
Differences between revisions 19 and 20
Revision 19 as of 2007-05-21 05:00:43
Size: 5978
Editor: c-67-173-246-94
Comment: CategoryUbuntuConferences
Revision 20 as of 2007-05-21 05:03:15
Size: 5977
Editor: c-67-173-246-94
Comment: fix bad copy/paste
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http://www.ubuntulive.com/ CategoryUbuntuConferences

Ubuntu Education Summit : UES 2007 Sevilla

Ubuntu Education Summit : Overview

We will bring together significant education users and stakeholders who:

  • currently make use of Ubuntu software under various academic and education support scenarios and who wish to use the conference to:

    • present success stories and share learning experiences with others
    • share deployment and usage issues around open source software in education
    • meet with other users or stakeholders and strengthen our communities
    • influence our future product features and directions
    • discuss training and support options


  • are planning to adopt Ubuntu software as their platform of choice in education projects or institutions and who wish to:

    • discuss issues affecting their decision to move onto open source software
    • network with existing open source users or stakeholders to guide deployment plans
    • investigate training and support options


  • are involved with open source software and education, regardless of their linux distribution, who wish to:

    • network with our organisation and users
    • broaden and strengthen the various communities sharing a common vision for open source software in education

Streams / Tracks

We held a programme around two tracks:

TRACK 1 : Above the Desktop

  • Target: educators and decision makers

    • Education Tools
    • Education Applications
    • Education Content
    • School Administration Tools
    • Open Source in Education issues
    • Migrating from Proprietary Software to an Open Source Environment
    • Support and Training
    • Ubuntu and Open Source Communities

TRACK 2 : Below the Desktop

  • Target: developers and technical audience

    • Technical tracks relating to Edubuntu or the core Ubuntu operating system
    • Future feature discussions
    • Collaboration between Ubuntu and other developers
      • Applications
      • Tools
      • Ubuntu variants

Conference Format

We included:

  • Presentations on Success Stories, Challenges, and Experiences with Open Source in Education
  • Birds of a Feather round table discussions (BOFs)
    • Technical Topics
    • Community Topics
    • Deployment, Administration and Management Topics
    • Feature Discussions
  • Hands-on sessions, in the form of participatory demo's and tutorials

Follow On Events

Ubucon - Sevilla

  • 5 May 2007
  • Sevilla, Spain
  • A one day community-led and community focused event. This is the Ubuntu community at its best. Come listen, learn, contribute, and share your Ubuntu experiences at this uniquely Ubuntu unconference!
  • http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuconSevilla

Ubuntu Developers Summit - UDS 2007

  • 6-11 May 2007
  • Sevilla, Spain
  • A technical, hands on gathering to define the features and technical approach for the next version of Ubuntu (version 7.10, due in Oct 2007). Intended audience is development contributors to Ubuntu
  • http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Sevilla

Ubuntu Live

  • 22-24 July 2007
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Ubuntu Live will gather IT professionals, government and business leaders, educators, community leaders, and enterprise users. Call for participation closes 14 Feb - submit your proposal now!

  • http://www.ubuntulive.com

Ubuntu Education Summit - UES Boston 2007

  • 25, 26 October 2007
  • Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • The Boston Ubuntu Education Summit (UES) will discuss education issues across the range of Ubuntu software, and will prioritise the proposed features for Edubuntu 8.04 Feisty+2. Likely focus areas include university level requirements, large scale deployment and management of education installations, education administration tools, and reportbacks, presentations and case studies from our existing user base. The output from UES will be fed into the Boston Ubuntu Developer Summit UDS.
  • http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UES-Boston

Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and suggestions are welcomed, both from within the Ubuntu community, as well as from other interested parties.

Richard Weideman


UES-Sevilla (last edited 2008-08-06 16:36:52 by localhost)