Proceedings go here, here's an example from last UDS: UDSProceedings/N/ApplicationDevelopers


You can see a full list of all the blueprints here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric?searchtext=desktop-o

  • Gnome3/GTK3 - Plan how to integrate GNOME 3 and port our GTK2/pygtk2 apps to it.

  • Unity-2d/Qt by default - Unity-2d as default 2d experience.
  • LightDM - default login/user switching by LightDM. Ubuntu themed greeter as well.

  • Deja Dup - Simple backup by default

  • ISO Localization - Tools and a workflow to provide truly localized CD images. This goes beyond merely installing the right translations, we also want to localize e. g. default bookmarks, or provide a custom background image.

  • Gwibber UI - Gwibber UI port to speed up UI and more modern look and feel

  • CD Space - Ongoing battle with CD space

  • Thunderbird as default - Provisional switch to Thunderbird as default email client

  • Software Center UI - Focus areas for this cycle are a general visual "makeover" (new icons, etc.), enhanced integration with Unity, targeted performance improvements, better touch-friendliness, increased stability and usability improvements.

  • Mozilla release cycle adaptations - how we adapt to the new rapid release process for Mozilla packages.

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You can see a full list of all the blueprints here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric?searchtext=desktop-o

  • Gnome3/GTK3 - Plan how to integrate GNOME 3 and port our GTK2/pygtk2 apps to it.

  • Unity-2d/Qt by default - Unity-2d as default 2d experience.
  • LightDM - default login/user switching by LightDM. Ubuntu themed greeter as well.

  • Deja Dup - Simple backup by default

  • ISO Localization - Tools and a workflow to provide truly localized CD images. This goes beyond merely installing the right translations, we also want to localize e. g. default bookmarks, or provide a custom background image.

  • Gwibber UI - Gwibber UI port to speed up UI and more modern look and feel

  • CD Space - Ongoing battle with CD space

  • Thunderbird as default - Provisional switch to Thunderbird as default email client

  • Software Center UI - Focus areas for this cycle are a general visual "makeover" (new icons, etc.), enhanced integration with Unity, targeted performance improvements, better touch-friendliness, increased stability and usability improvements.

  • Mozilla release cycle adaptations - how we adapt to the new rapid release process for Mozilla packages.

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  • We will be pushing pride and visibility in the next cycle Pride and Visibility Toolkit

  • We are also working on updates to the guidelines to make them easier to access and keep up to date Guidelines updates

  • We're working with the community web teams to develop and promote a standardised Masthead Standard Masthead

  • We also ran a session on how to run a usability session in the wild and we're on hand to help any of the teams that approached us - help and documentation seem particularly keen Running your own usability sessions


Server and Cloud

Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap/OneiricPlanning/UDSBudapest



Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UDSProceedings/Oneiric



UDSProceedings/O (last edited 2011-05-31 05:49:05 by thewar5)