
Revision 10 as of 2010-04-18 09:11:11

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After some quick discussion over cups of tea at issyl0's Science Museum Visit, it was formulated that we should organise a GeekNic in London during the Summer Holidays. After everyone enjoyed the day so much, it makes sense to turn this into a "Family Event".

(Of course, Children remain responsibilities of their respective parents!)

There's not much here to think of yet, but please add your ideas.


It needs to be quite easy to access for everyone. It also needs to have lots of green space!

Would be nice to be able to have a barbecue (but of course, bbqs are banned within the Royal Parks and be a proper geek-out.

Ideas for locations:

  • Hyde Park
  • Primrose Hill
  • Regents Park


It's can't coincide with the Debian UK Barbecue Weekend because that may swallow quite a large chunk of the #ubuntu-uk members. The dates it can't be are:

  • 29th/30th/31st August 2010

Ubuntu UK Real Ale Train is also on Saturday 21st August so it would be good to not clash with that. scheduling to narrow it down to a best date after a few candidates have been decided?


Ideally, it would be good to get this around as many people as possible so we have a big group of people attending.

However, we also need to make a balance between a big group of people and having a manageable size.

Ideas for Publicity:

  • registering at
  • LUGS and other special-interest groups
  • Facebook event?


  • GeekFi (More details coming soon)

  • Barbecue & Meat

  • Lots of picnic blankets
  • Generator (who knows!)

People Interested

Please add your WikiPage links - add a +<number> if you're bringing other people along! This is just for numbers, as we don't know an actual date, you are free to add and remove your name as you see fit.

  • JoeODell "ascenseur" +1

  • Andy Smith "grifferz" +1 if this isn't on a Saturday -- our Saturdays are always busy, which is why we couldn't come to the museum.
  • Ciemon Dunville "Ciemon" +1