Attachment '2008-11-05-ubuntu-training.txt'
Download 1 Conversation with #ubuntu-training
3 (01:53:59 PM) *The topic for #ubuntu-training is: Ubuntu Training ||
4 || Next Meeting: 5 November at 20:00 UTC*
5 (01:54:47 PM) DougieRichardson: watch it, boss is here ;-)
6 (01:55:19 PM) *cropalato left the room (quit: Read error: 110
7 (Connection timed out)).*
8 (01:55:33 PM) *dinda:* :) not mine, she'll be here soon I'm sure
9 (01:56:00 PM) DougieRichardson: lol
10 (01:57:05 PM) *merol [/n=merol@] entered the room.*
11 (01:57:16 PM) merol: buona sera
12 (01:57:37 PM) *dinda:* welcome merol
13 (01:57:49 PM) merol: sono del gruppo Ithum per la richiesta di
14 affiliazione italiana
15 (01:57:53 PM) *merol:* ciao dinda
16 (01:58:59 PM) *JustinClift
17 [/] entered the room.*
18 (01:59:14 PM) *billycina
19 [/] entered the room.*
20 (01:59:18 PM) ITHUM: benvenuto massimo
21 (01:59:20 PM) ITHUM: ;)
22 (01:59:30 PM) billycina: greetings all
23 (01:59:54 PM) JustinClift: 'elo
24 (02:00:11 PM) *dinda:* and there she is, right one cue
25 (02:00:17 PM) *dinda:* Welcome all!
26 (02:00:23 PM) merol: ciao ITHUM
27 (02:00:35 PM) *dinda:* a few new folks, quick round of intros. . .
28 (02:00:50 PM) *dinda:* I'm Belinda, aka dinda, from Galveston, texas
29 (02:01:19 PM) billycina: I am Belinda from Canonical, Israel
30 (02:01:27 PM) billycina: Billy!
31 (02:01:31 PM) *dinda:* lol
32 (02:01:33 PM) billycina: why did i say belinda??
33 (02:01:38 PM) *dinda:* she's forgotten her own name
34 (02:01:42 PM) ***billycina goes slightly insane
35 (02:01:48 PM) *dinda:* I'm also from Canonical
36 (02:01:49 PM) DougieRichardson: No, I'm Belinda!
37 (02:01:56 PM) ***JustinClift hands billycina a stronger coffee
38 (02:02:07 PM) billycina: thanks Justin, much needed
39 (02:02:09 PM) *dinda:* it's a good name, I'll sell it to you
40 (02:02:17 PM) *dinda:* thanks for staying up late billycina
41 (02:02:34 PM) billycina: np - that's my excuse!!
42 (02:02:39 PM) *markvandenborre [/n=mark@ubuntu/member/markvandenborre/]
43 entered the room.*
44 (02:02:51 PM) ITHUM: greetings all, me and merol are from the italian
45 group that made the request of affiliation
46 (02:03:08 PM) *dinda:* hey mark - just doing intros
47 (02:03:11 PM) ITHUM: ...we are from Rome
48 (02:03:20 PM) ***markvandenborre is from Belgium
49 (02:03:47 PM) billycina: hey markvandenborre
50 (02:03:59 PM) *dinda:* ping camil, emmajane, pleia2
51 (02:04:06 PM) *dinda:* ping popey
52 (02:04:06 PM) JustinClift: I am Justin, presently in Melbourne,
53 Australia. Working on the project Salasaga (, and
54 eLearning creation IDE.
55 (02:04:08 PM) moriancumer: Jared from Utah
56 (02:04:13 PM) *emmajane:* here.
57 (02:04:13 PM) pleia2: I'm Lyz from Philadelphia :) at work about to be
58 snagged into a conference call so I might drop out at some point soon
59 (02:04:16 PM) JustinClift: /and/an/
60 (02:04:19 PM) *emmajane:* we're starting an hour earlier than I thought
61 (02:04:27 PM) *dinda:* pleia2 - thanks
62 (02:04:36 PM) *emmajane:* (half a sec)
63 (02:04:49 PM) camil: Hello all! I'm Camille from France, and
64 we're in charge of some training material.
65 (02:04:50 PM) *merol left the room (quit: Read error: 104 (Connection
66 reset by peer)).*
67 (02:05:06 PM) *dinda:* emmajane there is also the OpenWeek session this
68 afternoon which is next
69 (02:05:39 PM) *dinda:* thanks all for dropping in today
70 (02:06:05 PM) *dinda:* guess I should go ahead and mention the Open Week
71 session which will take place in #ubuntu-classroom
72 (02:06:33 PM) *dinda:* this is part of the post-release process and
73 hosted by Jono and his Community crew
74 (02:07:00 PM) *dinda:* after each release irc sessions are held to cover
75 various topics and let folks in the community ask questions
76 (02:07:01 PM) *merol [/n=merol@] entered the room.*
77 (02:07:20 PM) *dinda:* Billy and I will be hosting a session @22:00 UTC
78 (02:07:33 PM) merol: buona sera a tutti
79 (02:07:37 PM) *dinda:* part of an effort to recruit more folks to the team
80 (02:07:45 PM) merol: mi ha mandato qui canonico michelangelo
81 (02:07:51 PM) merol: mio professore di java
82 (02:08:07 PM) merol: รจ possibile partecipare al corso ?
83 (02:08:12 PM) billycina: merol: you may need to switch to english
84 (02:08:27 PM) markvandenborre: merol: non parliamo italiano qui
85 (02:08:43 PM) merol: ah scusate
86 (02:09:02 PM) *dinda:* other than that session, this meeting is
87 primarily to talk about updating . . .
88 (02:09:09 PM) *dinda:* tada, the Ubuntu Desktop Course
89 (02:09:38 PM) *dinda:* a really fun project that will make better for
90 all new ubuntu users
91 (02:09:55 PM) *dinda:* (and b/c I need to get it off my list!)
92 (02:10:06 PM) *emmajane:* (ok back)
93 (02:10:21 PM) *dinda:* so we've been exploring different options but
94 with a really tight deadline of Dec. 15, a few things have happened
95 (02:10:47 PM) *dinda:* one - TPTB (the powers that be) have told us that
96 weonly need to update to the 8.04 LTS release
97 (02:11:05 PM) *dinda:* and OpenOffice v.3 now handles Docbook format
98 (02:11:18 PM) *dinda:* which emmajane reports is not bad
99 (02:11:26 PM) ***camil confirms
100 (02:11:46 PM) ****emmajane* nods
101 (02:11:51 PM) *dinda:* I've made one pass through all the material and
102 located required updates
103 (02:12:06 PM) *dinda:* I've started a wiki page to document that
104 process. . .
105 (02:12:17 PM) ****dinda* goes to copy and paste
106 (02:12:55 PM) *dinda:*
108 (02:13:31 PM) *dinda:* Reviewing the existing version for mainly
109 technical changes
110 (02:14:02 PM) *dinda:* I have a list of about 10 items, mostly minor
111 except for the Music Multimedia section. .
112 (02:14:26 PM) *dinda:* which has many changes due to differences in
113 different applications now as default
114 (02:14:28 PM) *merol left the room (quit: Read error: 104 (Connection
115 reset by peer)).*
116 (02:15:02 PM) *dinda:* that is chapter 8
117 (02:15:22 PM) *dinda:* so if we can hit 2 chapters a week, we're good
118 for Dec. 15
119 (02:15:52 PM) *emmajane:* good list, dinda
120 (02:15:55 PM) *dinda:* the big question and I need your input is on
121 screenshots. . .
122 (02:16:20 PM) *dinda:* most of the screenshots are generic enough to be
123 okay with a few exceptions. .
124 (02:16:41 PM) *dinda:* but should be go ahead and update them all to
125 have the snazzy new Hardy Heron backdrop?
126 (02:17:05 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, how many screenshots in total?
127 (02:17:09 PM) *dinda:* emmajane: I have through chp. 10 just didn't have
128 to finish my list this morning
129 (02:17:10 PM) DougieRichardson: care needs to be taken with screenshots,
130 as the compression library was removed from imagemagick
131 (02:17:42 PM) *dinda:* we were given a detailed process by the original
132 course authors on their method for taking screenshots
133 (02:18:03 PM) *dinda:* I'll have to look it up and see if imagemagick
134 was part of it
135 (02:18:05 PM) *emmajane:* DougieRichardson, is that why OOo -> PDF now
136 makes garbage out of embedded images?
137 (02:18:10 PM) JustinClift: Would it be practical to do the screenshots
138 last, after the other chapters, depending upon how much time is left
139 till deadline?
140 (02:18:13 PM) DougieRichardson: p
141 (02:18:22 PM) DougieRichardson: emmajane: most likely
142 (02:18:27 PM) *dinda:* yes, Justin, that is possible
143 (02:18:29 PM) *emmajane:* DougieRichardson, that explains a lot.
144 (02:18:46 PM) *dinda:* less than 10 were ciritical, must update
145 screenshots, I'd say. . .
146 (02:18:59 PM) JustinClift: Salasaga is good at taking screenshots, but
147 only saves at 100% (zero loss) png.
148 (02:19:04 PM) *dinda:* and the rest were "nice to have" mostly b/c
149 they're not Hardy Heron on the desktop
150 (02:20:06 PM) JustinClift: Would have to post process them to not-100%
151 if compression is desired, and it may not be the best approach if an
152 automated solution is needed. i.e. via the Linux Desktop Testing thing...
153 (02:20:08 PM) *dinda:* since it seems we're staying with docbook (gawd
154 help me) then those can be dropped in later
155 (02:20:11 PM) *emmajane:* just looking through the sub-directories.
156 There's in the range of a few hundred images.
157 (02:20:37 PM) *emmajane:* (in total)
158 (02:20:53 PM) *markvandenborre:* dinda: from what you say the screenshot
159 taking seems to contain some kind of magic, is this magic public?
160 (02:20:59 PM) *dinda:* the most will come i chapter 8 as there is the
161 most change overall
162 (02:21:21 PM) *dinda:* pretty sure it can be made public if it's not already
163 (02:21:32 PM) *merol [/n=SiTh@] entered the room.*
164 (02:21:36 PM) merol: *Un SaLuTo a TuTTi !!!*
165 (02:21:47 PM) ****dinda* tries to recall which document had those directions
166 (02:22:04 PM) billycina: Belinda Lopez: it's the training guidelines
167 handbook
168 (02:22:04 PM) *dinda:* screenshots didn't seem magic, just tedious
169 (02:22:14 PM) markvandenborre: ok
170 (02:22:27 PM) ****dinda* thanks billy's brain for remembering that
171 (02:22:27 PM) billycina: Belinda Lopez: very large doc - we can extract from
172 (02:22:37 PM) *dinda:* ok to make public?
173 (02:22:42 PM) billycina: sure
174 (02:22:44 PM) markvandenborre: (I was mostly asking because of translations)
175 (02:23:51 PM) *dinda:* so the overall plan is to try to hit two chapters
176 a week
177 (02:24:00 PM) JustinClift: Having something automated seems like it'd be
178 a good idea longer term. Maybe not be feasible to get in place and
179 working by Dec 15 deadline though.
180 (02:24:37 PM) *dinda:* I'll finish my list of changes and ask others to
181 take a chapter or two as well
182 (02:24:50 PM) ***billycina likes the sound of most sentences which
183 include the word 'automated'
184 (02:24:59 PM) eightyeight: heh
185 (02:25:06 PM) eightyeight: who doesn't? :)
186 (02:25:14 PM) billycina: poets
187 (02:25:28 PM) *dinda:* then we can start asking for the hard work -
188 someone to help me learn how actually make the changes and get them
189 uploaded into Bzr. . .
190 (02:25:46 PM) *dinda:* altough emmajane did a really good job of making
191 it 'real' for me the other day
192 (02:25:58 PM) *emmajane:* :)
193 (02:26:06 PM) billycina: so Belinda Lopez what are yopu suggesting is
194 the process here
195 (02:26:20 PM) *dinda:* from the table I've laid out the changes and
196 others can add to it, there is also the next step of folks making those
197 patches
198 (02:26:31 PM) markvandenborre: billycina: she wants me to update a
199 chapter :)
200 (02:26:37 PM) JustinClift: It's something that needs to be looked into
201 for Salasaga as well, but not in the next few months. Probably take a
202 proper look at LDTP (Linux Desktop Training Project -
203 for it. But definitely not in time
204 for Dec 15.
205 (02:26:58 PM) *dinda:* markvandenborre: you knew i was coming ;)
206 (02:27:24 PM) *dinda:* Justin - yip, emmajane suggested that too
207 (02:28:03 PM) *dinda:* I'm also proposing new, weekly irc sessions where
208 at least I'll be commited to being here to ask/answer questions
209 (02:28:29 PM) eightyeight: i came in a bit late, but has a standard been
210 set for the screenshots?
211 (02:28:43 PM) *dinda:* we're working on posting it up soon
212 (02:28:48 PM) *dinda:* is that you Aaron?
213 (02:28:52 PM) eightyeight: yeah
214 (02:29:22 PM) *emmajane:* (528 images, to be precise)
215 (02:29:32 PM) JustinClift: Wow
216 (02:29:35 PM) *dinda:* the wiki is mostly a way for new folks to be able
217 to quickly see tasks. . .
218 (02:29:59 PM) *dinda:* and sign up to notify us (me) that they are
219 willing to work on a certain section
220 (02:30:27 PM) eightyeight: i only ask, because we write courseware for
221 guru labs, and if the resolution is larger than 800x600, in courseware
222 or slides, it's hard to see detail
223 (02:31:02 PM) *dinda:* correct
224 (02:31:22 PM) *dinda:* larger or smaller, eightyeight?
225 (02:31:24 PM) JustinClift: Capture resolution or output resolutions?
226 (02:31:52 PM) eightyeight: well, 1024x768, 1280x1024 --> etc
227 (02:32:12 PM) eightyeight: 1024x768 isn't bad, i gues, if you capturing
228 output of a single application, and not the whole desktop
229 (02:32:27 PM) *dinda:* I'm going to add a second header to each chapter
230 in the wiki table and perhaps several of you can take adopt a chapter?
231 (02:32:42 PM) *dinda:* if not, I'll start begging elsewhere
232 (02:32:45 PM) markvandenborre: count me in, I'll invest a day of
233 productive work into this between now and December 1st
234 (02:32:53 PM) eightyeight: yeah. i can definitely help
235 (02:32:55 PM) *dinda:* chapters 1 and 2 are pretty short and easy
236 (02:32:58 PM) markvandenborre: not much, but hey, I'm just a volunteer
237 (02:33:05 PM) *dinda:* 4 - the Open Office one is HUGE
238 (02:33:10 PM) ****emmajane* would like to be a jerk and take a short
239 chapter.
240 (02:33:13 PM) *dinda:* and 8 has the most changes
241 (02:33:27 PM) markvandenborre: I'll see if I can find a few other
242 helping hands locally
243 (02:33:42 PM) *dinda:* can you take 1 & 2 emma? really short, not many
244 changes at all
245 (02:33:45 PM) JustinClift: Guess I should probably do the multimedia
246 screenshots.
247 (02:34:06 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, sure. I'm tight for time and short
248 things have a better chance of being squished into the schedule.
249 (02:34:08 PM) *dinda:* the other problem with chapter 8 is that the apps
250 have changed, Justin
251 (02:34:21 PM) JustinClift: Get some "real world exposure" to what's
252 needed, etc. ;->
253 (02:34:21 PM) *dinda:* take chp. 2 then emmajane
254 (02:34:34 PM) *JustinClift:* dinda: So R&D required..? Heh.
255 (02:34:50 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, I'll do Ch2 and see where people are up
256 to with the rest... and possible take CH1 too if it's still needing help.
257 (02:35:07 PM) *dinda:* ok, emmajane
258 (02:35:24 PM) *dinda:* Justin - yeah, since the default apps changed,
259 (02:35:53 PM) *dinda:* Justin, but right now, the big task on 8, jst
260 identifying those changes
261 (02:36:21 PM) *dinda:* we might have to have someone rewrite most of
262 that chapter. . .
263 (02:36:32 PM) JustinClift: k. Might not be the best use of my time then.
264 (02:36:32 PM) *Imagineer66
265 [/] entered the room.*
266 (02:36:35 PM) eightyeight: i can take ch 10
267 (02:36:36 PM) *dinda:* but if you could just get us that list of
268 suggested changes that would be great
269 (02:36:42 PM) Imagineer66: Sorry to join late.
270 (02:36:51 PM) *dinda:* thanks eightyeight, that's awesome
271 (02:37:04 PM) *dinda:* mark - did you have a preference?
272 (02:37:25 PM) Imagineer66: Are we divvying up the chapters?
273 (02:37:34 PM) *dinda:* yes, imagineer66
274 (02:37:39 PM) ***markvandenborre is feeling a bit fuzzy in the head, but
275 I guess I'll take anything but
276 (02:37:48 PM) *JustinClift:* dinda: Sorry, probably not then. Still need
277 to get a lot done with Salasaga. Taking screenshots I can do, basic
278 research, no worries. But *in depth and time consuming stuff*... no.
279 (02:37:56 PM) *dinda:* emmajane has 2, eightyeight has 10, justin has 10
280 (02:38:11 PM) *dinda:* chapter 3 - going now to the highest bidder. . .
281 (02:38:13 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, when you add the next round of updates
282 can you add our names, or do you want us to do that now?
283 (02:38:39 PM) eightyeight: JustinClift: you also have 10? sorry, missed
284 that. do you want me to help with it, or should i pick another chapter?
285 (02:39:00 PM) *dinda:* I was going to add a line in the table stating
286 which contributor is reviewing the chapter, emmajane
287 (02:39:04 PM) *markvandenborre:* dinda
288 (02:39:04 PM) JustinClift: No, it's all yours. I don't have time for in
289 depth R&D for non Salasaga stuff. ;->
290 (02:39:11 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, sounds good
291 (02:39:12 PM) markvandenborre: 3 for me I guess
292 (02:39:15 PM) *dinda:* then ya'll can start adding any new changes you
293 see to the list
294 (02:39:20 PM) Imagineer66: This is to cover the chapter into Salasaga?
295 (02:39:28 PM) *dinda:* woohoo, chp. 3 sold
296 (02:39:31 PM) JustinClift: Heh.
297 (02:39:53 PM) Imagineer66: is that a yes?
298 (02:39:59 PM) ****dinda* ponders if we can assign 4 to popey since he's
299 not here . . .again
300 (02:40:19 PM) DougieRichardson: 9
301 (02:40:20 PM) *dinda:* chp 5 is fun, unbuntu and games
302 (02:40:29 PM) Imagineer66: I'll take a chapter, but am hesitant until I
303 know what I'm volunteering for.
304 (02:40:32 PM) *dinda:* who wants some chapter 5 fun
305 (02:40:41 PM) Imagineer66: sorry, trying to catch up.
306 (02:40:54 PM) *dinda:* imagineer, at this point, we're looking for folks
307 to read the material
308 (02:41:07 PM) *dinda:* and identify changes to the 8.04 version
309 (02:41:13 PM) Imagineer66: gotcha
310 (02:41:25 PM) *dinda:* here's an example
311 (02:41:26 PM) Imagineer66: Ok. In that case, what's open. Obviously, 5
312 (02:41:26 PM) *dinda:*
314 (02:41:27 PM) DougieRichardson: Yep, I'll take chapter nine.
315 (02:41:48 PM) *dinda:* great!
316 (02:42:00 PM) *dinda:* that leaves us. . . 6 and 4
317 (02:42:13 PM) *dinda:* i sacrifice and take chp. 1 ;)
318 (02:42:19 PM) ****emmajane* chuckles.
319 (02:42:29 PM) Imagineer66: I'll take 4.
320 (02:42:43 PM) *dinda:* 4 is huge, be warned, imagineer66
321 (02:42:49 PM) *dinda:* its' the open office stuff. . .
322 (02:42:52 PM) Imagineer66: I'm not a big fan of OO but keep thinking
323 that I need to get into it.
324 (02:42:57 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, it might be better to break CH4 into
325 sub-sections.
326 (02:43:18 PM) *dinda:* but fortunately, they way the materials is
327 written, it's not version specific
328 (02:43:19 PM) Imagineer66: That would be good
329 (02:43:23 PM) DougieRichardson: wE D
330 (02:43:40 PM) JustinClift: Imagineer66: Deadline is just a few weeks away...
331 (02:43:53 PM) Imagineer66: then I will need some help
332 (02:44:01 PM) *dinda:* imagineer, how bout you just take through OO Write?
333 (02:44:02 PM) Imagineer66: I can give 10 or so hours each week for the
334 next 2.
335 (02:44:10 PM) Imagineer66: need to open the doc.
336 (02:44:13 PM) Imagineer66: brb
337 (02:44:28 PM) *dinda:* and if you finish that, then you can have more
338 (02:44:55 PM) *dinda:* the big difference is that all the apps within OO
339 changed
340 (02:45:05 PM) Imagineer66: Can I have Calc?
341 (02:45:14 PM) *dinda:* yip
342 (02:45:22 PM) Imagineer66: Ok, sold
343 (02:45:33 PM) *dinda:* woohoo, another satisfied customer!
344 (02:45:36 PM) Imagineer66: 4.1-4.3
345 (02:45:45 PM) *dinda:* excellent
346 (02:45:49 PM) *Logging started. Future messages in this conversation
347 will be logged.*
348 (02:46:07 PM) *emmajane:* Not sure if anyone is still looking for a
349 chapter, but CH6 is pretty straight forward.
350 (02:46:30 PM) *dinda:* did someone take 5? as well
351 (02:46:31 PM) *emmajane:* It's just things like, "how to customize your
352 background image on the desktop" and "how to install new software"
353 (02:46:34 PM) Imagineer66: Now for the "details"
354 (02:46:44 PM) *dinda:* we still have 5, 6 & part of 4 for adoption
355 (02:46:51 PM) Imagineer66: When is it due and what software do I have to
356 use?
357 (02:47:14 PM) *dinda:* right now, we'd like you start adding to the list
358 of suggested changes on the wiki. .
359 (02:47:25 PM) Imagineer66: ok
360 (02:47:26 PM) *dinda:* say by next week, we hope to have them all identified
361 (02:47:34 PM) *dinda:* , but the sooner, the better
362 (02:47:39 PM) ***Imagineer66 nods
363 (02:47:50 PM) *dinda:* then we can start the next process of making the
364 changes/patches
365 (02:48:25 PM) *dinda:* and here's where I'm willing to buy someone large
366 amounts of beer if they help lead a session on making the patches. .
367 .next week
368 (02:48:35 PM) Imagineer66: Looking at wiki... don't see a place to edit.....
369 (02:48:37 PM) DougieRichardson: i'll do a quick tutorial
370 (02:48:41 PM) DougieRichardson: on patching
371 (02:48:46 PM) Imagineer66: ok
372 (02:50:01 PM) *dinda:* once we (er, I mostly) know how to make and
373 submit patches then they can start getting uploaded
374 (02:50:43 PM) JustinClift: Guess you're QA then too?
375 (02:50:50 PM) *DougieRichardson:* Dinda: is it just you who has commit
376 access?
377 (02:50:55 PM) *dinda:* and the boss, billy :)
378 (02:51:03 PM) billycina: i can do QA too ;)
379 (02:51:07 PM) *dinda:* nope, there are a few that have commit access, dougie
380 (02:51:30 PM) *dinda:* so it's not all me, which would be dangerous
381 (02:51:42 PM) *dinda:* and we might add others as well
382 (02:52:24 PM) *dinda:* I'm still bit unclear on the whole Bzr commit
383 merge magic
384 (02:52:44 PM) billycina: yeah, it's painful but beautiful when it works
385 (02:53:12 PM) *dinda:* that's the dream billycina :)
386 (02:53:21 PM) *emmajane:* beuno was telling me today that there are
387 improvements in the new version of LP
388 (02:53:32 PM) *dinda:* alrighty then. . . sounds like a plan!
389 (02:53:42 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, billycina you may want to get added to
390 the "beta" team to use the improved version...
391 (02:53:45 PM) Imagineer66: LP?
392 (02:53:50 PM) *dinda:* I'll finish my list tonight and the rest of you
393 can start your chapter and add to the list
394 (02:53:52 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, Launchpad
395 (02:54:01 PM) billycina: i have a couple of questions :)
396 (02:54:03 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, like SourceForge but for Ubuntu...
397 (02:54:07 PM) *dinda:* shoot
398 (02:54:23 PM) billycina: 1. with regards to timing - are we leaving
399 enough time for proofing, editing, formatting??
400 (02:54:36 PM) billycina: which usually take up large chunks of
401 unexpected time
402 (02:54:56 PM) billycina: when does everyone need to submit content by so
403 we can move to that stage?
404 (02:54:59 PM) Imagineer66: Yes, I just didn't know the acronym.
405 (02:55:10 PM) *dinda:* in theory, most of the changes, sans chp. 8 are
406 not rewrites but minor changes
407 (02:55:38 PM) *popey:* 20:40:00 * dinda ponders if we can assign 4 to
408 popey since he's not here . . .again
409 (02:55:41 PM) popey: :รพ
410 (02:55:42 PM) *dinda:* if we can have the change list complete next
411 week, one week, that wold be great
412 (02:55:59 PM) *dinda:* and we can start the patching process next week
413 (02:56:03 PM) Imagineer66: END of next week? :)
414 (02:56:14 PM) *dinda:* next Wednesday
415 (02:56:19 PM) *dinda:* one week from today
416 (02:56:31 PM) billycina: wow - all changes, one week today???
417 (02:56:33 PM) ***Imagineer66 scrambles for his schedule
418 (02:56:33 PM) *emmajane:* I'm fine to meet again at this time next week.
419 (02:56:36 PM) billycina: genius
420 (02:56:45 PM) *emmajane:* billycina, people just procrastinate anyway. ;)
421 (02:56:50 PM) billycina: lol
422 (02:57:02 PM) billycina: ok, another Q
423 (02:57:04 PM) *dinda:* well, that's just the list of things to be done
424 really, not the 'real work'
425 (02:57:13 PM) Imagineer66: lol... yeah, but that's only because I
426 procrastinated on the previous project and need this time to do that
427 stuff. :)
428 (02:57:22 PM) *emmajane:* billycina, and tasks that really take longer
429 than a week are multiple tasks pretending to be one....
430 (02:57:42 PM) *dinda:* since it will be simultaneous, different folks
431 will all be working parallel
432 (02:57:47 PM) billycina: right...
433 (02:58:00 PM) *dinda:* then next week we kick of the patching process
434 (02:58:20 PM) *dinda:* with a session led by Dougie on exactly how we do
435 that for those who don't already know. . .like me
436 (02:58:28 PM) billycina: going back to the 7.10 writing process, would
437 it better for 1 or 2 people to be in charge of the screenshots?
438 (02:58:35 PM) eightyeight: where can i find the current copy? on the wiki?
439 (02:58:35 PM) billycina: or for each one to go it alone
440 (02:58:41 PM) *dinda:* and again, folks take off and each take some work
441 (02:58:43 PM) billycina: consistency on this one is key
442 (02:58:51 PM) popey: might be easier to have one person do a mass of
443 screenshots
444 (02:58:55 PM) *dinda:* billycina, yip, that would probably be best. .
445 .like for popey
446 (02:58:58 PM) *dinda:* :)
447 (02:59:08 PM) billycina: yey for popey
448 (02:59:13 PM) *dinda:* or some other wonderful contributor!
449 (02:59:15 PM) popey: i have some nice plain virtual machines and a
450 pristine PrintScreen button
451 (02:59:21 PM) ***Imagineer66 thinks popey is a favorite horse....
452 (02:59:23 PM) billycina: wow
453 (02:59:30 PM) *dinda:* see, he's already ready
454 (02:59:31 PM) *emmajane:* eightyeight, do you know how to use bzr to
455 grab copies of files?
456 (02:59:34 PM) billycina: popey should run for president :)
457 (02:59:38 PM) popey: hah
458 (02:59:39 PM) billycina: oh darn, post just taken
459 (02:59:44 PM) Imagineer66: NO!! NO more elections! :)
460 (02:59:52 PM) eightyeight: emmajane: i can figure it out. just need to
461 be pointed in the right direction
462 (02:59:53 PM) ***Imagineer66 is electioned out.
463 (02:59:54 PM) popey: well, if you want me to do a wodge of screenshots
464 I'm happy to do that
465 (02:59:59 PM) DougieRichardson: What election?
466 (03:00:03 PM) billycina: Imagineer66: i love them ;0
467 (03:00:05 PM) *emmajane:* eightyeight, do you have bzr installed...
468 we'll start there. :)
469 (03:00:19 PM) *dinda:* lol - exactly dougie, it never happened, lalalala
470 (03:00:24 PM) ***popey is being ordered to tidy the kitchen brb
471 (03:00:28 PM) *emmajane:* popey, you saw the part where there are 500+
472 screenshots, right? :)
473 (03:00:37 PM) eightyeight: emmajane: heh. i'll install it
474 (03:00:38 PM) markvandenborre: 528, to be precise
475 (03:00:38 PM) popey: heh
476 (03:00:41 PM) billycina: ssshhhhh don't mention that!
477 (03:00:42 PM) popey: zoiks
478 (03:00:54 PM) *dinda:* we'll send someone over to clean your kitchen
479 while you work
480 (03:00:57 PM) *emmajane:* Oops, sorry billycina :)
481 (03:01:10 PM) DougieRichardson: I need to be off in a bit. I know this
482 is trivial but I had some thoughts for the LP page logo
484 (03:01:19 PM) *dinda:* popey: it's not all of them, we've already
485 identified the critical ones
486 (03:01:21 PM) *emmajane:* I'm happy to walk people through the process
487 of grabbing the source files now if you want to stick around.
488 (03:01:26 PM) *dinda:* just a few
489 (03:01:36 PM) markvandenborre: hundred
490 (03:01:41 PM) billycina: yey DougieRichardson - we discussed those a
491 while back
492 (03:01:44 PM) *dinda:* do they need the source files or just the pdfs
493 from the wiki?
494 (03:02:10 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, PDFs from the wiki is fine. but to
495 learn how to patch it'll help to have the source files.
496 (03:02:11 PM) *dinda:* for this stage I thought the pdfs wold be ok
497 (03:02:12 PM) eightyeight: DougieRichardson: nice
498 (03:02:12 PM) markvandenborre: pdf will be fine I suppose for id-ing changes
499 (03:02:17 PM) *popey:* dinda: what's best? for me to branch bzr and
500 start replacing screenshots?
501 (03:02:20 PM) DougieRichardson: billycina: did we, I don't remember to
502 be honest.
503 (03:02:27 PM) eightyeight: emmajane: k. installed, now what? :)
504 (03:02:28 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, I'm happy to break it into two steps
505 though so that people already have bzr and are ready to learn the next step.
506 (03:02:40 PM) billycina: yes, a long long time ago and we were going to
507 go for a vote
508 (03:02:46 PM) *emmajane:* eightyeight, are you comfortable at the
509 command line, or do you prefer GUIs?
510 (03:02:47 PM) Imagineer66: I don't know bzr
511 (03:03:04 PM) DougieRichardson: billycina: did we vote?
512 (03:03:07 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, stick around. I can help out. :)
513 (03:03:15 PM) Imagineer66: ok
514 (03:03:20 PM) eightyeight: emmajane: you're talking to a system
515 administrator trainer
516 (03:03:20 PM) billycina: you sent an email but i don
517 (03:03:27 PM) *dinda:* popey: hmm, I've identified a few that must be
518 changed, but still waiting on others
519 (03:03:32 PM) *emmajane:* eightyeight, that doesn't mean you like the
520 command line. ;)
521 (03:03:32 PM) billycina: t believe it went any further
522 (03:03:42 PM) eightyeight: emmajane: oh, but it does. :)
523 (03:03:50 PM) eightyeight: emmajane: i'm fine on the command line.
524 (03:04:26 PM) *popey:* dinda: shall we discuss offline via email?
525 (03:04:36 PM) *dinda:* popey: yeah, I'm thinking
526 (03:04:38 PM) DougieRichardson: command line is for winners.
527 (03:04:43 PM) *moriancumer left the room (quit: Read error: 104
528 (Connection reset by peer)).*
529 (03:05:10 PM) *emmajane:* Ok, before this completely degrades...
530 anything else for the meeting dinda ? :)
531 (03:05:24 PM) *dinda:* i'm happy that we've a good start
532 (03:05:29 PM) *dinda:* thanks everyone!
533 (03:05:37 PM) billycina: thanks Belinda Lopez
534 (03:05:42 PM) Imagineer66: Later, all who are leaving
535 (03:05:45 PM) JustinClift: Thanks Belinda.
536 (03:05:47 PM) JustinClift: :)
537 (03:05:49 PM) billycina: see you in an hour
538 (03:05:49 PM) *dinda:* I'll send out an update and add the info on each
539 chapter to the wiki
540 (03:05:56 PM) *emmajane:* thanks dinda!
541 (03:06:23 PM) JustinClift: Cya all. Need to get ready for the rest of
542 the day.
543 (03:06:31 PM) *dinda:* thanks everyone! you've been a great audience
544 (03:06:36 PM) DougieRichardson: OK, see you all next week.
545 (03:06:50 PM) *dinda:* emmajane: the floor is all yours
546 (03:06:53 PM) Imagineer66: Same Bat time, same Bat station?
547 (03:06:55 PM) ****emmajane* waves bye to those who are leaving and stick
548 around for bzr help for those who want it. :)
549 (03:07:00 PM) *JustinClift left the room.*
550 (03:07:04 PM) ***eightyeight wants it
551 (03:07:13 PM) *emmajane:* woo!
552 (03:07:13 PM) Imagineer66: brb, bio
553 (03:07:14 PM) *dinda:* yip, imagineer
554 (03:07:24 PM) *DougieRichardson left the room (quit: "Ex-Chat").*
555 (03:08:03 PM) *emmajane:* other than Imagineer66 and eightyeight is
556 anyone sticking around?
557 (03:08:25 PM) *dinda:* i'm here
558 (03:08:29 PM) *emmajane:* woo :)
559 (03:08:33 PM) ****dinda* totally needs a refresher on this
560 (03:08:37 PM) *emmajane:* kay :)
561 (03:08:57 PM) *dinda:* last time I did it was 12/2007!
562 (03:09:05 PM) *dinda:* according to my version
563 (03:09:22 PM) markvandenborre: I'd have loved a short refresher on this
564 one, but alas... really need to go
565 (03:09:31 PM) markvandenborre: bye all
566 (03:09:31 PM) *dinda:* thanks mark!
567 (03:09:36 PM) *emmajane:* markvandenborre, I did an open week session,
568 the logs are up.
569 (03:09:39 PM) *moriancumer
570 [/] entered the room.*
571 (03:09:48 PM) markvandenborre: might not make it here next week, but the
572 stuff will be ready
573 (03:09:49 PM) markvandenborre: bye
574 (03:10:37 PM) Imagineer66: back
575 (03:10:45 PM) *emmajane:* aight.
576 (03:10:51 PM) *dinda:* need a quick bio break too here
577 (03:10:53 PM) *dinda:* sorry
578 (03:10:55 PM) *emmajane:* I'm going to start from the very beginning.
579 (03:10:56 PM) Imagineer66: Do I need to be in Linux?
580 (03:11:02 PM) *emmajane:* nope.
581 (03:11:10 PM) *emmajane:* there are clients for windows/OSx as well.
582 (03:11:14 PM) *Imagineer66:* Wait for Dinda?
583 (03:11:23 PM) *dinda:* go ahead, I'll catch up
584 (03:11:37 PM) Imagineer66: go when ready
585 (03:11:45 PM) *emmajane:* eightyeight, if you want to skip ahead you can
586 grab the files with: $ bzr branch
588 (03:11:45 PM) *dinda:* wait, now they tell me the other clients thing. .
589 .great ;)
590 (03:11:59 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, I can't reveal /all/ my secrets at once. ;)
591 (03:12:05 PM) Imagineer66: lol
592 (03:12:13 PM) Imagineer66: but you could reveal just a few. :0
593 (03:12:16 PM) *emmajane:* eightyeight, ooops. take out the "edge" part
594 from the URL.
595 (03:12:42 PM) *emmajane:* Bazaar is a "distributed version control system."
596 (03:12:58 PM) *emmajane:* To me this means "the biggest baddest undo
597 button my computer has ever known."
598 (03:13:11 PM) Imagineer66: lol
599 (03:13:23 PM) *emmajane:* It is also the, "Plays well with others"
600 button because it allows you to share your work in intelligent ways.
601 (03:13:30 PM) ****dinda* luvs "undo"
602 (03:13:33 PM) *emmajane:* :)
603 (03:13:45 PM) *emmajane:* when you are working with other people you
604 will be able to "merge" your changes.
605 (03:13:53 PM) *emmajane:* you can think of merge as in "marriage" if
606 that helps.
607 (03:14:13 PM) eightyeight: emmajane: too late
608 (03:14:16 PM) ***Imagineer66 is familiar with merge... to bad the other
609 drivers in Ohio are not....
610 (03:14:20 PM) *emmajane:* LOL
611 (03:14:23 PM) *dinda:* that will scare all the men off emmajane!
612 (03:14:47 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, they need to be aware of the potential
613 consequences! :)
614 (03:15:06 PM) ****emmajane* doesn't want your beer guzzled code in her
615 repository.
616 (03:15:11 PM) eightyeight: should i ^c?
617 (03:15:15 PM) *dinda:* next you'll be using words like "commit"
618 (03:15:18 PM) *emmajane:* LOL
619 (03:15:23 PM) popey: heheh
620 (03:15:25 PM) popey: you guys
621 (03:15:28 PM) *emmajane:* :)
622 (03:15:46 PM) *emmajane:* Now that everyone has let the analogy run
623 wild... :)
624 (03:16:20 PM) *emmajane:* The first thing you need to do is install the
625 brain part of Bazaar. I work from the command line in Ubuntu, but there
626 are alternatives.
627 (03:16:45 PM) *emmajane:* <-- list of
628 alternatives
629 (03:17:07 PM) *emmajane:* If you're in Ubuntu and you want the command
630 line utility use: $ sudo apt-get install bzr
631 (03:17:13 PM) ***Imagineer66 loves VMware... He's now ambidextrous
632 (03:17:34 PM) *emmajane:* if you're in Ubuntu and you want
633 pointy-clicky-love go to: Applications -> Add/Remove and look for the
634 program "Olive"
635 (03:17:34 PM) *dinda:* is there a quick way to check to see if bzr is
636 already installed?
637 (03:17:52 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, at the command line type "bzr" (no quotes)
638 (03:18:20 PM) *emmajane:* Command line ==> Applications -> Accessories
639 -> Terminal
640 (03:18:28 PM) *dinda:* got it
641 (03:18:35 PM) *emmajane:* I think there's a keyboard shortcut for that,
642 but I overwrite my shortcuts. :/
643 (03:18:38 PM) *dinda:* couldn't recall if it was on this machine or the
644 last one
645 (03:18:48 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, you want Olive though...
646 (03:18:58 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, pointy-clicky-love, not black screen magic.
647 (03:19:53 PM) *emmajane:* Let me know if you want more help getting the
648 client installed...
649 (03:20:07 PM) *emmajane:* (i.e. the software that makes the big undo
650 button work)
651 (03:20:18 PM) eightyeight: should i ctrl-c my bzr branch? i had 'edge'
652 in the url, and it's downloading
653 (03:20:26 PM) *emmajane:* eightyeight, just leave it.
654 (03:20:28 PM) Imagineer66: If I install Olive to I get the CL also?
655 (03:20:31 PM) eightyeight: ok
656 (03:20:31 PM) *emmajane:* eightyeight, it's a HUGE package.
657 (03:20:41 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, As far as I know, yes.
658 (03:20:57 PM) *emmajane:* eightyeight, it would have screamed at you if
659 it couldn't find the files to download.
660 (03:20:59 PM) Imagineer66: ok. Installing Olive
661 (03:21:10 PM) eightyeight: yeah
662 (03:21:17 PM) Imagineer66: hope Popey, er, Popeye doesn't mind
663 (03:21:34 PM) *emmajane:* 76MB according to whta I have downloaded.
664 (03:22:00 PM) Imagineer66: hmm... "console RSS reader"???
665 (03:22:08 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, not that one
666 (03:22:12 PM) eightyeight: heh. this will take some time on hotel wifi
667 (03:22:16 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, bzr-GTK
668 (03:22:36 PM) *emmajane:* eightyeight, this is me not commenting on the
669 relative size of porn to the desktop course. ;)
670 (03:22:44 PM) Imagineer66: just found it
671 (03:22:46 PM) *emmajane:* not. commenting.
672 (03:22:57 PM) eightyeight: heh
673 (03:23:00 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, cool. :)
674 (03:23:25 PM) *dinda:* there's porn on the internet?! no way! ;)
675 (03:23:27 PM) Imagineer66: emmajane: I thought women didn't think size
676 mattered?
677 (03:23:36 PM) *emmajane:* not. commenting. :)
678 (03:24:03 PM) Imagineer66: DL'd here. Installing
679 (03:24:13 PM) ****dinda* is biting her tongue
680 (03:24:18 PM) ****emmajane* grins at dinda
681 (03:24:34 PM) *dinda:* b/c when it comes to netbooks, smaller IS better :)
682 (03:24:40 PM) *emmajane:* LOL
683 (03:24:43 PM) Imagineer66: THE SOFTWARE!!! not the HARDware.
684 (03:24:46 PM) Imagineer66: sheesh
685 (03:25:10 PM) ****emmajane* sings the jeopardy song while everyone
686 downloads their bazaar client.
687 (03:25:11 PM) Imagineer66: anyone try the Dell Mini-9 yet?
688 (03:25:31 PM) *dinda:* I covet it but not yet enough to spend the money
689 (03:25:33 PM) ***Imagineer66 is seriously thinking about one for Christmas
690 (03:26:09 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, OMG I finally understand why "olive"
691 (03:26:17 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, you download an "olive branch"
692 (03:26:33 PM) *dinda:* see, that's what I asked you
693 (03:26:41 PM) ****emmajane* was being dense.
694 (03:26:42 PM) *emmajane:* clearly.
695 (03:27:10 PM) Imagineer66: well, as long as your just downloading a
696 peace of code,...
697 (03:27:17 PM) *emmajane:* hehe
698 (03:28:21 PM) Imagineer66: ok, installed and running
699 (03:28:26 PM) ***eightyeight shakes his head
700 (03:28:27 PM) *emmajane:* excellent!
701 (03:28:28 PM) *dinda:* here too
702 (03:28:36 PM) *emmajane:* is that everyone?
703 (03:28:44 PM) *emmajane:* (I think it is...)
704 (03:28:47 PM) *dinda:* we're gonna try Olive first?
705 (03:28:50 PM) *emmajane:* yeah
706 (03:28:53 PM) popey: what's the olive package really called?
707 (03:28:56 PM) popey: not olive
708 (03:28:59 PM) *emmajane:* gtk-bzr
709 (03:29:01 PM) Imagineer66: bzr-gtk
710 (03:29:02 PM) *emmajane:* or bzr-gtk
711 (03:29:09 PM) Imagineer66: not "olive". :)
712 (03:29:10 PM) popey: ah, ta
713 (03:29:17 PM) ***popey autoremoves olive
714 (03:29:23 PM) Imagineer66: that's a different stick to chase.
715 (03:29:33 PM) *emmajane:* popey, yeah, sorry. not the rss reader.
716 (03:30:11 PM) *emmajane:* Ok, once it's installed you can find it in:
717 Applications -> Programming -> Olive
718 (03:30:29 PM) *dinda:* the one with the 'olive' icon ;)
719 (03:30:33 PM) *emmajane:* it sort of looks like a file manager, except
720 with different icons.
721 (03:30:39 PM) ***Imagineer66 nods
722 (03:30:47 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, hehe. the edible kind, not the branch
723 kind though.
724 (03:31:14 PM) *emmajane:* using the pointy-clicky-love, change
725 directories to the place where you'd like to store the source files for
726 the desktop course.
727 (03:31:33 PM) Imagineer66: on one's local?
728 (03:31:36 PM) *emmajane:* I personally have a directory called
729 "ubuntu_bzr" that I put all my downloaded bzr stuff into.
730 (03:31:48 PM) *dinda:* if I already have a desktop course directory will
731 it override it?
732 (03:31:52 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, I've never tried doing anything
733 other than my local drive.
734 (03:31:58 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, no.
735 (03:32:21 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, but to be safe, you can put it wherever
736 you want and then move it later.
737 (03:32:42 PM) Imagineer66: hmm.. it doesn't create the directory
738 (03:33:00 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, nope, this is just for moving
739 around and dealing with the bzr files.
740 (03:33:24 PM) *emmajane:* There will be a .bzr folder with all the
741 important goodies, dinda. As long as the new folder keeps the .bzr
742 folder, you should be able to move it around.
743 (03:33:44 PM) *merol left the room (quit: "Imparate a temere ci? che ?
744 celato e segreto poich? se non ? cos? ? possibile combatterlo :: ????
745 ?????? ??5").*
746 (03:33:58 PM) Imagineer66: done
747 (03:34:39 PM) *dinda:* ok
748 (03:34:57 PM) ***Imagineer66 waits patiently... Oh, time for a Coke refill
749 (03:35:05 PM) *emmajane:* Ok. Now you need to get the "branch" that has
750 the desktop course.
751 (03:35:37 PM) *emmajane:* Go to: Branch -> Get...
752 (03:35:52 PM) *emmajane:* use the following settings:
753 (03:36:02 PM) *dinda:* that command is greyed out
754 (03:36:02 PM) Imagineer66: No need to "Initialize"?
755 (03:36:05 PM) *emmajane:* no.
756 (03:36:14 PM) Imagineer66: location?
757 (03:36:28 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, you can't choose "Get"?
758 (03:36:36 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, just a sec..
759 (03:36:41 PM) Imagineer66: np
760 (03:36:45 PM) *dinda:* nope, it's all gryed out
761 (03:37:16 PM) *emmajane:* You might already be in a folder that's under
762 bzr's control.
763 (03:37:27 PM) *emmajane:* are the diff/log/etc buttons highlighted?
764 (03:37:35 PM) *emmajane:* (next to refresh)
765 (03:37:36 PM) *Imagineer66:* dinda: emmajane: Does Olive need admin
766 privileges?
767 (03:37:37 PM) *dinda:* yes
768 (03:37:46 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, you'll need to choose a different directory
769 (03:37:47 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, nope.
770 (03:37:57 PM) popey: Imagineer66: you just need to be in a folder that
771 already has a branch in it, one with a .bzr folder in it
772 (03:38:08 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, you can't put a new branch inside a
773 folder that's already under revision control with bzr
774 (03:38:16 PM) Imagineer66: will bzr create a container in this folder or
775 will the folder be under the control of bazaar?
776 (03:38:29 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, it will create a container to put
777 the new files in.
778 (03:38:45 PM) *dinda:* ok, got it
779 (03:38:53 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, just like with marriage. You have to
780 start fresh... you can't go putting new marriages into old folders. ;)
781 (03:38:56 PM) popey: emmajane: if you can provide a script for doing
782 this from clean, i'll do you a screencast
783 (03:39:16 PM) *emmajane:* popey, that's probably doable...
784 (03:39:28 PM) *dinda:* do i need to change the branch nick?
785 (03:39:36 PM) Imagineer66: 88 still with us?
786 (03:39:45 PM) *emmajane:* pause to regroup. ;)
787 (03:39:51 PM) *dinda:* he's snorting, er drinking coke
788 (03:39:54 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, is WAY ahead.
789 (03:39:59 PM) Imagineer66: no, that's me.. :)
790 (03:40:01 PM) *emmajane:* ooops
791 (03:40:05 PM) Imagineer66: 'cuz the coke. lol
792 (03:40:06 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, 88 is way ahead rather
793 (03:40:11 PM) Imagineer66: ah
794 (03:40:25 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, I was sneaky and gave
795 instructions way back.
796 (03:40:30 PM) Imagineer66: gotcha
797 (03:40:48 PM) *dinda:* emmajane: do I need to change the branch nick? or
798 leave as is?
799 (03:40:48 PM) *emmajane:* ok. Once you've found a fresh directory you go
800 to Branch -> Get...
801 (03:41:03 PM) *emmajane:* the "branch nick" is the name of the folder
802 (03:41:09 PM) *dinda:* ah
803 (03:41:38 PM) *emmajane:* the "branch location" can be done a few
804 different ways, but the easiest thing to do is use the launchpad URL for
805 the project.
806 (03:41:45 PM) *emmajane:* (bzr + launchpad integration == yummy)
807 (03:42:04 PM) popey: that url?
808 (03:42:06 PM) Imagineer66: hmmm... rocket propelled Olives...
809 (03:42:22 PM) *emmajane:* popey, yup
810 (03:42:48 PM) *emmajane:* so you plunk that URL into the "branch
811 location" and then click the "Branch" button.
812 (03:43:29 PM) *emmajane:* and it ... should .. start to download...
813 (03:43:48 PM) popey: Time passes...
814 (03:43:51 PM) *dinda:* what if perhaps it instead gives you an error
815 (03:43:52 PM) Imagineer66: it' automagically put ubuntu-desktop-course
816 in the "Branck nick" field
817 (03:43:59 PM) Imagineer66: Rev 159?
818 (03:44:06 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, yup, that's the latest
819 (03:44:14 PM) *emmajane:* dinda, I'm just trying it at the same time...
820 hang on a sec.
821 (03:44:37 PM) *dinda:* I think my whole home directory is under bzr control
822 (03:44:50 PM) Imagineer66: Unknown Error: unsupported operand type(s)
823 for float
824 (03:45:03 PM) *popey:* dinda: what path do you see in the box on the
825 main screen of olive?
826 (03:45:05 PM) *dinda:* phew, it' s not just me then
827 (03:45:08 PM) popey: the one next to the arrow?
828 (03:45:11 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, I had to "blank" the "Branch
829 nick" to get it to work
830 (03:45:15 PM) *emmajane:* I think that's a bug.
831 (03:45:21 PM) *emmajane:* I've got mine downloading now.
832 (03:45:44 PM) *emmajane:* I might just be getting me a
833 history of revisions...
834 (03:45:54 PM) Imagineer66: Maybe that's what they mean by a "BranCk nick"...
835 (03:45:59 PM) *emmajane:* heh
836 (03:46:16 PM) *emmajane:* tralala.
837 (03:46:19 PM) Imagineer66: 'Target already exists: Target directory
838 already exists:
839 (03:46:31 PM) Imagineer66: please select another target...
840 (03:46:52 PM) *emmajane:* hm,
841 (03:47:00 PM) *emmajane:* it's making the new directories but then not
842 putting the files into them.
843 (03:47:29 PM) Imagineer66: directory made but no files
844 (03:47:38 PM) *dinda:* popey: /home/dinda is what it says the directory
845 and everything under that is under bzr control it seems
846 (03:47:39 PM) Imagineer66: er, none that I can see
847 (03:47:41 PM) ***eightyeight 's download just finished
848 (03:47:51 PM) *dinda:* show off
849 (03:47:55 PM) *dinda:* :)
850 (03:47:58 PM) eightyeight: heh. i wish
851 (03:48:01 PM) eightyeight: that was painful
852 (03:48:02 PM) *emmajane:* ok, I think this might be easier to do the
853 download with the command line.
854 (03:48:04 PM) *dinda:* it's that CLI magic I suppose
855 (03:48:13 PM) *emmajane:* olive is sort of dying a horrible death on me.
856 (03:48:21 PM) *dinda:* we've broken the olive branch
857 (03:48:26 PM) *emmajane:* it's good for processing changed files, but
858 maybe not ready for downloading big ones. :)
859 (03:48:38 PM) Imagineer66: delete the directory and try again?
860 (03:48:42 PM) *dinda:* 'someone' should report a bug on it
861 (03:48:56 PM) popey: - Bazaar
862 GUI.png
863 (03:48:58 PM) popey: thats what i have
864 (03:49:07 PM) *emmajane:* 404
865 (03:49:13 PM) *emmajane:* oh. spaces.
866 (03:49:16 PM) popey: sorry
867 (03:49:46 PM) *emmajane:*
869 (03:50:06 PM) *emmajane:* popey, and did you download from olive or the
870 command line?
871 (03:50:12 PM) popey: command line
872 (03:50:15 PM) *emmajane:* yeah
873 (03:50:33 PM) *emmajane:* I've never tried downloading with olive
874 before, just making changes to existing branches.
875 (03:50:43 PM) popey: basically...
876 (03:50:47 PM) popey: sudo apt-get install bzr
877 (03:50:51 PM) popey: mkdir ~/ubuntu_bzr
878 (03:50:55 PM) Imagineer66: deleted directory and trying again.
879 (03:50:58 PM) popey: cd ~/ubuntu_bzr
880 (03:51:02 PM) Imagineer66: argg
881 (03:51:04 PM) Imagineer66: same
882 (03:51:12 PM) *dinda:* hold on. . .typing
883 (03:51:12 PM) popey: bzr branch
884 (03:51:15 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, yeah, I think it'll be easier to
885 download with the command line.
886 (03:51:19 PM) *emmajane:* popey, yup
887 (03:51:26 PM) *emmajane:* that's what I normally do :)
888 (03:51:27 PM) popey: then in olive i refreshed the screen and that's it
889 (03:52:08 PM) Imagineer66: what is the CL to download/
890 (03:52:32 PM) popey: to download what?
891 (03:52:42 PM) Imagineer66: the files
892 (03:52:46 PM) popey: 21:51:12 < popey> bzr branch
894 (03:52:54 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, the bzr branch URL is the part
895 that does the downloading.
896 (03:53:27 PM) *dinda:* woohoo - okay copying
897 (03:53:32 PM) *emmajane:* woot!
898 (03:53:35 PM) popey: woot
899 (03:53:38 PM) *dinda:* downloading even
900 (03:53:52 PM) ****emmajane* reports bugs back to olive to see if they
901 can get it working.
902 (03:54:00 PM) *dinda:* so good time for a quick bio break
903 (03:54:01 PM) ***eightyeight restarts. brb
904 (03:54:07 PM) Imagineer66: same error
905 (03:54:16 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, at the command line?
906 (03:54:52 PM) *popey:* dinda: whilst that's downloading... can I ask -
907 what process has been gone through to identify out of date / incorrect
908 screenshots?
909 (03:55:17 PM) Imagineer66: downloading now
910 (03:55:30 PM) Imagineer66: I think it is the presense of the .bzr file
911 (03:55:57 PM) *dinda:* popey: so far just me looking at the old version
912 compared to my new 8.04 default install
913 (03:56:26 PM) *markvandenborre left the room (quit: "Leaving.").*
914 (03:56:42 PM) Imagineer66: "Copying content texts 3/5"...
915 (03:57:18 PM) *emmajane:* Imagineer66, woo!
916 (03:58:02 PM) Imagineer66: taking awhile though
917 (03:58:21 PM) eightyeight: back
918 (03:58:28 PM) *dinda:* okay, I have to jump over into the classroom for
919 open week
920 (03:58:36 PM) Imagineer66: ok
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