|| || || ||
||Front Matter, page ix ||update names of OO apps ||Dinda|| || || ||
||Front Matter, page 2 ||replace "this web page" with URL ||Dinda|| || || ||
== Global Changes ==
 * Replace all instances of "7.10" to "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS"
 * Search and replace NOT performed on Chapter 1 as the only reference to 7.10 was in reference to version names.
Line 21: Line 31:
|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' ||'''Identified by''' || '''Critical? Incorporate? (yes/no)''' ||'''Contributor to create patch'''|| '''Date Fixed''' ||
||||'''Chapter 1 - section assigned to Dinda for review'''|| || || || ||
||1.1, pg 4 ||Update with current Ubuntu stats; members, users, etc. ||Dinda|| || || ||
||1.3.2, pg 6 ||update fig 1.4 Ubuntu Versions ||Dinda|| || || ||
||1.3.2, pg 7 ||add latest descriptions of Ubuntu Versions ||Dinda|| || || ||
||1.3.3, pg 7 ||"using KDE instead of GNOME" several have pointed out users will have no idea what KDE means at this point ||Dinda|| || || ||
||1.3.4, pg 7 ||make text flow better reword "comprised of"||Dinda|| || || ||
||1.4.2, pg 13 ||remove "Vista" just use MS? ||Dinda|| || || ||
|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' ||'''Identified by''' ||'''Contributor to fix'''||
||||'''Chapter 1 - section assigned to Dinda for review'''|| || ||
||1, pg 1 || Using same bullet list structure, replace "In this lesson, you will learn" to "After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Describe the fundamental concepts of open source; Describe the link between the Free Software Movement, open source and Linux; Explain how Ubuntu ties in with open source; Describe how Ubuntu is developed; Explain the Ubuntu version naming conventions; Identify the key differences between Ubuntu and Microsoft Windows"||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||1.1, pg 4 ||Change "12,000 members" to "thousands of members" ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||1.3.2, pg 6 ||update fig 1.4 Ubuntu Versions ||Dinda||Dinda ||
||1.3.2, pg 7 ||add latest descriptions of Ubuntu Versions: Intrepid and Jaunty ||Dinda|| Dinda ||
||1.3.3, pg 7 ||Replace 3rd sentence with“Kubuntu is an official derivative of Ubuntu based on the work of the K Desktop project (KDE). KDE is a powerful graphical desktop environment, combining ease of use and contemporary functionality.”||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||1.3.4, pg 7 ||Replace "The Ubuntu community comprises of many individuals" with "The Ubuntu community is made of many individuals. . ."||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||1.3.4, pg 8 ||Add " and training materials" to end 3rd bullet ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||1.4.2, pg 12 ||Replace Multimedia bullet with "Audio CD Extractor, Brasero, Rhythmbox, Movie Player and Sound Recorder" ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||1.4.2, pg 14 ||Replace paragraph on multimedia with ". . .on Ubuntu, such as Audio CD Extractor, Brasero Disc Burning, Rhythmbox Music Player, Movie Player and Sound Recorder. Rhythmbox is the default application for playing audio CDs and organising music and playlists. Rhythmbox is similiar to Microsoft Windows Media Player. You can use Brasero to author audio CDs." ||Dinda||EJ, done ||
||1.5, pg. 15 ||Change 1st bullet to "The fundamental concepts of open source."||Dinda||EJ, please double check||
Line 31: Line 45:
|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' ||'''Identified by''' || '''Critical? Incorporate? (yes/no)''' ||'''Contributor to create patch'''|| '''Date Fixed''' ||
||||'''Chapter 2 - section assigned to emmajane for review'''|| || || || ||
||2.1, pg 17/18/19 ||do we need to update all these generic screenshots for HH? ||Dinda|| || || ||
||2.1, pg 24 ||updates need screenshots fig 2.19 for 8.04 ||Dinda|| || || ||
||2.3, pg 29 ||change "Note" to include whether or not the info is required in order to create an account ||Dinda|| || || ||
||2.7, pg 36 ||change 5th bullet - from 7.10 to 8.04 - verify this is true ||Dinda|| || || ||

|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' ||'''Identified by''' ||'''Contributor to fix'''||
||2.1, pg 17/18/19 ||Update all these generic screenshots ||Dinda|| Dinda/Popey ||
||2.1, pg 24 ||updates need screenshots fig 2.19 for 8.04 ||Dinda|| Dinda ||
||2.6, pg 34-35 ||Remove entire topic on Desktop Search Tracker||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||2.7, pg 36 ||change 5th bullet - from 7.10 to 8.04, remove last bullet||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||2.8, pg 37 ||Remove Question 4 ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
Line 39: Line 54:
|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' ||'''Identified by''' || '''Critical?Incorporate? (yes/no)''' ||'''Contributor to create patch'''|| '''Date Fixed''' || Notes from EJ:
 * In the instructor notes it says that Liferea is NOT installed by default. Wasn't the rule that if it wasn't installed it wouldn't be included?
 * There are also additional references to WengoPhone in this chapter. I thought that was going to be removed?
 * There were no references to Ubuntu 7.10 in this chapter (so nothing changed to 8.04 LTS).

|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' ||'''Identified by''' || '''Contributor to fix''' ||
||3 ||All screenshots need to be updated ||Dinda|| Dinda/Popey ||
||3, pg 39 ||Change 3rd bullet to "Use an RSS newsreader"||Dinda|| EJ, done||
||3, pg 39 ||Instructor Note - Remove "and WengoPhone."||Dinda|| EJ, done||
||3.1.2, pg 41 ||Change Step 2 to: "Click on the '''Unlock''' button and enter your Administrator's password." renumber subsequent steps. ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||3.1.2, pg 42 || Change Note to: "Most broadband providers will use Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) to provide you with an IP address. If a Static IP address is required, it will be provided by your network administrator. The following steps are for setting up a static IP address." ||Dinda|| EJ, done||
||3.1.2, pg 42 ||Add new paragraph after these steps: "If your internet provider uses DHCP (Dynamic Host Connection Protocol) you simply need to select '''Automatic Configuration (DHCP)''' from the '''Configuration''' drop down menu."||Dinda|| EJ, done||
||3.2, p 47||Remove word "Live" from Bookmarks title||Dinda ||EJ, done||
||3.2, p. 47|| Remove "live" from "To create a live bookmark. . ."||Dinda||EJ, done||
||3.2, pg 47 ||Add new bookmarking steps, remove Live Bookmarking steps: 1. Open the Firefox web browser. On the '''Bookmarks''' menu, click on '''Bookmark this page'''. 2. The Bookmarks dialog box will appear. Select a location to save the new bookmark and add any tags (keywords). 3. Click '''Done''' to save your bookmark.||Dinda|| EJ, done||
||3.2, p.47||Add new paragraph after those steps: "To sort your bookmarks and create new folders, or categories, select '''Organize Bookmarks''' from the '''Bookmarks''' menu.||Dinda||EJ, done||
||3.3, pg 49 ||Change section 3.3 to "Using an RSS feed reader." ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||3.3, pg 49 ||Change text to simply: "News feeds allow you to see when a Web site has added new content. You can get the latest headlines as soon as it is publisehd without having to visit the website. These news feeds are known as RSS or Really Simple Syndication."||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||3.3.2, pg 54 - 59 ||Remove entire Thunderbird section. ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||3.7, p. 89 ||Remove "live" from 3rd bullet ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||3.7, p. 89 ||Remove "It is also used to access newsgroups." from 6th bullet. ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||3.8, p. 90 ||Remove questions 3, 8, 11, renumber accordingly ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||3.9, p. 92 ||Remove Exercise 1, renumber 2 & 3 to 1 & 2 from 6th bullet. ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||3 NEW ||Need to add section to cover the new app Transmission BitTorrent client, perhaps?? ||Dinda|| Dinda||
Line 42: Line 81:
|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' ||'''Identified by''' || '''Critical?Incorporate? (yes/no)''' ||'''Contributor to create patch'''|| '''Date Fixed''' || Notes from EJ: 7.10 is not referenced in this section, so no search and replace for 8.04 upgrade required.

|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' ||'''Identified by'''||'''Contributor to create patch'''||
|| 4.5.2, p. 139 || Change Step 1, first sentence to "On the '''Applications''' menu, select '''Graphics''' and then ''' Drawing'''.||Dinda||EJ, done||
|| 4.7.2 - 3, pg 156-7|| Remove sections on Scribus & Evince ||Dinda||EJ, done||
|| 4.8, p. 159 || Remove last 2 bullets; Scribus & Evince ||Dinda||EJ, done||
|| 4.9, p. 161 || Remove question 12 ||Dinda||EJ, done||
Line 45: Line 90:
|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' ||'''Identified by''' || '''Critical?Incorporate? (yes/no)''' ||'''Contributor to create patch'''|| '''Date Fixed''' || Notes from EJ: 5.6 Lab exercises included "On the Software Sources dialogue box, select the check boxes next to main and universe options. Retain the Main server option in the Download from category and clear the CDrom with Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" check box." I have updated the reference to the check box to read merely, "CDrom."

|| '''Section/Page''' || '''Suggested Update''' ||'''Identified by''' ||||'''Contributor to create patch'''||
||||'''Chapter 5 '''|| || ||
||5.1, pg.167 ||update 7.10 with "8.04" ||Dinda|| EJ, done ||
||5 ||update all screenshots ||Dinda|| Dinda/Popey ||
||5.3.1 ||Do we want to expand the Wine section? ||Dinda|| ??||

This page will be the primary sign up sheet for contributors who wish to help with upgrading the Ubuntu Desktop Course from 7.10 to 8.04 LTS. We are asking for volunteers to read through each chapter of the materials and if you have any suggestions, then add it to this list. If you would also like to create a patch to address the change, add your name to that column so we know who is working them. If you need to know how to create a patch, there will be a weekly session in #ubuntu-training on Wednesday @20:00 UTC. Several wonderful folks have also updated the KnowledgeBase with new instructions.

FYI: I am using the printed Instructor's Guide as my reference copy.

We also just received clarification that we will need to update all 'generic' type screenshots from the 7.10 desktop to the 8.04 HH default wallpaper. (argh!!!!) so we are also looking for 1 or 2 more dedicated screenshot contributors to help Popey with that process. I'll create another page with out screenshot process.

Front Matter

Notes from EJ:

  • The numbered sections are part of an auto-generated TOC. They should be fixed automatically on the next build. Please verify after building the next set of PDFs that the numbering is correct.


Suggested Update

Identified by

Contributor to fix

Front Matter - section assigned to Dinda for review

Front Matter, page 2

Remove sentence "The best way to do this is with a link to this web page."


EJ, done

Front Matter, page 2

replace page # header "2" with "ii" to be consistent with other #s in section



Front Matter, page iii

Remove "3.3.2 Thunderbird" from TOC



Front Matter, page iv

Remove "4.7.2 Scribus" from TOC



Front Matter, page iii

Remove "4.7.3 Evince" from TOC



Front Matter, page v

Remove "with gThumb" from item 7.2.1



Front Matter, page vii

Replace "7.10" with "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS", 1st paragraph & in section 1.


EJ, done

Front Matter, page vii

Note to self: Need to verify updates of LP PPAs



Front Matter, page ix

Remove "Desktop Search Tracker" from Exploring Ubuntu Desktop section


EJ, done

Front Matter, page ix

Replace "Accessing Newsreaders" with "Accessing RSS Feeds"


EJ, done

Front Matter, page x

Remove "with gThumb" from "Viewing Images"


EJ, done

Global Changes

  • Replace all instances of "7.10" to "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS"
  • Search and replace NOT performed on Chapter 1 as the only reference to 7.10 was in reference to version names.

Chapter 1 Introducing Ubuntu


Suggested Update

Identified by

Contributor to fix

Chapter 1 - section assigned to Dinda for review

1, pg 1

Using same bullet list structure, replace "In this lesson, you will learn" to "After completing this lesson, you will be able to: Describe the fundamental concepts of open source; Describe the link between the Free Software Movement, open source and Linux; Explain how Ubuntu ties in with open source; Describe how Ubuntu is developed; Explain the Ubuntu version naming conventions; Identify the key differences between Ubuntu and Microsoft Windows"


EJ, done

1.1, pg 4

Change "12,000 members" to "thousands of members"


EJ, done

1.3.2, pg 6

update fig 1.4 Ubuntu Versions



1.3.2, pg 7

add latest descriptions of Ubuntu Versions: Intrepid and Jaunty



1.3.3, pg 7

Replace 3rd sentence with“Kubuntu is an official derivative of Ubuntu based on the work of the K Desktop project (KDE). KDE is a powerful graphical desktop environment, combining ease of use and contemporary functionality.”


EJ, done

1.3.4, pg 7

Replace "The Ubuntu community comprises of many individuals" with "The Ubuntu community is made of many individuals. . ."


EJ, done

1.3.4, pg 8

Add " and training materials" to end 3rd bullet


EJ, done

1.4.2, pg 12

Replace Multimedia bullet with "Audio CD Extractor, Brasero, Rhythmbox, Movie Player and Sound Recorder"


EJ, done

1.4.2, pg 14

Replace paragraph on multimedia with ". . .on Ubuntu, such as Audio CD Extractor, Brasero Disc Burning, Rhythmbox Music Player, Movie Player and Sound Recorder. Rhythmbox is the default application for playing audio CDs and organising music and playlists. Rhythmbox is similiar to Microsoft Windows Media Player. You can use Brasero to author audio CDs."


EJ, done

1.5, pg. 15

Change 1st bullet to "The fundamental concepts of open source."


EJ, please double check

Chapter 2 Exploring the Ubuntu Desktop


Suggested Update

Identified by

Contributor to fix

2.1, pg 17/18/19

Update all these generic screenshots



2.1, pg 24

updates need screenshots fig 2.19 for 8.04



2.6, pg 34-35

Remove entire topic on Desktop Search Tracker


EJ, done

2.7, pg 36

change 5th bullet - from 7.10 to 8.04, remove last bullet


EJ, done

2.8, pg 37

Remove Question 4


EJ, done

Chapter 3 Using the Internet

Notes from EJ:

  • In the instructor notes it says that Liferea is NOT installed by default. Wasn't the rule that if it wasn't installed it wouldn't be included?
  • There are also additional references to WengoPhone in this chapter. I thought that was going to be removed?

  • There were no references to Ubuntu 7.10 in this chapter (so nothing changed to 8.04 LTS).


Suggested Update

Identified by

Contributor to fix


All screenshots need to be updated



3, pg 39

Change 3rd bullet to "Use an RSS newsreader"


EJ, done

3, pg 39

Instructor Note - Remove "and WengoPhone."


EJ, done

3.1.2, pg 41

Change Step 2 to: "Click on the Unlock button and enter your Administrator's password." renumber subsequent steps.


EJ, done

3.1.2, pg 42

Change Note to: "Most broadband providers will use Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) to provide you with an IP address. If a Static IP address is required, it will be provided by your network administrator. The following steps are for setting up a static IP address."


EJ, done

3.1.2, pg 42

Add new paragraph after these steps: "If your internet provider uses DHCP (Dynamic Host Connection Protocol) you simply need to select Automatic Configuration (DHCP) from the Configuration drop down menu."


EJ, done

3.2, p 47

Remove word "Live" from Bookmarks title


EJ, done

3.2, p. 47

Remove "live" from "To create a live bookmark. . ."


EJ, done

3.2, pg 47

Add new bookmarking steps, remove Live Bookmarking steps: 1. Open the Firefox web browser. On the Bookmarks menu, click on Bookmark this page. 2. The Bookmarks dialog box will appear. Select a location to save the new bookmark and add any tags (keywords). 3. Click Done to save your bookmark.


EJ, done

3.2, p.47

Add new paragraph after those steps: "To sort your bookmarks and create new folders, or categories, select Organize Bookmarks from the Bookmarks menu.


EJ, done

3.3, pg 49

Change section 3.3 to "Using an RSS feed reader."


EJ, done

3.3, pg 49

Change text to simply: "News feeds allow you to see when a Web site has added new content. You can get the latest headlines as soon as it is publisehd without having to visit the website. These news feeds are known as RSS or Really Simple Syndication."


EJ, done

3.3.2, pg 54 - 59

Remove entire Thunderbird section.


EJ, done

3.7, p. 89

Remove "live" from 3rd bullet


EJ, done

3.7, p. 89

Remove "It is also used to access newsgroups." from 6th bullet.


EJ, done

3.8, p. 90

Remove questions 3, 8, 11, renumber accordingly


EJ, done

3.9, p. 92

Remove Exercise 1, renumber 2 & 3 to 1 & 2 from 6th bullet.


EJ, done


Need to add section to cover the new app Transmission BitTorrent client, perhaps??



Chapter 4 Using OpenOffice Applications

Notes from EJ: 7.10 is not referenced in this section, so no search and replace for 8.04 upgrade required.


Suggested Update

Identified by

Contributor to create patch

4.5.2, p. 139

Change Step 1, first sentence to "On the Applications menu, select Graphics and then Drawing.


EJ, done

4.7.2 - 3, pg 156-7

Remove sections on Scribus & Evince


EJ, done

4.8, p. 159

Remove last 2 bullets; Scribus & Evince


EJ, done

4.9, p. 161

Remove question 12


EJ, done

Chapter 5 Ubuntu and Games

Notes from EJ: 5.6 Lab exercises included "On the Software Sources dialogue box, select the check boxes next to main and universe options. Retain the Main server option in the Download from category and clear the CDrom with Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" check box." I have updated the reference to the check box to read merely, "CDrom."


Suggested Update

Identified by

Contributor to create patch

Chapter 5

5.1, pg.167

update 7.10 with "8.04"


EJ, done


update all screenshots




Do we want to expand the Wine section?



Chapters 6 - 10

Training/DesktopCourseUpgradeTasks (last edited 2008-12-09 00:45:48 by 74)