Meeting opened by DJones at 19:59

lucyb to work with MunkyJunky and gord to plan Manchester Jam

AlanBell to follow up on Showcase Lucid Launch Party

daubers More planning and discussion for real life training events

popey Discussion about new policies to be done in ML. To be reviewed and finalised for policy at next meeting (popey to start discussion on ML)

YaManicKill investigate a possible launch party in Scotland

AlanBell - Making Meetings Awesome

Motion: Adopt the proposed meeting guidelines

Results: 12 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstained.

Overall: 12

Motion Carried: Adopt the proposed meeting guidelines

Lord-Readman - English (Great Britain) Translations

Could all members of the en_GB translation team, please try to get through some of the last remaining translations.

popey - Ubuntu Hours

DJones - Any Other Business

DJones - Date of next meeting

Accept 7th April 8pm as date of next meeting, AlanBell to go to mailing list for opinions on a regular 1st Wednesday each month as the meeting date, discussion and vote at next meeting

Meeting closed at 21:08

People Present

Actions Recorded

UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20100303 (last edited 2010-03-03 21:09:55 by 98)