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I am Trent Lloyd, known online as lathiat

I have been using computers since I was about 8 or something, using an amiga 500, I am now 17, living in Perth, Western Australia.

I have been using linux since 2001, when I picked up a copy of corel linux on a magazine cover cd and primarily with debian since 2002. Since 2003 I have been getting involved with the GNOME project, contributing a few small patches, mostly to evolution.

During 2003 I was involved with the organisation of, one of the more popular linux developer conferences, I also ran a mini-conference along-side the main conference on IPv6, and again in 2004, which was largely linux-focussed in terms of using it.

I am currently hacking on Avahi (, a fully free, LGPL, multicast-dns network service discovery client library with aims to get mdns-sd service discovery integrated into the gnome desktop which is an integral part of gnome.

Related to Avahi I am also working on better working zeroconf support, which provides a laptop with a ipv4 address to use for this service discovered stuff when no network connection is active.

I am hoping to become a member of the Ubuntu MOTU team, I plan to look after after various packages that need love when synced with debian etc for the time being. My source archives can be found here:

I am also currently working on a current documentation projects, I am in the process of writing a 'book' type guide to installing and the basic functions of the Ubuntu/GNOME desktop, because alot of people try to do things the 'wrong' way, going off the compile things, nto knowing how to burn CDs and that type of thing.

Secondly I am planning to put some man hours into updating and improving the GNOME User Documentation (I haven't started on that yet)

I can be emailed on