
Revision 9 as of 2010-03-05 19:00:01

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This is the wiki page for the UK London Science Museum visit.

Date: 17th April 2010

Time: ~ 10:30 AM UTC

Venue: Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2DD

For more information about the venue:

Opening times: 10 AM - 6 PM

The Plan

Turn up wearing/carrying something Ubuntu related* so we can easily see who you are, look for the people with Ubuntu stickers/signs (stickers might be distributed if you forget to "brand yourself Ubuntu") who should be hanging around the foyer and then once people have assembled we can go and wander around. There isn't an organised tour.

*That doesn't include covering your kid(s) in Ubuntu stickers and carrying/bringing them along! Children are welcome, but obviously they remain the responsibility of their parent(s)!

Who is attending?

Please add your name here if you plan to attend, and remove it if it turns out nearer the time you can't attend. We'd love to see you!