Leadership Mini Summit Ideas

At UDS we will be running our first ever mini-leadership summit. The goal of the event is to provide an opportunity to block off some time to discuss leadership topics and help empower our leadership and governance community to feel empowered to lead in our community.


The leadership summit will take place over two afternoons at UDS in Orlando, Florida. These afternoons are yet to be finalized.

The summit is open to all, and Jono Bacon has reached out to leaders to propose topics for the sessions. Remote participants are welcome to join in the sessions too.


At the beginning of the leadership summit we will review the ideas list below and prioritize which topics are of most interest and then flesh out the time in leadership summit afternoons to discuss the most interesting topics.

Please add your topics below (if you add a topic, you should be willing to attend and help run the session -- feel free to add your name to an existing topic if you are happy to coordinate it too):



Added By

Review Survey Results

Review the content in the survey coordinated by Jono.

Daniel Holbach, Jono Bacon, Randall Ross

Expectations of the Canonical Community Team

What can our leaders expect from the team?

Jono Bacon, Daniel Holbach, Randall Ross

Leadership Best Practices

How we identify, share and document best practice

Daniel Holbach, Randall Ross

Why people want to be leaders?

Why do people decide to pursue leadership positions?

Iain Lane, Randall Ross

Sustained leadership vs. Reduced Motivation

What can happen after a while of being in a leadership role to reduce that enthusiasm

Iain Lane

Re-evaluate Ubuntu Membership

Are our current processes and expectations still working?

Daniel Holbach

Growing motivation

How do we encourage and motivate our leaders? How do we stop leaders feeling like merely admins?

Jono Bacon

DMB Case Study

What happened, what were the causes, what were the solutions, what can we learn?

Iain Lane, Jono Bacon

Leadership Healthchecks

How we can prevent leaders and leadership boards becoming de-motivated? What approaches can we use to ensure everyone feels motivated, interested, and excited about leadership?

Jono Bacon, Randall Ross

The Canonical <-> Community Leadership Connection

How can we ensure Canonical and Community leaders are aligned, both feel connected, and engaged in leading the community effectively?

Jono Bacon, Randall Ross

Improving the feeling of influence on Ubuntu

How do we help our community raise their feeling of influence on the project?

Jono Bacon, Randall Ross

How do we 'grow' leaders?

How does the community help to grow new leaders or encourage continued growth of existing leaders?

Charles Profitt

The role of the Community Council

Where do we see the Community Council fitting in and leading today's Ubuntu community?

Jono Bacon, Randall Ross

Leadership Gap Analysis

Where do we need more leadership? And less?

Randall Ross

Towards a more inclusive definition of community

How can we as leaders help expand Ubuntu to everyone, and encourage non-software-y contributions?

Randall Ross

Leadership Futures

Has Ubuntu outgrown it's current leadership structure? What structure will help expand the project 10-fold?

Randall Ross

Retaining motivation when approval/membership is rejected

When a team, member, or dev is not approved for a given role, how do we help them to not feel it is a bad report card? Also applies to UDS sponsorship and those who don't get it.

Jono Bacon

Leadership Self-Assessments

Identify leadership skills needed for volunteer groups and how to improve upon those skills/styles

Amber Graner

Organizing Online Ubuntu Events

Leadership Opportunities

Amber Graner, Elizabeth Krumbach

Organizing Ubuntu Events in Meatspace

Leadership Opportunities

Randall Ross

Teaching Mediums

Ways other than wiki pages and IRC to promote leadership and events (webcasts, podcasts)

Jono Bacon, Jorge Castro

UDS-P/LeadershipSummit (last edited 2011-10-28 18:54:44 by 71)