
Revision 7 as of 2009-08-09 18:49:24

Clear message

The next meeting is scheduled for 9th August 2009, 19:00 UTC (20:00 BST) and and will be held in #ubuntu-uk on

The chairman of the meeting should endeavour to ensure that key points are discussed in an appropriate time. Key Topics from the Agenda should be tabled in the channel using a market such as [ TOPIC ] or * TOPIC * Followed by the agenda item. Where Suggestions or Ideas are put forward and considered as acceptable to the group then it should be noted by the Chairman as [ IDEA ] or * IDEA * . Where a concept is discussed and agreed the use of [ AGREED ] or * AGREED * should be defined by the chairman and should signify the topic is discussed and the meeting is to move on. Be clear on the channel when the meeting is concluded and how and when the minutes will be posted.

General Agenda Items and Proposals

Please put a brief statement of the issue to be discussed here, and link to a more detailed description or summary elsewhere in the wiki.




UKTeam/GlobalJam09 discussion

Josh Holland

Free books for LoCos What to do with them

Alan Bell

Introducing businesses to Ubuntu

Alan Bell

Karmic stuff, KarmicReleaseParties and the like

Alan Bell

Date of next meeting

Previous Meetings