Meeting opened by popey at 20:00

popey - review of action items from last meeting

People who have achieved something in May please place it in the report.

AlanBell will grab Daubers

AlanBell - Election Process Vote

Motion: We vote on this later?

Results: 5 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstained.

Overall: 5

Motion Carried: We vote on this later?

Motion Denied: We vote on this later?

Deadlock. If someone has a casting vote now is the time to use it

AlanBell to update the Elections wiki page and mail the list when done

Next meeting to hold a vote for Election process

AlanBell - Race Online

Daubers - British Library Sci-Fi Exhibition

Alan Pope to get daubers to "Following up the results of the Doodle poll lets pick a date and get on with it"

AlanBell - LoCo Reapproval

Alan Pope to provide a sample awesome LoCo Team re-approval page

Alan Bell to kick-off the re-approval page and process on the list

popey - Any Other Business

Alan Bell to canvas the team for what to do with Ubuntu CDs when they arrive :D

Date of next meeting

Chair for next meeting

MichealH to chair next meeting

Meeting closed at 20:51

People Present

Actions Recorded

UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20110526 (last edited 2011-05-26 20:55:37 by cpc6-farn5-2-0-cust206)