
Log for US Teams Meet-N-Greet on March 13th, 2008

21:57 -!- atoponce changed the topic of #ubuntu-us to: super duper uber cool meet-n-greet for all US Ubuntu users just about to start
21:57 < rick_h__> rick here, Ubuntu MI, everyone come to penguicon and party with us and everyone else in the midwest
21:57 < rick_h__> everyone go run Gnome Do since it's all that is cool in the world
21:57 < dthacker> link? dates?
21:57 < rick_h__> that is all, thank you come again
21:57 -!- pak33m [n=pak33m@] has joined #ubuntu-us
21:57 < bts3685> my name's brent, and i do not handle carbombs well. (HAH)
21:57 < seamus7> Hi I'm in Louisville, KY ... dual boot ubuntu and windows for just over a year now ..
21:57 < visualdeception> lol
21:57 < rick_h__> http://www.penguicon.org/
21:57 -!- mode/#ubuntu-us [+v nealmcb] by atoponce
21:57  * pleia2 laughs and hugs bts3685 
21:57 <+greg-g> name is Greg, currently in Michigan going to graduate school.  And yes, all should attend Penguicon for a rip-roaring good time
21:58 < montgoej> Seamus7: w00t w00t, more KY people!
21:58 < seamus7> Gnome Do seems like it would add extra clicks to a normally simple task
21:58 < rick_h__> we're going to have keysigning, packaging jam, room party
21:58 < bts3685> greg-g: whereabouts in MI? cousin grew up in saline
21:58 < jimrz> jim here, Ubuntu New mexico...good evening everyone
21:58 < rick_h__> seamus7: no clicks, that's the beauty
21:58 <+greg-g> Ann Arbor currently (the UofM)
21:58 < gcleric> Hi my name is Eric and I'm with the NM LoCo
21:58 < rick_h__> all keyboard all the time
21:58 < tritium> Mike here, Ubuntu NM LoCo contact.
21:58 <+greg-g> screw the mouse
21:58  * schultmc is Michael, co-founder of the Indiana LoCo team.  We just became an approved team at the latest Community Council meeting
21:58 < dthacker> xkcd will be there !
21:58 < rick_h__> congrats schultmc
21:58 <+greg-g> congrats again schultmc
21:58 < seamus7> rick_h__: ahhhh I see now ..
21:58 < tritium> Go Irish!  Beat Marquette!
21:58 <+pleia2> I'm Lyz, from PA
21:58 < schultmc> thanks
21:58  * protonchris is Chris from the NM Loco
21:58 < visualdeception> Seth Indiana loco
21:58 -!- seele [i=seele@] has joined #ubuntu-us
21:58 < rick_h__> seamus7: yea, if you can do it faster than me with Gnome Do, you're one speedy man
21:59 < hal14450> Brian here, NY LoCo
21:59 -!- wharp [n=wes@unaffiliated/wharp] has joined #ubuntu-us
21:59  * Palintheus is Trey member of the OK and LA LoCo teams
21:59 < seele> let's get this party started
21:59 <@atoponce> you guys ready for the meet?
21:59 < lugnut64> Hi I'm Sean, I'm in the OK LoCo and dual-boot vista and ubuntu
21:59 < dthacker> I'm Dave, Omaha, Nebraska. Omaha Linux User Group, Nebraska LoCo, and other odd jobs.
21:59 <@atoponce> Thu Mar 13 19:59:38 MDT 2008
21:59 <+greg-g> Palintheus doesn't like making up his mind on which loco to join
22:00 < Palintheus> :D
22:00 < seele> I'm Celeste, Gaithersburg, MD from the MD and DC Locos and KDE Usability Project
22:00 < nhaines> I'm Nathan.  California LoCo, an I make the name badges.  :)
22:00 < Palintheus> helping everyone I can greg-g ;)
22:00 < lamalex> Palintheus: that's ok you don don't have to chose
22:00 -!- CyberMatt [n=matt-arn@unaffiliated/cybermatt] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:00 <+greg-g> Palintheus: good way to put it
22:00  * hal14450 waves hi to CyberMatt 
22:00 <@atoponce> if i can have everyone's attention for a second
22:00 < lugnut64> Palintheus: I though you were Oklahoma
22:00 <+etank> vorian: pingaroo
22:01 <@atoponce> first off, welcome to the meet-n-greet
22:01 < kdubois> hola everyone
22:01 <+etank> pleia2: i didn't get a hug
22:01  * klb hugs etank 
22:01  * pleia2 hugs etank 
22:01  * greg-g hugs etank 
22:01 <+etank> yay
22:01 < klb> now shush and listen to atoponce
22:01 <@atoponce> this is just a social gathering, where pretty much anything family-friendly is safe to discuss
22:01 <+etank> <3 from everywhere
22:02 <@atoponce> if you can talk about it in -offtopic, you can discuss it here
22:02 -!- corenominal_ [n=corenomi@host81-148-108-102.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:02 < jcastro> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=723602
22:02 < jcastro> you guys check that out?
22:02 -!- chuckf [n=chuck@unaffiliated/chuckf] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:02 < Palintheus> lugnut64: I am, but I am also a member of the LA LoCo
22:02 <@atoponce> i've voiced all the mentors of the project (i think (sorry if i missed you (pm me))). if you have questions about the project, please ask
22:03 < calimer> what as the project? As a note I am new to lugs and locos and such
22:03 < calimer> learning my way around :)
22:03 <@atoponce> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams is the page with all the info
22:03 < calimer> I'd be happy to introduce myself when it is a good time
22:03 < calimer> er, is not as
22:03 < seamus7> jcastro: I saw the screenshot of the new Hardy Firefox start page .. didn't know if it was real??
22:03 <@atoponce> we started in jan '07 to get a team in every state by 2008. we've come soooo close
22:03 < lamalex> jcastro: that's cool
22:03 <+greg-g> jcastro: that is freaking awesome
22:03 <@atoponce> so, this year, we're focusing on keeping the existing teams strong, and getting them approved by the CC
22:04 <@atoponce> basically, we're all about teams helping teams
22:04 < calimer> very interesting
22:04 < jcastro> http://partnerpage.google.com/ubuntu.com?hl=en-US seems to be the direct page
22:04 -!- tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@unaffiliated/tgm4883laptop/x-172395] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:04 <@atoponce> but, tonight's not business. tonight is about fun
22:04 < rick_h__> wooooooo
22:04 <@atoponce> so, hang out, socialize, enjoy yourself
22:04 <@atoponce> drinks on me! :)
22:04 < Palintheus> \o/
22:04 <+greg-g> woot!
22:04 < tgm4883_laptop> fun?   massive nexuiz game?
22:04 < seamus7> cheers
22:04 < visualdeception> sweet!
22:04 <+greg-g> I'll take 5, please.
22:04 < lugnut64> atoponce: i'm too young
22:04 <+pleia2> bts3685: ...carbombs?
22:04 < Heartsbane> atoponce: oh, you sure you want that
22:04 <+etank> yeah but he is only buying water
22:04 <+pleia2> atoponce is paying!
22:05 < bts3685> :D
22:05 < schultmc> atoponce: who can edit the map on the US Teams page? Indiana should be green now :)
22:05 < bts3685> ... :(
22:05 <@atoponce> last time we had the meet, we changed our nicks to mach the state we were in.
22:05 < chuckf> hi all
22:05 -!- atoponce is now known as [UT]atoponce
22:05 < calimer> Is it okay for me to introduce my software to everyone?
22:05 < tyche> atoponce: Why are you wearing drinks.  Wouldn't they be better consumed?
22:05 <+etank> calimer: go for it
22:05 < tritium> schultmc: congratulations to the IN team from the NM team :)
22:05 -!- klb is now known as [KY]klb
22:05 < chuckf> my question is are wives allowed this time?
22:05 < bts3685> lol @ tyche
22:05 -!- lugnut64 is now known as [OK]lugnut64
22:05 < lamalex> oooo
22:05 < chuckf> :)
22:05 < schultmc> tritium: thanks :)
22:05 <+pleia2> chuckf: I'm a wife!
22:05 -!- etank is now known as [KY]etank
22:05 <+greg-g> chuckf: :)
22:05 -!- Palintheus is now known as [OK|LA]Palintheu
22:05 <@[UT]atoponce> schultmc, get with Joe_CoT
22:05 < [OK|LA]Palintheu> grr
22:05 -!- mode/#ubuntu-us [+v Joe_CoT] by [UT]atoponce
22:05 -!- schultmc is now known as [IN]schultmc
22:05 < tritium> schultmc: I lived in Indiana for many years.
22:05 -!- visualdeception is now known as [IN]visuald
22:05 < bts3685> so am i! (no i'm not; that's a blatant lie. i'm a dude.)
22:05 < calimer> I'm working on a 3D game design project geared at being for all ages at http://Kids.Platinumarts.Net
22:06 < [IN]schultmc> [UT]atoponce: kthx
22:06 <+pleia2> bts3685: want to be my wife?
22:06  * [UT]atoponce is curious to see which state is represented the most... :)
22:06 -!- untagetra is now known as [ut]untagetra
22:06 < calimer> hopefully to get a version into edubuntu sometime soon
22:06 -!- Yasumoto is now known as [CA]Yasumoto
22:06 < calimer> er hoping
22:06 < Heartsbane> pleia2: I think bts3685 was talking about a Irish Carbomb
22:06 < rick_h__> MI of course
22:06 -!- [ut]untagetra is now known as [UT}untagetra
22:06 < tgm4883_laptop> calimer, is it available in .deb form?
22:06 < Heartsbane> pleia2: its guiness, Baileys and Jameson
22:06  * chuckf represents maryland
22:06 <+pleia2> Heartsbane: I know what he was talking about, I was the one who drank them with him :)
22:06 < hal14450> it's starting to get late here but if anyone wants to talk about VoIP(sip),and any experience they have regarding how to get old comps for donation and finding homes for them i'd appreciate a PM
22:06 < calimer> I'm a subsitute teacher, college game design teacher and soon will be running an after school problem
22:06 < bts3685> Heartsbane: oh, i was. she was there.
22:06 -!- dthomasdigital [n=dthomasd@24-119-237-189.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #Ubuntu-us
22:06 < [IN]schultmc> Joe_CoT: could you change Indiana to green on the US Teams map? we were approved at the latest CommunityCouncil meeting.  Thanks
22:06 < calimer> tgm4883_laptop not currently but soon
22:06 <@[UT]atoponce> tyche, i try not to wear drinks, but you know. it just sorta happens
22:06 < Heartsbane> pleia2: oh ok
22:06 < bts3685> in fact, it was her bathroom i made a mess of. haha
22:06  * [KY]klb pokes montgoej 
22:06 < tgm4883_laptop> sweet, i'll try it out then
22:06 < calimer> I am working on version that is debian free
22:06 -!- tritium is now known as [NM]tritium
22:06 <+[KY]etank> how many here form KY
22:06 -!- seele is now known as [MD]seele
22:06 <+[KY]etank> i see 3
22:07 < dthomasdigital> Hello from New Mexico
22:07  * vorian steps in and waves
22:07  * tgm4883_laptop isn't in the mood to compile stuff
22:07 < tyche> [UT]atoponce: Ah.  A dribbler, eh?
22:07 <+pleia2> vorian!
22:07 < calimer> and already have a debian maintainer waiting for it
22:07 <+[KY]etank> that must be every geek in KY
22:07 -!- lamalex is now known as [PA]lamalex
22:07 < vorian> hiya pleia2 :)
22:07 <+nealmcb> I'm Neal McBurnett - Colorado team and Server team.  And I'm going to Prague for UDS!!
22:07 <+[KY]etank> w00t vorian
22:07 <@[UT]atoponce> tyche, :)
22:07 -!- montgoej is now known as [KY]montgoej
22:07 < [MD]seele> [PA]lamalex: Pittsburgh?
22:07 < calimer> it works on linux, windows and mac
22:07 < rick_h__> they have 'net in KY?
22:07 <+[KY]etank> good job [KY]montgoej
22:07 < [KY]montgoej> sorry, was reading up on some networking stuffs
22:07 -!- bts3685 is now known as [PA]bts3685
22:07 < calimer> and is being used in some schools
22:07 < [PA]lamalex> [MD]seele: philly
22:07 < [NM]tritium> The NM team is well-represented!
22:07 < rick_h__> I guess so
22:07 <+[KY]etank> rick_h__: yess
22:07 < vorian> heya etank
22:07 < [KY]klb> rick_h__, I was going to say the same about IN
22:07 < [KY]klb> hehe
22:07 < [PA]lamalex> [MD]seele: the good part of PA
22:07 < tyche> Arizona is mis-represented my me.  Hee hee
22:07 < [MD]seele> [PA]lamalex: boooooo
22:07 <+[KY]etank> rick_h__: but we borrow it form Ohio
22:07 < [CA]Yasumoto> vorian :)
22:07 -!- Heartsbane is now known as [UT]Heartsbane
22:08 <@[UT]atoponce> tyche, where's your fearless leader?
22:08 < [KY]montgoej> trying to memorize all 10Base, 100Base and 1000Base max cable lengths and the OSI model
22:08 -!- chrisindallas is now known as [TX]chrisindalla
22:08 < calimer> it has been used with kids as young as 6
22:08 < rick_h__> great minds things alike [KY]klb
22:08  * [MD]seele is from Pittsburgh :)
22:08 < vorian> ahoy yasomoto
22:08 -!- nhaines is now known as [CA]nhaines
22:08 -!- [UT}untagetra is now known as [UT]ntagetra
22:08 -!- [UT]ntagetra [n=adam@] has left #ubuntu-us []
22:08 < [IN]schultmc> [KY]klb: the Internet2 NOC is at my work (in Indiana) :P
22:08 -!- chuckf is now known as [MD]chuckf
22:08 < [OK]lugnut64> calimer: what
22:08 -!- tyche is now known as [AZ]tyche
22:08 <+[KY]etank> vorian: where have you been latley?
22:08 < H264> paintball is so fun
22:08 <+greg-g> ahoy vorian
22:08 < calimer> http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net
22:08 < [PA]bts3685> pleia2: Time not coming?
22:08 <@[UT]atoponce> [AZ]tyche, or are you the fearless leader now? :)
22:08 -!- at0mik [n=steve@tx-69-34-115-226.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:08 -!- [UT]untagetra [n=adam@] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:08 < tgm4883_laptop> [KY]montgoej, 100Base, 100 meters?
22:08 -!- eddieftw [n=chagas@ubuntu/member/posingaspopular] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:08 < rick_h__> oh no, now everyone is changing their names to be harder to type/auto complete
22:08 < vorian> hallo greg-g
22:08 < [OK]lugnut64> change the topic
22:08 <+pleia2> [PA]bts3685: don't think so
22:08 < calimer> @ [OK]lugnut64
22:09 < eddieftw> hey all
22:09 <+greg-g> rick_h__: I thought the same
22:09 < [AZ]tyche> [UT]atoponce: Nope.  Just a scribe
22:09 < [KY]klb> [KY]montgoej, "all people seem need to data processing"
22:09 < eddieftw> i just got in
22:09 < hal14450> rick_h__, lol
22:09 < [IN]visuald> hey eddieftw
22:09 < [OK]lugnut64> hi eddieftw
22:09 < [PA]lamalex> this many people in an irc is hectic
22:09 -!- [OA]daskreecH [n=skreech@] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:09 < [KY]klb> wait, I screwed that up
22:09 <@[UT]atoponce> [PA]lamalex, :)
22:09 < tgm4883_laptop> heh, theres only 79
22:09 < zzzzzZZZZzzz> :o
22:09 < rick_h__> yep lamal, this is true
22:09 -!- calimer is now known as [NY]calimer
22:09 -!- zzzzzZZZZzzz is now known as zzzzzZZZZzzz[fl]
22:09 < [NM]tritium> 79 is nothing, compared to #ubuntu
22:09 < rick_h__> yea, but usually it's 79 with 78 idlers
22:09 < [UT]untagetra> Isn't there more at release parties usually?
22:09 <@[UT]atoponce> [PA]lamalex, you haven't been in #ubuntu lately, have you? :)
22:09 < [OA]daskreecH> If I type with a british accent do I get kicked?
22:09 < [PA]bts3685> this isn't madness. THIS. IS. #UBUNTU-US!
22:09 < [AZ]tyche> [UT]atoponce: johnc4510's had some family medical problems to take care of.
22:09 < rick_h__> this is irc after all, where are the idlers!
22:09 <+greg-g> rick_h__: nice
22:09 < [PA]lamalex> [NM]tritium: and look how hectic #ubuntu is
22:09  * [PA]bts3685 kicks someone into a pit
22:09 < [MD]seele> [OA]daskreecH: that's not a state abbreviation.  You need [Ja] :D
22:09 < [TX]chrisindalla> There's 1212 in #ubuntu
22:10 < [PA]lamalex> there's a reason I don't hang out there
22:10 < [NM]tritium> [PA]lamalex: I know.  I have to op in there!
22:10 < rick_h__> exactly lamal
22:10 < [OA]daskreecH> [MD]seele: Outside America :)
22:10  * [PA]lamalex pities [NM]tritium 
22:10 < [NM]tritium> :)
22:10 < [MD]seele> [OA]daskreecH: aaah.. clever
22:10 < [OA]daskreecH> For most people that's a valid state
22:10 < rick_h__> sorry, but sometimes too large an irc room is an issue, not a help
22:10 < eddieftw> #kubuntu is a better room anyway
22:10 <+pleia2> eddieftw: now now :P
22:10 <+pleia2> hehe
22:10  * [OA]daskreecH hugs eddieftw 
22:10 -!- PinkFreud [n=WhyNot@] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:10 < kdubois> [TX]chrisindalla: there were 1300+ yesterday
22:10 <+greg-g> heh
22:10 < [MD]seele> +1 for kubuntu!
22:10 < rick_h__> eddieftw: on noes, you're starting up fighting words
22:10 <+greg-g> +1 for #ubuntu-us-mi
22:10 < H264> bah... Gnome owns
22:10 < [TX]chrisindalla> kdubois: that's just crazy!
22:10 < [IN]visuald> lol
22:10 < [OK|LA]Palintheu> meh, nick char limits
22:10 -!- [OK|LA]Palintheu is now known as [OK]Palintheus
22:10 < [OK]lugnut64> KDE all the way
22:11 < [PA]lamalex> boo
22:11 < [PA]lamalex> gnome wins
22:11 <@[UT]atoponce> btw, i didn't mean to interrupt introductions.... if anyone wanted to continue with those
22:11 < [PA]bts3685> eddieftw: are you in #wplug on occastion?
22:11 < [OK]lugnut64> Go Oklahoma
22:11 < [AZ]tyche> +79 for Arizona.  Oh, no, sorry, that's the temperature.  Hee hee
22:11 <+pleia2> [AZ]tyche: lol
22:11 < rick_h__> what? 79?
22:11 < eddieftw> im not even sure what #wplug is.. sorry
22:11  * PinkFreud whistles.
22:11 <+greg-g> hey, it was almost 50 here today
22:11 < rick_h__> hmmm, today was almost shorts weather in MI
22:11  * pleia2 hugs PinkFreud 
22:11 < [OA]daskreecH> How about a twmbuntu? :)
22:11 <+greg-g> rick_h__: exactly, above 40 == shorts ;)
22:11 -!- dthacker is now known as [NE]dthacker
22:11 -!- [KY]montgoej [n=jordan@] has quit ["Leaving"]
22:11 < [TX]chrisindalla> 78 in Dallas
22:11 < [AZ]tyche> rick_h__: The temperature here in Fountain Hills, Arizona.
22:11 <@[UT]atoponce> [OA]daskreecH, heh
22:11 < [PA]bts3685> there needs to be a fluxbuntu.
22:11 < [PA]bts3685> heh
22:11 -!- ScottK2 [n=kitterma@ubuntu/member/scottk] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:11  * PinkFreud hugs pleia2!
22:12 < [OA]daskreecH> [PA]bts3685: #fluxbuntu
22:12 < at0mik> 66 in tyler, tx
22:12 < [OK]lugnut64> greg-g: where are you from
22:12 <@[UT]atoponce> twm... that wm needs to go the way of the dinosaur. :)
22:12  * hal14450 likes fluxbox
22:12 < eddieftw> greg-g: is anyone from your area coming down for PyCon?
22:12 < [OA]daskreecH> Already there
22:12 < rick_h__> I want coBuntu
22:12 < rick_h__> command line only :)
22:12 -!- ScottK2 [n=kitterma@ubuntu/member/scottk] has left #ubuntu-us ["Konversation terminated!"]
22:12 <+greg-g> [OK]lugnut64: living in Michigan right now (going to grad school) from: WI, TX, MO, MN
22:12 < [TX]chrisindalla> hello at0mik representing TX
22:12 < tgm4883_laptop> rick_h__, well you can use the alt disk
22:12 < [PA]bts3685> [OA]daskreecH: so there is! neat
22:12 <+pleia2> rick_h__: so ubuntu server? :)
22:12 < [PA]lamalex> rick_h__: i'm with you
22:12 < rick_h__> eddieftw: a bunch of our guys from the Python User Group are down there
22:12 < [AZ]tyche> eddieftw: Hey.  I didn't see you sneak in.
22:12 < [KY]klb> ratpoisonbuntu
22:12 < [IN]visuald> I wish i could go to pycon....but it doesnt look like its gonna work out
22:12 -!- Strongbow [n=andrew@adsl-66-137-149-124.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:12 < [NY]calimer> woo I'm the only NY rep I guess, haha
22:12 < rick_h__> eddieftw: Mark Ramm, and company
22:12 <+greg-g> eddieftw: not sure
22:12 < [NM]tritium> Anybody in the IN LoCo from Purdue?
22:12 < eddieftw> Canonical is sponsoring it, bring lunch for the developer springs, and such
22:12 < [MD]chuckf> rick_h__, that would be server
22:12 < at0mik> hey! chrisindallas
22:12 < [OA]daskreecH> rick_h__: release synchronises with kernel releases?
22:12 < eddieftw> oh really rick_h__
22:12 < [PA]lamalex> pleia2: bit with bsdgames by default
22:12 < [PA]bts3685> rick_h__: clibuntu? heh
22:12 < r2d2rogers> Hello, late as usual
22:13 < eddieftw> hi [AZ]tyche
22:13 <+pleia2> [PA]lamalex: lol, have you done ANY work since discovering bsdgames? :)
22:13 < hal14450> [NY]calimer, i'm from NY and so is ausimage
22:13 < [OK]lugnut64> clibuntu?
22:13 < rick_h__> eddieftw: yea, he's got tutorials, the nose dev is down there giving a talk, Kevin Dangoor I think.
22:13 < [NY]calimer> ah, put on the tags!
22:13 < [PA]lamalex> pleia2: :) good thing chris isn't in here
22:13 < [PA]lamalex> oh no! but brent is!
22:13 < [NY]calimer> so I don't feel alone, haha
22:13 < [CA]nhaines> Will anyone be going to Lug Radio Live?
22:13 -!- at0mik is now known as [TX]at0mik
22:13 <+pleia2> [PA]lamalex: lol
22:13 < rick_h__> They're all mac guys though :( but come to the occassional LUG meeting here
22:13 -!- Strongbow is now known as [TX]Strongbow
22:13 < jcastro> [CA]nhaines: I will be.
22:13 < yuriy> party?
22:13 < eddieftw> im not going to the actual CONFRENCE but im going some of the developer springs.
22:13 < [PA]bts3685> [PA]lamalex: i do as much goofing off as you. haha
22:13 <@[UT]atoponce> [CA]nhaines, when is it?
22:13 < [OA]daskreecH> !ot
22:13 -!- r2d2rogers is now known as [LA]r2d2rogers
22:13 < ubotu> #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!
22:13 < eddieftw> jcastro: you're going to PyCon from what i hear
22:13 < [OA]daskreecH> Ja ja
22:13 < [PA]lamalex> [CA]nhaines: I want to, but I can't get out there that time of year :(
22:13 < [CA]nhaines> jcastro: You're doing the GNOME booth, you don't count.  ;)
22:13 < jcastro> [CA]nhaines: actually, you're doing the booth right? I think we exchanged mails
22:13 < eddieftw> from nixternal
22:13 < rick_h__> eddieftw: good stuff, I was depressed I couldn't make it
22:14 < rick_h__> I had to support Codemash with the local folks instead
22:14 < [CA]nhaines> [UT]atoponce: LRL is from April 12th to the 13th in San Fransico.
22:14 < jcastro> eddieftw: I am in town for st. patty's .. but not going to python itself. There will be canonical people there though if you want to say hi
22:14 -!- LDwayneS [n=lds@c-71-207-116-113.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:14 <+greg-g> ok, I think with this many people I need a glass of wine....
22:14 <@[UT]atoponce> nice
22:14 < [OK]Palintheus> heya [LA]r2d2rogers
22:14 < [CA]nhaines> jcastro: Right, I'm going to be in the Ubuntu booth along with Neal.
22:14 < eddieftw> ah sweet
22:14 <+pleia2> LDwayneS! :)
22:14 < [PA]bts3685> [PA]lamalex: did you hunt the Wumpus yet?
22:14 < [PA]lamalex> greg-g: try bottle
22:14 < [NE]dthacker> more coffee
22:14 < PinkFreud> I think with this many people, I need vodka.
22:14 < [OA]daskreecH> Koffee!!
22:14 -!- LDwayneS is now known as [PA]LDwayneS
22:14 < [TX]chrisindalla> PyCon was near my office a couple years ago, bt couldn't go 8-(
22:14 < eddieftw> you know that's my hood jcastro, so if you need directions or suggestions, let me know
22:14 < rick_h__> you can always find the kde guys...Koffee
22:14 < [OA]daskreecH> PinkFreud: do you know PingFlyod ?
22:14 < [OK]lugnut64> Mountain Dew
22:14 < [AZ]tyche> greg-g: This many people, I think I need a bottle of Scots.  Hee hee
22:14 < [PA]lamalex> [PA]bts3685: no not yet
22:15 < PinkFreud> [OA]daskreecH: nope.
22:15  * [PA]LDwayneS greets all
22:15 < [PA]bts3685> so fun
22:15 <@[UT]atoponce> [PA]bts3685, welcome
22:15  * [PA]LDwayneS just got a coke zero..:D
22:15 < jcastro> eddieftw: send me along your phone # would ya? going to try to link up with some novell folks and anyone else who doesn't want to pay to go to pycon, heh
22:15 < rick_h__> eddieftw: I hear you guys are doing it again next year so I put it on my "far far away" calendar
22:15 < [PA]bts3685> [UT]atoponce: thx!
22:15 <@[UT]atoponce> :)
22:15 < [TX]chrisindalla> hello [TX]Strongbow, where are you?
22:15 < [LA]r2d2rogers> howdy [OK]Palintheus
22:15 <@[UT]atoponce> [PA]LDwayneS, welcome you too. :)
22:15 < [PA]LDwayneS> thank you [UT]atoponce
22:15  * [UT]atoponce notes that this tab complete is tougher than initially thouht
22:15 < [NM]tritium> agreed
22:16 < [MD]chuckf> anyone know what http://ubuntero.org/ is?
22:16 < rick_h__> yea, once everyone has a name with [ it sucks
22:16 < [OA]daskreecH> [UT]atoponce: Ha ha :)
22:16  * [UT]atoponce cracks his knuckles
22:16 -!- [NM]tritium is now known as tritium[NM]
22:16 < [PA]LDwayneS> LOL. yeah.. with the {} around the names..
22:16 < rick_h__> you know [ is not in the home row people :)
22:16 < [UT]untagetra> Maybe the state should be the END of the nick
22:16 < eddieftw> yea, but i dont know where i will be next year
22:16 -!- [KY]klb is now known as klb[KY]
22:16 < [PA]LDwayneS> pleia2: thanks for reminding me..:D
22:16 < [PA]lamalex> [MD]chuckf: i think it was meant to be a social networking site for ubuntu users
22:16 < klb[KY]> damn, too slow
22:16 -!- PinkFreud is now known as []
22:16 <+pleia2> lol
22:16 -!- [UT]atoponce is now known as atoponce[UT]
22:16  * [] whistles innocently
22:16 < rick_h__> eddieftw: ah, sucky. You doing a part time gig there in Chi?
22:16 < [CA]nhaines> lol
22:16 -!- [NE]dthacker is now known as dthacker[NE]
22:16 -!- [] is now known as PinkFreud
22:16 -!- [PA]bts3685 is now known as bts3685[PA]
22:16 -!- [OK]lugnut64 is now known as lugnut64[OK]
22:16 -!- [CA]nhaines is now known as nhaines[CA]
22:16 -!- [TX]Strongbow is now known as Strongbow[TX]
22:16  * atoponce[UT] watches the channel change nicks
22:16 -!- [PA]LDwayneS is now known as LDwayneS[PA]
22:16 < [OK]Palintheus> bet the other channels are loving the nick spam...
22:16 < klb[KY]> nick flodd.
22:16 <+pleia2> that's better
22:16 < dthacker[NE]> lemmings
22:16 < LDwayneS[PA]> nice idea..
22:17 -!- [UT]untagetra is now known as untagetra[UT]
22:17 <@atoponce[UT]> :)
22:17 < bts3685[PA]> hehe
22:17 < rick_h__> lol
22:17 < eddieftw> rick_h__: no, but i plan on graduating and going to law school. or maybe travel abroad or sometihng.
22:17 < rick_h__> you guys are a trip
22:17 -!- [LA]r2d2rogers is now known as r2d2rogers[LA]
22:17 < [PA]lamalex> yeah, end is better
22:17 -!- nealmcb is now known as nealmcb[CO]
22:17 <+greg-g> alright, where were we
22:17 -!- [TX]chrisindalla is now known as chrisindallas[TX
22:17 < dthacker[NE]> ok, now everybody install vista!
22:17 -!- [OK]Palintheus is now known as Palintheus[OK]
22:17 -!- [UT]Heartsbane is now known as Heartsbane[UT]
22:17 -!- [AZ]tyche is now known as tyche[AZ]
22:17 -!- [PA]lamalex is now known as lamalex[PA]
22:17 -!- jfluhmann_ [n=jfluhman@] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:17 < bts3685[PA]> now for the MIDDLE of the nick!
22:17 < rick_h__> eddieftw: ah, school thing. Cool. Congrats on almost getting done
22:17 < [TX]at0mik> man
22:17 < eddieftw> tyche[AZ]: drop some jokes on us
22:17 < hal14450> oh dear god
22:17 -!- Odd-rationale [n=darieljo@] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:17 -!- yuriy is now known as [MA]yuriy
22:17 < untagetra[UT]> bts3685[PA]: Noooooo! ;)
22:17 < lugnut64[OK]> dthacker[NE]: are you crazy
22:17 <@atoponce[UT]> that's awesome
22:17 -!- [TX]at0mik is now known as at0mik[TX]
22:17 < klb[KY]> /nick kl[KY]b
22:17 <+nealmcb[CO]> but now the channel list doesn't give us sorted-by-state....
22:17 < bts3685[PA]> lol
22:17 < eddieftw> thanks rick_h__, but I still need to go to law school and do IP law :P
22:17 < untagetra[UT]> eddieftw: As long as they're not apt-get jokes
22:17 < Odd-rationale> Hello, all!
22:17 < dthacker[NE]> lugnut64[OK]: my children think so
22:17  * vorian = Ohio
22:17 < rick_h__> bah, what nick list?
22:17 <@atoponce[UT]> nealmcb[CO], yeah. i was hoping sorted by state, we could see where the real turnout is... :)
22:18 < tyche[AZ]> eddieftw: I don't need to drop any jokes on here.  Somebody already mentioned installing Vista.  Hee hee
22:18 < dthacker[NE]> there are apt-get jokes?
22:18 < rick_h__> we're all using irssi like real men/women right?
22:18 < klb[KY]> moo
22:18 -!- Jithu2k2 [n=neo@c-76-113-184-212.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:18 <@atoponce[UT]> but, this is better by practicality
22:18 < Palintheus[OK]> irssi FTW!!!
22:18 < lugnut64[OK]> dthacker[NE]: my vista crashed while updating, i hate it
22:18 -!- j1mc [n=jc@adsl-75-22-17-39.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:18 <+nealmcb[CO]> now we need new software to get the stats :-)
22:18 < [IN]visuald> weechat here
22:18 < dthacker[NE]> kvirc
22:18 < Heartsbane[UT]> rick_h__: yes
22:18 < PinkFreud> tyche[AZ]: oh, I'm installing Vista SP1 right now.  :)
22:18 <@atoponce[UT]> rick_h__, i wish!!!!!!
22:18 < j1mc> hi
22:18 < rick_h__> Palintheus[OK]: is on board, there you go
22:18 < bts3685[PA]> xchat :/ but i'm picking up irssi...
22:18 < [IN]schultmc> rick_h__: irssi and screen so we can lurk 24/7 :)
22:18 < eddieftw> hi there j1mc
22:18 < lugnut64[OK]> PinkFreud: good luck
22:18 < rick_h__> bts3685[PA]: now you need a box up 24/7 and screen and life is all good
22:18 < j1mc> hi eddieftw
22:18 <+greg-g> irssi with a nick list here
22:18  * atoponce[UT] notes that the tubes are clogged at his house, and his hands are tied until tomorrow
22:18 < PinkFreud> tyche[AZ]: ... virtual machines ftw.
22:18 < j1mc> this is a busy channel
22:18 < Jithu2k2> hi
22:18 < untagetra[UT]> /ls | grep [UT]
22:18 <+boredandblogging> [IN]visuald: wohoo! weechat here too
22:18 < [OA]daskreecH> PinkFreud: I'm installing Vista from SVN Muwhahahaha!
22:18 < eddieftw> j1mc is my co-conspirator in #ubuntu-chicago
22:18 < hal14450> [IN]schultmc, that's what a bnc is for
22:18 < bts3685[PA]> rick_h__: oh, i already have those
22:18 < bts3685[PA]> heh
22:18 < eddieftw> j1mc: we are doing a social meet and greet
22:18 < rick_h__> ah, I skipped the nick list...if it doesn't auto complete...they aren't here
22:18 < PinkFreud> [OA]daskreecH: now that's a nifty trick.
22:18 < PinkFreud> :P
22:18  * greg-g thinks he should be able to tab-complete irssi "irs<tab>"
22:18 < lugnut64[OK]> PinkFreud: SVN?
22:18 <@atoponce[UT]> Jithu2k2, welcome
22:19 < dthacker[NE]> Is anybody in touch with teams in Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, or Minnesota?
22:19 <@atoponce[UT]> j1mc, welcome
22:19 < rick_h__> give me screen estate
22:19  * atoponce[UT] tries to keep on top of the onjoins
22:19 < [OA]daskreecH> screen --estate
22:19 -!- Zelut is now known as Zelut[UT]
22:19 < PinkFreud> lugnut64[OK]: not me.  talk to [OA]daskreecH
22:19 < j1mc> hi atoponce[UT]
22:19 < [IN]schultmc> dthacker[NE]: I'm on the KCLUG list - I could ping them about Kansas
22:19 < Jithu2k2> damn this channel is hot
22:19 < [IN]schultmc> but KC may be KC, MO for all I know
22:19 < j1mc> any xubunteros in here?
22:19 <+greg-g> rick_h__: only 10 chars on the right, no biggie (nicklist)
22:19 < LDwayneS[PA]> Kansas..where women sit on toilets for two years..
22:19 <+pleia2> j1mc: yay xubuntu :)
22:19 < j1mc> :)
22:19 < dthacker[NE]> ewww.
22:19 < rick_h__> greg-g: those are invaluable come topic time
22:19 < chrisindallas[TX> Strongbow[TX]: what city are you in?
22:20 < lamalex[PA]> LDwayneS[PA]: huh?
22:20 < lamalex[PA]> ew
22:20 < PinkFreud> LDwayneS[PA]: is there anything else to do in Kansas?
22:20 < untagetra[UT]> LDwayneS[PA]: That news story is just WEIRD
22:20  * j1mc - chicago
22:20 <+greg-g> rick_h__: yeah, I wish I could read the topics with out having to type "/topic <tab>"
22:20 <+pleia2> lamalex[PA]: heh, didn't see that article? ugh :)
22:20 < dthacker[NE]> that poor lady was very disturbed.
22:20 < lamalex[PA]> pleia2: no I didn't
22:20 < Jithu2k2> me Woodbury, MN
22:20 < rick_h__> greg-g: it lists it at the top of my window for me
22:20 < PinkFreud> saw another one today.  woman sat on her couch for *6 years*
22:20 -!- atoponce[UT] changed the topic of #ubuntu-us to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams | US Teams Mentoring Project | Ask questions, get help with your state LoCo here
22:20 <+greg-g> yeah, but only what can fit
22:20 < rick_h__> PinkFreud: someone needs a new couch...and pair of pants
22:20 < PinkFreud> they had to haul the couch out with her on it.
22:20 < rick_h__> greg-g: yea, true
22:21 < Palintheus[OK]> greg-g: you just need a bigger display
22:21 -!- [IN]schultmc is now known as schultmc[IN]
22:21 < PinkFreud> naaa, she croaked before they could pry her off
22:21 < [IN]visuald> lol
22:21 < LDwayneS[PA]> lamalex[PA]: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,337232,00.html
22:21 < Heartsbane[UT]> did we lose visualperception?
22:21 < rick_h__> naw, the one thing kde got right was yakuake dropping down with my 7 screen tems in it
22:21 <+greg-g> Palintheus[OK]: taken up by irssi? sounds ugly ;)
22:21 < [IN]visuald> no I'm still here
22:21 < rick_h__> don't need a bigger screen
22:21 <@atoponce[UT]> Heartsbane[UT], did you scare him off?
22:21 < [IN]visuald> just had to lose some letters
22:21 <@atoponce[UT]> :)
22:21 < Heartsbane[UT]> oh
22:21 < [IN]visuald> name is to long i think
22:21 < [IN]visuald> lol
22:21 <@atoponce[UT]> freenode only supports 16,iirc
22:21 < lamalex[PA]> wow
22:21 <@Zelut[UT]> can we get this channel to 100 nicks? c'mon people
22:21 < hal14450> rick_h__, i use tilda + screen
22:22 < lugnut64[OK]> LDwayneS[PA]: that is sick
22:22 < Heartsbane[UT]> atoponce[UT]: he doesn't know me well enough for that to work yet
22:22 < rick_h__> hal14450: cool man. Finally someone else that "gets it"
22:22 < dthacker[NE]> Hey Loco people.  Anybody ever done a road trip for presentations in small (pop < 10,000) towns?
22:22 < PinkFreud> Zelut[UT]: I could load a couple clones...
22:22 < eddieftw> rick_h__: the guy who wrote tilda is at my school
22:22 < dthacker[NE]> If so, what did you take with you
22:22 < eddieftw> in the same lug
22:22 < jcastro> i have a question - how many of you are doing 5-a-day? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day
22:22  * greg-g joins the crowd, jcastro was trying to get me to do it before anyways
22:22 < eddieftw> etc.
22:22 < LDwayneS[PA]> lugnut64[OK]: I'm not sure which is sicker..
22:22 < [OA]daskreecH> Ok guys I'm out
22:22 < Jithu2k2> i tried sending a message on #tclug but nobody is responding or all of them are here
22:22  * [OA]daskreecH waves
22:22 -!- greg-g is now known as greg-g[MI]
22:22 <@atoponce[UT]> [OA]daskreecH, thx for coming
22:22 < LDwayneS[PA]> dthacker[NE]: no..but it's a good idea..
22:22  * schultmc[IN] gave a presentation in Terre Haute, IN but its not that small afaik
22:22  * [OA]daskreecH bows
22:22 < rick_h__> eddieftw: they get him to get it up to yakuake snuff so I can quit loading konsole please
22:22 -!- [OA]daskreecH is now known as daskreecH
22:22 < hal14450> rick_h__, screen is the sh*t and finally i have a use for the Super_R and L keys
22:22 -!- desertc [n=mmm@ubuntu/member/desertc] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:23 -!- [MD]seele [i=seele@] has left #ubuntu-us []
22:23 <+pleia2> welcome desertc!
22:23 <@atoponce[UT]> desertc, welcome
22:23 < PinkFreud> heh.  irssi + screen here.
22:23 <@atoponce[UT]> dang! pleia2 beat me
22:23 < lamalex[PA]> hal14450: screen is the best thing ever
22:23 < desertc> Thanks guys!
22:23 < LDwayneS[PA]> schultmc[IN]: where in IN are you from?? I'm originally from Anderson..
22:23 < klb[KY]> dtach > screen
22:23 <@atoponce[UT]> :)
22:23 < rick_h__> r and l? I just use ctrl a, n, etc
22:23 < PinkFreud> but I'm nuts that way
22:23 <+pleia2> atoponce[UT]: I dragged him in, had warning ;)
22:23 < daskreecH> rick_h__: Why don't you just use yakuake?
22:23 <@atoponce[UT]> ahh
22:23 < hal14450> lamalex[PA], join the fan club ;-)
22:23 < nhaines[CA]> Who here knows what running screen as a service does?
22:23 < [IN]visuald> LDwayneS[PA]: I'm from Muncie
22:23 < rick_h__> daskreecH: I do use that currently.
22:23 < lamalex[PA]> hal14450: I've been a member for a long time :)
22:23 < Heartsbane[UT]> Muncie?
22:23 < LDwayneS[PA]> [IN]visuald: LOL..I lived there for several years..am a BSU Alum..
22:23  * atoponce[UT] notes that his xchat reflexes are a bit solw
22:23 < hal14450> lamalex[PA], same here, where in PA you located?
22:23 < Heartsbane[UT]> wow I know where that is
22:23 < dthacker[NE]> My Sister lives in Ft Wayne.
22:23 < schultmc[IN]> LDwayneS[PA]: I live in Indy
22:23 <@atoponce[UT]> ... and inaccurate
22:23 < [IN]visuald> cool
22:24 < lamalex[PA]> hal14450: outside of philly
22:24 -!- jms1989_ [n=jms1989@unaffiliated/jms1989] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:24 -!- daskreecH [n=skreech@] has left #ubuntu-us []
22:24 < rick_h__> daskreecH: I used to be a big katapult users since it was > gnome-launch-box...then Gnome Do came out. I use what's best
22:24 <@atoponce[UT]> jms1989_, welcome
22:24 < hal14450> ahh okay
22:24 < lamalex[PA]> you?
22:24 -!- chrisindallas[TX is now known as chrisndallas[TX]
22:24 -!- at0mik[TX] [n=steve@tx-69-34-115-226.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
22:24 < [IN]visuald> yes muncie, The home of BSU, Garfield and corn
22:24 < hal14450> <--- Rochester NY
22:24 < rick_h__> I figure I can always get more ram
22:24 <+greg-g[MI]> we going to break 100 tonight?  any guesses? get a pool going?
22:24 < lamalex[PA]> gotcha
22:24 < LDwayneS[PA]> schultmc[IN]: worked there for years..United Water..
22:24 < schultmc[IN]> [IN]visuald: there's morethan corn in indiana ;)
22:24 < lugnut64[OK]> we are at 84 users
22:24 < schultmc[IN]> LDwayneS[PA]: cool
22:24 < tyche[AZ]> hal14450: GO ROCHESTER!!!
22:24  * nealmcb[CO] waves at desertc
22:24 <+pleia2> I lived in Rochester for a while
22:24 <@atoponce[UT]> hal14450, i hope ausimage is treating you well... :)
22:24 < desertc> :)
22:24 < tyche[AZ]> hal14450: And I went.
22:25 < LDwayneS[PA]> schultmc[IN]: do they still run that awful commercial??
22:25 < hal14450> atoponce[UT], yes ;-)
22:25  * desertc went to Univ of Rochester.
22:25 < Heartsbane[UT]> [IN]visuald: are you really from Muncie?
22:25 < schultmc[IN]> LDwayneS[PA]: not that I've seen
22:25 < tyche[AZ]> not a bad school
22:25 < hal14450> tyche[AZ], ty ;-)
22:25  * atoponce[UT] pokes at ausimage 
22:25 <+pleia2> I worked at the Rochester Institute of Technology as a temp for a while :)
22:25 < [IN]visuald> Heartsbane[UT]: yes I am..
22:25 -!- [MD]chuckf is now known as chuckf
22:25 <+pleia2> (and went to some RIT keg parties, hehe)
22:25 < hal14450> pleia2, cool
22:25 < LDwayneS[PA]> [IN]visuald: so..BSU student or other??
22:25 <@atoponce[UT]> w00t
22:25 < Heartsbane[UT]> Wow, my uncle lives just north of you in Adrian
22:25 < jms1989_> Ok, so what now?
22:25 -!- r2d2rogers[LA] is now known as r2d2rogers
22:26 < [IN]visuald> Heartsbane[UT]: other...I work at the hospital
22:26 < desertc> All that cold air blowing over the lake from Canada in the Winter -- brrr!  People say that Rochester sucks...  I say it blows.
22:26 < PinkFreud>  22:30:16 up 24 days, 10:59,  5 users,  load average: 2.38, 2.33, 1.93
22:26 < tyche[AZ]> hal14450: Lived between Rochester and Buffalo for about 20 years.  Then came out here to the GOOD state.  Hee hee
22:26 <@atoponce[UT]> jms1989_, just chat. hang out. get to know each other
22:26 -!- jms1989_ is now known as jms1989[LA]
22:26 < dthacker[NE]> 2.38?  what are doing to that poor thing?
22:26 < [IN]visuald> oops
22:26 < [NY]calimer> and I might follow tyche[AZ]'s lead :)
22:26 < LDwayneS[PA]> pleia2: one of my college friends is from there..went for a year to RPI then ended up at BSU..thats a story to tell over pizza and beer... Sir Xetwink Cojghoj Phokyxx
22:26 < PinkFreud> dthacker[NE]: Installing Vista SP1.  :)
22:26 < hal14450> atoponce[UT], so i take it this chan is a permanent sort of bridge between LoCo's then eh?
22:26 < [NY]calimer> wow LDwayneS[PA] you went ti RPI?
22:26 < dthacker[NE]> PinkFreud: you have my sympathies.
22:26 < hal14450> tyche[AZ], i wish i didn't have to shovel in the winter
22:26 < [NY]calimer> to
22:26 < LDwayneS[PA]> dthacker[NE]: why would you ummm subject youself to that torture..
22:26 <@atoponce[UT]> hal14450, yeah. state locos can hang out here to get mentoring if they need/want it
22:27 < LDwayneS[PA]> [NY]calimer: No..a friend of mine did..
22:27 < [NY]calimer> I have given some talks there, nice place
22:27 < [NY]calimer> oh
22:27 < tyche[AZ]> hal14450: Yea, it's hard to shovel sunshine.  LOL
22:27 <@atoponce[UT]> it's basically a central place of communication for all state locos
22:27 < desertc> I like to say I went to a religious school, in Rochester.  When the cold air picks up over the academic quad in the morning, all you hear is:  Ooooh, Lordy!  Ooooh, mercy!
22:27 < lugnut64[OK]> PinkFreud: you can get Vista SP1 now?
22:27 < eddieftw> no it's not tyche[AZ]
22:27 < PinkFreud> dthacker[NE]: meh, it's to give it a try.  vmware silliness.
22:27 < eddieftw> it's awesome
22:27 < hal14450> atoponce[UT], seems like a great idea to me
22:27 < dthacker[NE]> It wasn't me.  I've been windows free for five years.
22:27 < tyche[AZ]> eddieftw: Yea it is.  It doesn't stay on the shovel.
22:27 < [NY]calimer> must not be a lot of sunlight in your place then
22:27 < PinkFreud> lugnut64[OK]: got it through my employer.
22:27 < untagetra[UT]> 2.38 is bad on a load average? I see that a lot more than I should then.
22:27 < hal14450> once the dust settles we can probably help eachother out a bit more
22:27 <@atoponce[UT]> hal14450, it's been very successful. we've gotten locos in every state just about, and knowledge circulates well
22:27 < [IN]visuald> well I must depart....
22:27 <@atoponce[UT]> [IN]visuald, thx for coming
22:27 < PinkFreud> untagetra[UT]: on a quad core machine, it's not bad at all
22:27 <+greg-g[MI]> hal14450: plus we just hang out and talk about whatever interests us. and if you feel that what you want to talk about is not "on topic" there is always #ubuntu-us-offtopic
22:27 < dthacker[NE]> PinkFreud: OK, if it's in the name of science.  But check your Biohazard precatiouns....
22:27 < schultmc[IN]> [IN]visuald: cya later
22:28 <+pleia2> PinkFreud: if you keep talking bout Vista, I'm going to disown you :)
22:28 <+pleia2> heheh
22:28 < [IN]visuald> blah work....
22:28 -!- Strongbow[TX] [n=andrew@adsl-66-137-149-124.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu-us ["Konversation terminated!"]
22:28 < lugnut64[OK]> PinkFreud: I bet it will crash whie installing
22:28 < schultmc[IN]> [IN]visuald: hope you can make it to the hardy release party
22:28 < Palintheus[OK]> greg-g[MI]: great plug! the daru2 talk does get repetitive!
22:28 < tritium[NM]> [IN]visuald: see you later.
22:28 < tritium[NM]> schultmc[IN]: where is it?
22:28  * LDwayneS[PA] is a windows guy by day..and hopes to NEVER see Vista..
22:28 < lamalex[PA]> greg-g[MI]: aren't we offtopic in here everyday
22:28 < hal14450> atoponce[UT], well we're gunning for approval from canonical so any advice you can lend is appreciated
22:28 <+greg-g[MI]> Palintheus[OK]: that was for you!
22:28 < PinkFreud> pleia2: Bah!  I just get a kick out of actually having a cpu load average for a SP install...
22:28 < PinkFreud> :P
22:28 < Palintheus[OK]> \o/
22:28 < dthacker[NE]> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .boom!
22:28 < [IN]visuald> cya all
22:28 < schultmc[IN]> tritium[NM]: we're having our party at a state park in Indy most likely
22:28 <@atoponce[UT]> hal14450, cool. what state are you from?
22:28 < hal14450> NY
22:28 < untagetra[UT]> PinkFreud: I've got a single core 64-bit that has 3.17 1.44 1.09 just a second ago
22:28 < LDwayneS[PA]> so pleia2 what can we do in the midstate for 'buntu?
22:28 < PinkFreud> untagetra[UT]: wheeeee!
22:29 <+greg-g[MI]> lamalex[PA]: yeah, but I wanted to get people to join Palintheus[OK] and I in -offtopic because otherwise all that is said in there is "hey, you installed 64bit hardy on your daru2 yet?" "nope, you?" "nope"
22:29 < hal14450> <--- nick is based on zipcode
22:29 <@atoponce[UT]> hal14450, ahh. yeah. i've been in contact with ausimage about how to get that up and running
22:29 < tritium[NM]> schultmc[IN]: cool.  Which one?  I lived in South Bend and West Lafette for many years?
22:29 -!- [IN]visuald [n=seth@adsl-76-240-211-222.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has quit ["(sleep is usually a good thing)"]
22:29 < untagetra[UT]> PinkFreud: I guess so :S
22:29 < lamalex[PA]> haha
22:29 < desertc> Guys, I'm moving up to a new loco location at the very end of April.  That means I get to attend two different Ubuntu release parties.  \o/
22:29 < schultmc[IN]> tritium[NM]: Fort Harrison probably
22:29 < tritium[NM]> schultmc[IN]: ah, cool.
22:29 < lamalex[PA]> greg-g[MI]: I didn't even know we had a -offtopic
22:29 < PinkFreud> untagetra[UT]: what're you doing to the poor thing?  :)
22:29 <+pleia2> LDwayneS[PA]: well, there are release materals given out by the Marketing team - even individual folks can hand those out and post them places :)
22:29 < [NY]calimer> Gonna take a break, for anyone interested, here is the link again http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net  Nice to meet you all
22:29 < untagetra[UT]> PinkFreud: Nothing, honest! :)
22:29 < dthacker[NE]> 21:26:02 up 218 days, 21:13,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
22:29 <+greg-g[MI]> lamalex[PA]: oh yeah, it is hot stuff I tell ya
22:29 < PinkFreud> pleia2: hmmm.  one core running at 2.4 GHz, the other 3 at 1.6 GHz.
22:29 <@atoponce[UT]> desertc, where to?
22:29 < PinkFreud> untagetra[UT]: suuuuuure.
22:29 < lamalex[PA]> :P
22:29 < dthacker[NE]> mail server.
22:29 < eddieftw> i used windows today...mounted my co-workers broken OS and pulled the files we needed off his HD. mount! fdisk -l!
22:29 < hal14450> atoponce[UT], we do have some cool stuff going for us
22:29 < LDwayneS[PA]> :).. I've got *lots* of free time..and there are tons of computer stores around me..
22:29 < hal14450> VoIP conferences and such
22:29 < desertc> atoponce[UT]: the Live Free or Die state  :-)
22:30 <+pleia2> LDwayneS[PA]: AND we'll be getting hardy CDs, so we can ship some to individuals who want to do stuff - bookstores and libraries are good places in addition to computer shops to give them out
22:30 < untagetra[UT]> PinkFreud: I must just be clueless or maybe it's XGL
22:30 <@atoponce[UT]> ahh
22:30 <+greg-g[MI]> desertc: two ubuntu parties should be a good time
22:30 < Heartsbane[UT]> untagetra[UT]: have I met you?
22:30 < LDwayneS[PA]> pleia2: I'll give you my address offline..:D
22:30 < desertc> Have you ever heard a state motto more appropriate for Linux?
22:30 <@atoponce[UT]> untagetra[UT], do you know about #ubuntu-us-ut? i don't think i've ever seen you in there
22:30 <+pleia2> LDwayneS[PA]: k :)
22:30 < PinkFreud> untagetra[UT]: could be XGL, though one would think most of that would be handled by your vid card
22:30 < untagetra[UT]> Heartsbane[UT], atoponce[UT]: Probably not. I'm not in a LoCo
22:30 < dthacker[NE]> NE will have it's second release party in April and an installfest with OLUG in May
22:30 <@atoponce[UT]> desertc, you know, it was the plate for UNIX...
22:30 < untagetra[UT]> PinkFreud: You'd think
22:31 < hal14450> man it's next to impossible to hold a convo in here without a grep plugin for the client lol
22:31 -!- snap-l [n=snap-l@adsl-69-209-128-109.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:31 <@atoponce[UT]> untagetra[UT], well, we have a team that meets regularly in SLC. active mailing list, forums, etc
22:31 <@atoponce[UT]> snap-l, welcome
22:31 < Heartsbane[UT]> untagetra[UT]: well if your interested we are around
22:31 < lamalex[PA]> untagetra[UT]: time to join one
22:31 < chuckf> desertc, Maryland, the Free State
22:31 < chuckf> unless you're talking taxes......
22:31 < desertc> hal14450: do you type looking at the keyboard or the screen?  ;)
22:31 < untagetra[UT]> Would I be much help without very much programming experience?
22:31 < snap-l> Evening, atoponce[UT]
22:31 < eddieftw> hey jacob, how have you been?
22:31 < untagetra[UT]> That's mostly what keeps me away
22:31 < Heartsbane[UT]> untagetra[UT]: yes
22:31 <@atoponce[UT]> untagetra[UT], oh yeah
22:31 < hal14450> desertc, screeb
22:31 < hal14450> damnit
22:31 < sontek> n00bs!
22:32  * eddieftw drop kicks desertc 
22:32 < eddieftw> :P
22:32 <@atoponce[UT]> Heartsbane[UT] is as worthless as they come, and he's fairly active. :)
22:32 < eddieftw> im popular
22:32 < dthacker[NE]> untagetra[UT]: can you answer questions?  We need you?
22:32  * atoponce[UT] ducks
22:32 < Heartsbane[UT]> :(
22:32 < tyche[AZ]> untagetra[UT]: I'll be the first to attest that you do NOT have to be a programmer to be a member of a loco
22:32 <@atoponce[UT]> sontek, you're only jealous!
22:32 < untagetra[UT]> dthacker[NE]: What kind of questions
22:32 <@atoponce[UT]> Heartsbane[UT], kidding of course
22:32 -!- erstazi [n=erstazi@unaffiliated/erstazi] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:32 < tyche[AZ]> untagetra[UT]: And LoCo's can be a LOT of fun.
22:32 < desertc> chuckf: I thought the state motto of Maryland was, "We've got crabs!"
22:32 < Heartsbane[UT]> uh huh
22:32 <@atoponce[UT]> :)
22:32 < Heartsbane[UT]> ;)
22:32  * chuckf is not a programmer and started the loco here
22:32 < eddieftw> nice one desertc
22:33 -!- snap-l is now known as snap-l[MI]
22:33 < chuckf> desertc, that's dundalk, md
22:33 < untagetra[UT]> I was thinking about going to the Gutsy release party except it was a half an hour drive
22:33 < dthacker[NE]> untagetra[UT]: Hang out in #ubuntu or #kubuntu for awhile and you'll see.  Or answer questions on Launchpad or Unanswered posts in the forums.
22:33 < chuckf> :)
22:33 < Jithu2k2> question: what do people do in loco's? I badly wanna join one. BTW I'm a programmer
22:33 <+greg-g[MI]> got another Michigander in here, snap-l[MI]
22:33 < Palintheus[OK]> anyone interested in amateur radio (aka ham radio), the LA LoCo is gonna have booth at the Regional Ham fest in Monroe, LA on 4/26, if your interested make a weekend out of it!
22:33 < snap-l[MI]> :)
22:33  * tyche[AZ] is not a programmer, and is a reporter for the Team newsletter, and contributor to the UWN
22:33  * lamalex[PA] is a programmer, and is the only worthwile member of PA
22:33 <@atoponce[UT]> greg-g[MI], you're not alone! :)
22:33 < untagetra[UT]> dthacker[NE]: Oh, THOSE kind of questions. Gotcha. I'm up for that.
22:33 < eddieftw> Jithu2k2: support ubuntu
22:33 <@atoponce[UT]> pleia2, are you going to take that from lamalex[PA] ?
22:33 < eddieftw> by doing code sprints, install fests, translations, etc.
22:33 <+pleia2> lamalex[PA]: hahaha ahhahaha aahhahhaha hahaha
22:33 < eddieftw> or coding up apps :P
22:34 < r2d2rogers> The LA LoCo plans a release/after event party also
22:34 < lamalex[PA]> :P
22:34 < dthacker[NE]> docs, packaging, bug triage
22:34 < PinkFreud> pleia2: breathe!
22:34 < Jithu2k2> eddieftw: I got that part but other than that
22:34 < lamalex[PA]> she's fuming mad
22:34 < lamalex[PA]> can't even talk
22:34 < untagetra[UT]> tyche[AZ]: What do you think is the most fun thing about LoCo's?
22:34 < eddieftw> other than that...? just hang out
22:34 < PinkFreud> lamalex[PA]: I know.
22:34  * PinkFreud ducks!
22:34 <+pleia2> lamalex[PA]: update the website sometime then :P
22:34 < tyche[AZ]> untagetra[UT]: The community.
22:34 < dthacker[NE]> pleia2: don't give yourself hiccups.
22:34 < Heartsbane[UT]> untagetra[UT]: the after meeting BS sessions
22:34 < eddieftw> what specifically are you interested in? you can join the Chicago team if you want
22:34 < snap-l[MI]> untagetra[UT]: I believe it's the warm human contact that makes locos fun
22:34 < lamalex[PA]> oo
22:34 < tritium[NM]> The NM LoCo will be having a a release party in April and an install fest in May as well.
22:35 < tyche[AZ]> untagetra[UT]: We have some real live wire people out here.  Real cowboys, in a sense.
22:35 < Jithu2k2> I'm thinking about programming or more like fixing bugs
22:35 < nhaines[CA]> Jithu2k2: what do you program in?
22:35 < untagetra[UT]> Good stuff
22:35 < bts3685[PA]> snap-l[MI]: yup. nothing like the warm glow of a crt :D
22:35 <@atoponce[UT]> utah is planning a release party for april in conjunction with fedora 9 release as well
22:35 < [NY]calimer> is there a good place for me to post about sandbox without getting in trouble? haha
22:35 < Jithu2k2> for bread I do .net programming
22:35 < [NY]calimer> on the forum I mean
22:35 < Jithu2k2> but i know a bit of pythong
22:35 <+pleia2> atoponce[UT]: cool
22:35 < tritium[NM]> There's a large percentage of Spanish-speaking people in NM, so we're particularly happy with the LoCO designation.  Hey man, don't you know we're LoCo?!?
22:35 < Jithu2k2> python
22:35 < tyche[AZ]> untagetra[UT]: Plus, you can learn a lot from your fellow members.
22:35 < untagetra[UT]> atoponce[UT]: Any in Utah county?
22:35 < PinkFreud>  22:40:00 up 24 days, 11:08,  5 users,  load average: 3.04, 2.99, 2.42
22:35 < PinkFreud> woohoo!
22:35 <@atoponce[UT]> untagetra[UT], members?
22:35 < Jithu2k2> and started doing blade-python samples
22:35 < seamus7> Are there any projects I could help with in Ubuntu that only require knowledge of XHTML and CSS and writing skills?
22:35 < lamalex[PA]> it's really annoying that wordpress usernames are case-sensitive
22:36 < Heartsbane[UT]> untagetra[UT]: ya quite a few
22:36 < untagetra[UT]> atoponce[UT]: Pardon?
22:36 < eddieftw> seamus7: documentation!
22:36 <@atoponce[UT]> untagetra[UT], we usually meet in SLC, so it's half way for ogden and provo members
22:36  * atoponce[UT] lives in ogden
22:36 < dthacker[NE]> I had a web server in a death spiral at work last week with a load averagle of 110.  Poor sucker.
22:36 -!- [KY]etank is now known as etank[KY]
22:36 < snap-l[MI]> 110? Sheesh
22:36 < bts3685[PA]> lamalex[PA]: i don't hear you complaining about your OS being case-sensitive :P
22:36 < untagetra[UT]> atoponce[UT]: Oh I get it
22:36 < dthomasdigital> tritium you said it getting to say were LoCo really means something in New Mexico
22:36 < seamus7> eddieftw: ok thanks I'll look for that
22:36 <+nealmcb[CO]> declared stats: 4 UT 3 PA 2 OK 2 MI 2 KY 2 CA 1 TX 1 NY 1 NM 1 NE 1 MA 1 LA 1 IN 1 fl 1 CO 1 AZ
22:36 < eddieftw> #ubuntu-doc
22:36 < PinkFreud> what?  No NJ?
22:36 <@atoponce[UT]> w00t for UT!
22:36 < dthacker[NE]> UT wins!
22:37 < tritium[NM]> dthomasdigital: Somos LoCos!
22:37 < eddieftw> 2 from Chicago. myself and j1mc :P
22:37 -!- xq is now known as xq[SC]
22:37 <@atoponce[UT]> nealmcb[CO], how'd you do it?
22:37 < lamalex[PA]> nealmcb[CO]: is that just those tagged?
22:37 <+pleia2> atoponce[UT]: only because erstazi and I are too stubborn to change our nicks :)
22:37  * PinkFreud sighs.  I'll admit it - NJ here.
22:37 < r2d2rogers> nealmcb[CO]: 2.5 for LA
22:37 < lamalex[PA]> ewwwwwww
22:37 < schultmc[IN]> we had 2 but 1 had to leave ;)
22:37 <+pleia2> (actually, I'm in 20 channels and don't want to nickspam them all :P)
22:37 < LDwayneS[PA]> hey..pleia2 is PA..
22:37 < Jithu2k2> MN?
22:37 < seamus7> eddieftw: any tips as to where I should begin in documentation?
22:37 < chuckf> nealmcb[CO], md has 2
22:37 < r2d2rogers> nealmcb[CO]: Palintheus[OK]  is half LA
22:37 < eddieftw> minnesota
22:37 < LDwayneS[PA]> pleia2: 20....??
22:37 <@atoponce[UT]> pleia2, we'd still win. i see at least 1 more that hasn't changed his
22:37 < lamalex[PA]> PinkFreud: I hope you showered before you went out in public
22:37 < untagetra[UT]> atoponce[UT]: Main thing for me is that I'm busy with college so I doubt my wife would be pleased with me spending around 2 hours gone from home at a release party away from wife and kids
22:37  * schultmc[IN] is in 17 channels and didn't mind nickspamming them ;)
22:37 <+pleia2> atoponce[UT]: tie!
22:37 < tyche[AZ]> atoponce[UT]: [UT] cheated.  somebody up there was hammering on doors.  Hee hee
22:37 <+nealmcb[CO]> lamalex[PA]: yup.  emacs to cut out just the [..] and pipe to uniq -c | sort -rn
22:37 <+etank[KY]> xq[SC]: get in here dude
22:37 < PinkFreud> lamalex[PA]: I do.  Unfortunately, I have to shower when I come back in, too.
22:38 < xq[SC]> i am here ;p
22:38  * LDwayneS[PA] does the ''I'm not Worthy" dance from Waynes World to pleia2...
22:38 < eddieftw> seamus7: join #ubuntu-doc and bug nixternal or jjesse or j1mc or sommerville
22:38 < Palintheus[OK]> r2d2rogers: aww, just half?
22:38 <+nealmcb[CO]> (based on "/names" output)
22:38 < dthacker[NE]> untagetra[UT]: tell her it will look good on your resume.
22:38 < seamus7> eddieftw: ok thanks
22:38 < r2d2rogers> Palintheus[OK]: gotta give OK some too
22:38 <@atoponce[UT]> tyche[AZ], i'm in KS right now. so, that would be impressive door knocking. :)
22:38 < bts3685[PA]> nice meeting you all, but i'm out. i have homework et. al. to do! :D
22:38 <+pleia2> later bts
22:38 < PinkFreud> bts3685[PA]: have fun
22:38 < Palintheus[OK]> r2d2rogers: Im pretty sure I can add up more than 1 person
22:38 -!- gcleric is now known as gcleric[NM]
22:38 < Palintheus[OK]> ;)
22:38 < LDwayneS[PA]> later bts3685[PA]
22:38  * xq[SC] smacks etank
22:38 < untagetra[UT]> dthacker[NE]: For Actuarial Science / Statistics?
22:38 < ianmcorvidae> I see the meetup is starting a few minutes early :)
22:38 -!- dthomasdigital is now known as dthomasdigital[N
22:38 < r2d2rogers> Palintheus[OK]: lol
22:38 <@atoponce[UT]> bts3685[PA], thx for coming
22:38 < eddieftw> seamus7: mdke is really good too. email the doc Mailling List as well.
22:38 <+greg-g[MI]> nealmcb[CO]: we got 2 more from Michigan here, with jcastro and rick_h__ who don't want to join the nicknaming convention
22:38 < untagetra[UT]> dthacker[NE]: ;)
22:38 < tyche[AZ]> atoponce[UT]: Yea, well I heard you in AZ.  Hee hee
22:38 <@atoponce[UT]> ianmcorvidae, you're a bit late. :)
22:38 -!- bts3685[PA] is now known as bts3685
22:38 < PinkFreud> bts3685[PA]: and stay away from the carbombs
22:39 <+greg-g[MI]> oh, and kdubois too, also not joining the nicknaming fun
22:39 -!- dthomasdigital[N is now known as dthomasdigit[NM]
22:39 < ianmcorvidae> am I? I thought it was 8 MST
22:39 <+etank[KY]> ouch xq[SC]
22:39 <+etank[KY]> not nice
22:39 -!- jimrz is now known as jimrz[NM]
22:39 < tyche[AZ]> That makes 2 for AZ
22:39 < ianmcorvidae> Anyway :)
22:39 < untagetra[UT]> BRB
22:39 < dthacker[NE]> untagetra[UT]: ok maybe not...... wait!  failure rates!  "I'm learning to compute CD failure rates"
22:39 <@atoponce[UT]> ianmcorvidae, i have a hard time with DST
22:39 < erstazi> atoponce[UT]: if I change my nick, other people in other channels will be questioning me for why I need to note
22:39 < ianmcorvidae> ah
22:39 < rick_h__> dare to be different gre-g!
22:39 < ianmcorvidae> since, 8 MST is in about 20 minutes
22:39 < seamus7> eddieftw: ok I'm there already .. will do ;)
22:39 -!- bts3685 [n=bts@c-69-249-133-57.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit ["bye"]
22:39 <@atoponce[UT]> erstazi, :)
22:39 <+greg-g[MI]> rick_h__: I was just being hammered on by jcastro to be a sheep and change my hackergotchi 20 minutes prior, I can only take so much peer pressure
22:40 < ianmcorvidae> yeah, same deal for me. I'm in other channels that would ask and that would distract from this and that's no fun.
22:40 < desertc> hal14450: Do you go to Nick Tahoes?
22:40 <+nealmcb[CO]> the other disadvantage of changing nicks is losing cool cloaks
22:40 -!- LaserJock [n=LaserJoc@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:40 < eddieftw> tell nixternal that eddieftw sent you :P
22:40 < lamalex[PA]> jcastro: you're a .net fan aren't you?
22:40 < kdubois> greg-g[MI]: what if people in other channels get confused about who I am then?
22:40 <+greg-g[MI]> kdubois: I hope they would be able to figure it out
22:40 < jcastro> lamalex[PA]: yeah, pretty much
22:40 < gcleric[NM]> nealmcb[CO]: if you are a member.
22:40 < LaserJock> what's shakin' people?
22:40 < desertc> jcastro: you're a big vista fan aren't you?
22:40 < lamalex[PA]> kdubois: if they can't figure it out, they probably shouldn't be on the computer
22:40 <@atoponce[UT]> LaserJock, welcome
22:40 < jcastro> desertc: I don't hate it
22:40 < [CA]Yasumoto> heya LaserJock
22:40 <@atoponce[UT]> LaserJock, how's NV?
22:40 < ianmcorvidae> there are other cloaks too, though --- some are cooler than others (hint: mine isn't very much)
22:41 <+nealmcb[CO]> gcleric[NM]: there are other cool cloaks also - wikipedia, even unaffiliated or whatever
22:41 < LaserJock> atoponce[UT]: :(
22:41 < ianmcorvidae> Heya, Laser
22:41 < tritium[NM]> LaserJock: :D
22:41 < LaserJock> atoponce[UT]: there's some people, but no organization or activity
22:41 -!- seamus7 [n=seamus7@h60.154.90.75.ip.alltel.net] has left #ubuntu-us ["Leaving."]
22:41 < snap-l[MI]> .net is a cool idea, but I don't trust Microsoft to play fair when it gets enough traction
22:41 -!- nealmcb[CO] is now known as nealmcb
22:41 < lamalex[PA]> i don't know a lot about it
22:41 < lugnut64[OK]> Looks like we won't reach the 100 user mark
22:42 <+greg-g[MI]> oh man, where is evarlast when you need him
22:42 < snap-l[MI]> SOrt of like Visual C++
22:42 -!- r2d2rogers is now known as r2d2rogers[LA]
22:42 < PinkFreud> snap-l[MI]: I can't imagine why.
22:42 < dthacker[NE]> I need to read more packaging docs.  Have a good evening, everyone.
22:42 < LaserJock> tritium[NM]!!!
22:42 -!- dthacker[NE] is now known as dthacker
22:42 < nhaines[CA]> Thanks for coming, dthacker .
22:42 < ianmcorvidae> well, people who are following the 8MST thing will show up in about 20 minutes, so who knows :P
22:42 <@atoponce[UT]> dthacker, later
22:42 -!- [NY]calimer [n=calimer@cpe-72-224-40-18.nycap.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-us ["Leaving"]
22:42 < PinkFreud> snap-l[MI]: would it have anything to do with their years of dirty tricks?
22:42 < snap-l[MI]> C# looks like a nice language, though
22:42 < tritium[NM]> LaserJock: good to see you, buddy!
22:42 < PinkFreud> :)
22:42 < LaserJock> tritium[NM]: likewise
22:42 < erstazi> snap-l[MI]: mono
22:42 < jcastro> \o/ LaserJock!!!
22:42 <@atoponce[UT]> ianmcorvidae, true. and this can go all night
22:42 -!- corenominal__ [n=corenomi@host81-148-108-102.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-us
22:42 < LaserJock> hi jorge
22:42 < ianmcorvidae> it can.
22:42 < snap-l[MI]> PinkFreud: Dirty Tricks, or endless dicking with things to make them "better". Take your pick
22:42 <@atoponce[UT]> corenominal_, welcome
22:42 -!- corenominal__ [n=corenomi@host81-148-108-102.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:42 < ianmcorvidae> I'll have to run off in about 45 minutes, myself, although I'll idle
22:43 < LaserJock> jcastro: saw a planet post and thought I'd drop by
22:43 < Jithu2k2> Guys will catch up sometime later...got a presentation to tend to :( Nice meeting you all
22:43 <+greg-g[MI]> just need 18 more, we can do it!
22:43  * atoponce[UT] apologizes to the channel for his lack of DST tactics
22:43 < ianmcorvidae> hehe
22:43 < Palintheus[OK]> later Jithu2k2
22:43 <+pleia2> later, Jithu2k2!
22:43 < PinkFreud> snap-l[MI]: The latter wouldn't be so bad if they'd release documentation.
22:43 < jcastro> LaserJock: yeah me too
22:43 < tritium[NM]> atoponce[UT]: no worries.  We knew what you meant ;)
22:43 -!- Jithu2k2 [n=neo@c-76-113-184-212.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has quit ["Later!"]
22:43 < PinkFreud> The former... heh.  MS has left a trail of court cases.  'nuf said.  :)
22:44 <+greg-g[MI]> I don't pay attention to the S or D in the time zones, just the first letter is all that matters :)
22:44 < vorian> so what are we shooting for here?
22:44 <@atoponce[UT]> LaserJock, what can we do to get LV moving?
22:44  * PinkFreud points
22:44 < PinkFreud> vorian: that spot on the wall.  FIRE!
22:44 < ianmcorvidae> oh see, I'm actually ON mst, good old arizona
22:44 < tyche[AZ]> vorian: is shooting legal here?  It isn't in AZ.  Hee hee
22:44 < ianmcorvidae> so I went by that :)
22:44 < desertc> atoponce[UT]: two words:  Linux Slots
22:44 <@atoponce[UT]> desertc, eh?
22:44 <+pleia2> desertc: lol
22:45 -!- atoponce[UT] is now known as atoponce
22:45 -!- Heartsbane[UT] is now known as Heartsbane
22:45 < desertc> atoponce: with all the gambling in nevada, I mean
22:45 < lamalex[PA]> is the meet and greet over already?
22:45  * atoponce needs his identification, or he can't pm, or be pm'd
22:45 < ianmcorvidae> so what're folks working on nowadays? Any interesting projects worth noting
22:45 <@atoponce> desertc, ahh
22:45 < lamalex[PA]> atoponce: I registered mine :P
22:46 <@atoponce> :)
22:46 < desertc> actually - many slot machines run embedded linux, not that anyone would notice
22:46 -!- tyche[AZ] is now known as tyche
22:46 < Heartsbane> sontek: newb
22:46 < ianmcorvidae> heh, it could be fun to get one and mess with the linux within it
22:46 <+pleia2> ianmcorvidae: this is our big one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PennsylvaniaTeam/CommunityOutreachTeam/NtrLaptopProject
22:46 < sontek> Heartsbane: wanna take this outside?
22:46 < ianmcorvidae> (looking :D)
22:46 <+pleia2> :)
22:46 < desertc> atoponce: How about an Ubuntu release party at the Star Trek Casino.  :)  I'd go, and I don't even live there.
22:46 < vorian> etank[KY]: you still mentor? :P
22:46 < eddieftw> brb guys
22:46 < Heartsbane> sontek: hehehe sure
22:46 <@atoponce> desertc, heh
22:46 < nhaines[CA]> haha
22:47 < LDwayneS[PA]> pleia2: on the Hardy Release.. freenode goes to Hacc..
22:47 <+pleia2> desertc: bring me along?
22:47 <+etank[KY]> vorian: prolly shouldn't be now
22:47 < LDwayneS[PA]> and there is YTI and York College by me..
22:47 <+etank[KY]> too much Foresight
22:47 < PinkFreud> pleia2: lol
22:47 < vorian> etank[KY]: :D
22:47 < PinkFreud> pleia2: And I thought you were a Star Wars fan.
22:47 < PinkFreud> :P
22:47 <+pleia2> PinkFreud: they aren't mutually exclusive!
22:47 <+pleia2> hehe
22:47 < vorian> etank[KY]: you should steal these LoCo peeps to your cause :)
22:47 < PinkFreud> that's not what I hear...
22:47 < desertc> The Star Wars and Star Trek fans must feud.  *fights*
22:47  * PinkFreud ducks!
22:47 <@atoponce> NV is probably i big tourist trap, which would be hard to find linux nerds living there
22:47 < PinkFreud> desertc: see?!
22:48 < LDwayneS[PA]> desertc:  what if you're both??
22:48 < ianmcorvidae> pleia2: awesome, looks like a good project!
22:48 < ianmcorvidae> atoponce: you discount the effects of defcon, though :)
22:48 < PinkFreud> LDwayneS[PA]: you fight with yourself?
22:48 <@atoponce> ianmcorvidae, heh
22:48  * atoponce plans on going this year
22:48 -!- lugnut64[OK] [n=chatzill@ip70-177-110-218.ok.ok.cox.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox 3.0b4/2008030714]"]
22:48 -!- kdubois is now known as kdubois[MI]
22:48 < ianmcorvidae> I'm in norway when it happens or I'd be going too :(
22:49 <+pleia2> desertc: well I do have a lot of internal conflicts... :P
22:49 < ianmcorvidae> Norway does beat out Nevada, though :)
22:49  * vorian hides
22:49 <+etank[KY]> vorian: i try all the time :)
22:49 < desertc> vorian: me me me !
22:49 <@atoponce> vorian, when is it?
22:49 < vorian> October
22:49 < desertc> pleia2: hehe
22:49 < LDwayneS[PA]> PinkFreud: LOL.. ok.. here I got..
22:49 < LDwayneS[PA]> er..go
22:49 <+etank[KY]> vorian: you know i will be there
22:49 < schultmc[IN]> vorian: I probably will again
22:49 <+etank[KY]> unless im dead
22:49 < snap-l[MI]> Planning on going to OLF
22:49 <@atoponce> vorian, maybe. depends on if they send me there or not
22:49 < ianmcorvidae> Well, if I happen to end up going to Oberlin, I might stop in
22:49 < kdubois[MI]> vorian: absolutely, where to sign up?
22:49 < ianmcorvidae> but that's rather unlikely :)
22:49 <@atoponce> vorian, is it free?
22:49 <+etank[KY]> which i dont plan on being dead
22:49 < schultmc[IN]> vorian: thanks for your help with the IN LoCo last Ohio LinuxFest
22:49 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: it can be
22:49 < vorian> there is a free pass
22:49 <@atoponce> w00t
22:49 < desertc> vorian: Can I help out there again this year?  Was lots of fun.
22:49 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: or you can pay for a pass
22:50 < vorian> It's October 11th
22:50 < jcastro> vorian: you can always count me in for ohio linuxfest!
22:50 < PinkFreud> etank[KY]: don't need to spend a year dead for tax purposes?
22:50 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: you should come
22:50 < untagetra[UT]> I'm back---so what is expected of a LoCo member?
22:50 <@atoponce> etank[KY], what's the difference?
22:50 < vorian> wee
22:50 < snap-l[MI]> I pay for passes because I want there to be an OLF next time around
22:50 < vorian> OLF ftw :)
22:50 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: supporting the conf and a meal
22:50 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: that and a training pass for the LPI i think
22:50 <@atoponce> untagetra[UT], just come to meetings and have fun
22:50 < snap-l[MI]> Anyone planning on being at Penguicon (who isn't in MI, because you're all just expected to come. :) )
22:50 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: could be wrong on that part though
22:50 < vorian> schultmc[IN]: no problemo
22:50 < desertc> vorian: I got lured into helping last year by a troop carrying cake through the Columbus streets.  But you know what?  The cake was a lie!  I hope I get some cake this year.
22:50 <+boredandblogging> untagetra[UT]: help out wherever you can
22:50 <+etank[KY]> i plan on doing the LPI1 at this years'
22:50 <@atoponce> untagetra[UT], contributions, such as helping out with meetings, mailing list, web site and such are nice, but not required
22:51 <+etank[KY]> last year r0cked so hard
22:51 -!- pak33m [n=pak33m@] has left #ubuntu-us []
22:51 <@atoponce> etank[KY], LPI eh? i should take that
22:51 -!- corenominal_ [n=corenomi@host81-148-108-102.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has quit [Connection timed out]
22:51 < ianmcorvidae> I'd love to do LPI, heh
22:51 < eddieftw> hey all
22:51 < ianmcorvidae> money and time, though
22:51 < vorian> desertc: did I perhaps meet you at OLF?
22:51 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: i want it for my resume
22:51 < ianmcorvidae> hello, eddie
22:51 <+etank[KY]> so i can get out of the Windows slumps
22:51 < desertc> vorian: :)  we did meet
22:51 <@atoponce> etank[KY], if you can pass the RHCE, you can *easily* pass the LPI and Linux+ both
22:51 < ianmcorvidae> and with LPI, you can become Ubuntu certified :)
22:51 -!- Odd-rationale [n=darieljo@] has left #ubuntu-us []
22:51 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: i have no Linux certs at all
22:51 -!- gcleric[NM] [n=gcleric@] has quit ["leaving"]
22:52 <+etank[KY]> only MCSE
22:52  * vorian has trouble matching nicks w/ faces atm
22:52 <@atoponce> *gasp*
22:52  * pleia2 backs away from etank[KY] 
22:52  * atoponce shin kicks etank[KY] 
22:52 < ianmcorvidae> lol
22:52 < LDwayneS[PA]> pleia2: I have mine too..
22:52 <+etank[KY]> MCSE x2 really
22:52 < untagetra[UT]> atoponce: If it comes down to coming to meetings, I'll have to wait a while, but if it's just simple contributions like boredandblogging and you mentioned otherwise, I can definitely do that
22:52 <+etank[KY]> NT4.0 and 2000
22:52  * tritium[NM] hates the "E" in RHCE, MSCE...
22:52 <+etank[KY]> that was before i saw the light
22:52 < tyche> Did somebody from KY utter a dirty word?
22:52 < LDwayneS[PA]> MCP NT 4.0
22:52 < tyche> MCSE FTL
22:52 <+pleia2> LDwayneS[PA]: you're just trying to convince me not to stalk you now that I have your address - it won't work! :P
22:52 <+etank[KY]> tyche: that was me
22:52 < LDwayneS[PA]> pleia2: LOL
22:52 < eddieftw> nobody said the tyche from what i recall....
22:53 < jms1989[LA]> Why are drupal themes so hard to adjust?
22:53 <@atoponce> untagetra[UT], yeah. hang out in our irc channel, hit up the mailing list, whatever. :)
22:53 < eddieftw> the tyche word*
22:53 -!- dthomasdigit[NM] is now known as dthomasdigital
22:53 < tritium[NM]> RHCE, MSCE != engineering
22:53 <@atoponce> heh
22:53 < LDwayneS[PA]> tritium[NM]: I know that and you know that..but HR doesn't...LOL
22:53 <@atoponce> that would depend on who you ask, i guess
22:53 < tritium[NM]> LDwayneS[PA]: :)
22:54 < tritium[NM]> atoponce: like people with engineering degrees
22:54 <@atoponce> being an RHCE examiner, i can tell you that this ain't no MSCE. you're actually proven you can administer a system
22:54 < snap-l[MI]> MCSE = Microsoft Certified Somewhat Enterprisey.
22:54 < desertc> jms1989[LA]: so the poor web designers can stay employed
22:54 <+greg-g[MI]> haha
22:54 < LDwayneS[PA]> atoponce: so..it should be Red Hat Certified Administrator..
22:54 <@atoponce> LDwayneS[PA], there is already an RHCA: red hat certified architect
22:54 < tritium[NM]> heh
22:55 < lamalex[PA]> haha
22:55 <@atoponce> which is literally 5x harder than the RHCE
22:55 < eddieftw> i want to learn RHCA, but im not sure yet
22:55 < LDwayneS[PA]> atoponce: I'm sure..
22:55 < snap-l[MI]> RHCH = RedHat Certified Hawsome
22:55 <+greg-g[MI]> RHC-BOFH
22:55 < vorian> lol
22:55 < untagetra[UT]> atoponce: I think I'll look into joining the Utah LoCo then...but for now, I think I better go do homework. Thanks, it's been fun
22:55 < tyche> I'd say RHCS, but people would replace sysadmin with a naughty word.
22:55 <+greg-g[MI]> take care untagetra[UT]
22:55 < untagetra[UT]> Thanks greg-g[MI]
22:56 <@atoponce> untagetra[UT], np. see you around
22:56 < tyche> by, untagetra[UT]
22:56 < jms1989[LA]> desertc: I just want to widen the body to fit a 800px iframe to a sub-site and fit in a 1024x768 screen resolution. It needs to have fixed width.
22:56 < LaserJock> atoponce: sorry was afk. We have 13 members in Ubuntu NV but one thing that seems to be a problem is not much of anybody does IRC
22:56 < untagetra[UT]> Thanks guys
22:56 -!- untagetra[UT] [n=adam@] has left #ubuntu-us []
22:56 <+etank[KY]> holy cow its LaserJock
22:56 <@atoponce> LaserJock, meh. how about mailing lists or forums?
22:56 <+nealmcb>  jcastro 5-a-day looks like a great idea.  I curious why you have to report bugs via the app - can't the stats just be pulled off launchpad?
22:56 <+etank[KY]> LaserJock: how ya been
22:56 < desertc> jms1989[LA]: I know, I run drupal too and it is complex to make changes
22:56 < tritium[NM]> LaserJock: we have a similar problem in NM.
22:56 <+greg-g[MI]> nealmcb: I've thought the same question
22:57 <+greg-g[MI]> nealmcb: specifically from the "view karma log" or whatever page it is
22:57 < LaserJock> atoponce: well ... the mailing list has 2 emails ... ever
22:57 <@atoponce> heh
22:57 < ianmcorvidae> The problem we have is that we have lots of active people who have great ideas but seem to have trouble implementing most of them :)
22:57 < tritium[NM]> We get a lot of offtopic emails on our mailing list.
22:57 < desertc> What do you guys think about organized LPI study groups?
22:58 < ianmcorvidae> We only have our newsletters on our mailing list
22:58 < desertc> Or Ubuntu certs when they come out
22:58 < ianmcorvidae> but IRC is quite active, so
22:58 <@atoponce> vorian, will there be ubuntu certs going on at ohio linux fest?
22:58 < ianmcorvidae> I'd love to do a study session sometime, if just to teach others stuff :)
22:58 <@atoponce> that's really what i want
22:58 < Heartsbane> desertc: works for me
22:58 < vorian> atoponce: yepper
22:58 < LDwayneS[PA]> desertc: I'd be up for a study group!
22:58 <@atoponce> vorian, know the price?
22:59 < ianmcorvidae> is there any sort of guide for Ubuntu cert yet
22:59 < vorian> atoponce: but you have to be LCP 1&2
22:59 < vorian> atoponce: like $100
22:59 < ianmcorvidae> atoponce: 300 for LPI1, 100 additionall for Ubuntu
22:59 <@atoponce> vorian, have to already have them, or just pass them too?
22:59 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: last year i think it was pretty cheap
22:59 < ianmcorvidae> already have them, atoponce
22:59 <@atoponce> meh
22:59 < ianmcorvidae> well, you CAN pass them there too
22:59 < LaserJock> any idea on how to get some spark in Ubuntu NV?
22:59 <@atoponce> ok. that's better
22:59 < ianmcorvidae> either is acceptable, basically
23:00 < LaserJock> my guess is that it just needs a good leader
23:00 <@atoponce> LaserJock, do you have f2f meets?
23:00 < LaserJock> atoponce: nope
23:00 < vorian> Ohio Linux Fest is the awesomest
23:00 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: they offer a training day on friday, conf on saturday, tests on sunday
23:00 <+etank[KY]> vorian: ++
23:00 < ianmcorvidae> face to face does help a lot
23:00 < desertc> LaserJock: do meetups at the Star Trek Casino and the Museum of Nuclear Weapons Testing
23:00 <@atoponce> etank[KY], cool. i should definitely go then, just for that if nothing else
23:00 < vorian> then Penguicon, (right jcastro?)  ;-)
23:01 <@atoponce> LaserJock, sounds like you just need some good meets. maybe hitting up a datacenter or linux cluster for a field trip
23:01 < jcastro> vorian: I love both.
23:01 < vorian> weee
23:01 <+boredandblogging> LaserJock: spam...err...advertise as much as possible
23:01 < LaserJock> hmm
23:01 < snap-l[MI]> Penguicon and Ohio Linux are different shows
23:01 < jcastro> vorian: penguicon is a great weekend. Ohio Linuxfest is a great one-day event.
23:01 < chuckf> LaserJock, here in md the best meets we have a dinner meets
23:01 <@atoponce> LaserJock, yeah. hit up the LUG mailing lists as well
23:01 < tyche> boredandblogging: LOL
23:01 < LaserJock> I need to find somebody to do that ...
23:01 < LaserJock> :-)
23:01 < snap-l[MI]> Ohio Linux is 100% Linux conference
23:02 <@atoponce> heh
23:02 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: yeah, and it would be good to actually meet you too
23:02 < snap-l[MI]> Penguicon is 100% nerdfest.
23:02 < vorian> jcastro: OLF-U sounds to be a bigger event this year
23:02 < jcastro> I think ohiolinux is a better linux show ... but on the otherhand penguicon has things like Tron-guy.
23:02 < jcastro> which is just awesome
23:02 < chuckf> LaserJock, do you have any LUGs you can work with?
23:02 < vorian> tron guy
23:02 < vorian> :)
23:02 < desertc> snap-l[MI]: Notacon is coming up, too
23:02 <+etank[KY]> snap-l[MI]: nerd is a dirty word. use geek instead :)
23:02 < jcastro> yeah, tron guy, hahah
23:02 -!- jacob [n=jacobmp@ubuntu/member/jacob] has quit ["later"]
23:02 < snap-l[MI]> Sorry, I mean geekfest.
23:02 < vorian> I've seen the pics
23:02 < desertc> geek is defined as an outcast - nerd means brainy!
23:02 < jcastro> vorian: I think they complement each other well, penguicon in the spring, ohio in the fall
23:02 < vorian> and the large viking women
23:02 < LaserJock> chuckf: well, there are 2 and one got mad at me and started a "Ubuntu sucks" flame fest and the other never responded :-)
23:02 < jcastro> good excuses to party
23:03 < vorian> :)
23:03 < snap-l[MI]> Sorry, I aspire to the true meaning of geek, which means I better start practicing biting the heads off of chickens and busking.
23:03 <@atoponce> etank[KY], unfortunately, there's no training in KY for red hat...
23:03 < LaserJock> the one in my area is like 5-10 people and it's not organized at all
23:03 < chuckf> LaserJock, that bites
23:03 < desertc> mmm... chicken
23:03 < vorian> atoponce: what about TN?
23:03 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: there is nothing in KY
23:03 <@atoponce> vorian, nope. none there either
23:03 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: it sucks to be a geek here.
23:03 < PinkFreud> large viking women?!  where?!!?!?
23:03 < vorian> :(
23:03 <@atoponce> http://redhat.com/training/offices.html
23:03 < PinkFreud> :P
23:04 < sontek> etank[KY]: you've got horse racing :)
23:04 <+etank[KY]> atoponce: i would love to get a Linux Conf here
23:04 < sontek> etank[KY]: thats all you need
23:04 <+etank[KY]> sontek: that dont count for us geeks though :(
23:04 <+etank[KY]> i dont gamble
23:04 < sontek> etank[KY]: yeah, but horse racing has a large tech industry
23:04 < r2d2rogers[LA]> anyone got advice for trying to help jumpstart neighboring state loco's?
23:04 < r2d2rogers[LA]> I'
23:04 < sontek> etank[KY]: I used to work for a company that wrote handicapping software
23:04 < jcastro> etank[KY]: ohio and michigan aren't too far!
23:04 < r2d2rogers[LA]> I'm originally from AR....
23:04 < vorian> w00t Arkansas!
23:05 < tyche> etank[KY]: You don't have to gamble.  Just follow the horses. That's gamble enough.  And watch where you step, please.
23:05 <+etank[KY]> jcastro: got to get the job there first
23:05 <@atoponce> vorian, i was in columbus last week
23:05 < jcastro> etank[KY]: road trip dude!
23:05 -!- jimrz[NM] [n=jriordan@c-68-54-8-56.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-us []
23:05 <+etank[KY]> tyche: i wipe my feet
23:05 < LDwayneS[PA]> etank[KY]: you have a town named Rabbit Hash, with a Dog for a mayor!! don't tell me there's nothing in KY..
23:05 < tyche> etank[KY]: LOL
23:05 <+etank[KY]> jcastro: i am willing to move for a good job
23:05 < r2d2rogers[LA]> vorian: at least AZ is represented here... or ppl might have wondered at my definition of "neighboring"
23:05 < jcastro> etank[KY]: then stay away from michigan, there are no jobs here, heh
23:06 < desertc> LDwayneS[PA]: best limestone caves in the country in Kentucy
23:06 < klb[KY]> huge, they are
23:06 < klb[KY]> some might even call them Mammoth
23:06 < LDwayneS[PA]> desertc: Yup..and one of the best (if not the best) smallmouth lakes in the country too.
23:06 < tyche> r2d2rogers[LA]: WHAT?  We're good neighbors.  We don't shoot outside our state (of course anything inside it is fair game)
23:06 < desertc> etank[KY]: I am willing to move for a good linux community
23:06 <+etank[KY]> desertc: same here
23:06 <+etank[KY]> but a job would be nice too
23:07 < desertc> etank[KY]: follow me up to new hampshire!  :)
23:07 -!- tritium[NM] [n=tritium@71-210-248-39.albq.qwest.net] has quit ["leaving"]
23:07 <+etank[KY]> desertc: lets go dude
23:07 < desertc> etank[KY]: 7 linux user groups, in one tiny state
23:07 < chuckf> g'night all
23:07 -!- tritium [n=tritium@ubuntu/member/tritium] has joined #ubuntu-us
23:07 < eddieftw> desertc: or move to chicago
23:07 < r2d2rogers[LA]> tyche: I don't know how often someone has looked at AR and asked where in Arizona I was from...
23:07 <+etank[KY]> desertc: i had to start 2 teams here
23:07 <@atoponce> chuckf, night
23:07 <+etank[KY]> and both are kinda dead
23:07 -!- chuckf [n=chuck@unaffiliated/chuckf] has quit ["Quitting this place"]
23:07 <@atoponce> tritium, welcome
23:07 < tyche> r2d2rogers[LA]: ROFLOLPMP
23:07 < desertc> etank[KY]: and... and... maddog
23:07 < klb[KY]> etank[KY], it's just a flesh wound
23:08 < tritium> atoponce: thanks, just re-joined after a quick restrat
23:08 <+etank[KY]> klb[KY]: you are too optomistic
23:08 < tritium> restart*
23:08 <@atoponce> tritium, so you did. :)
23:08  * atoponce lays off the welcome trigger
23:08 < tritium> :)
23:08 <@atoponce> tritium, well then, welcome back
23:08 < klb[KY]> etank[KY], I would be more visible if you guys would come to the big city
23:08 <+etank[KY]> Lexington is the big city man
23:08 < tritium> r2d2rogers[LA]: at least they thought you were from this country.  I often get "Wow, you speak good English for a foreigner," when I say I'm from *New* Mexico.
23:09 < vorian> its a tritium !!!!
23:09  * vorian hides
23:09 < tritium> heh, hi vorian
23:09 < r2d2rogers[LA]> tritium: well I was born and raised in AR. but was always asked where I was from...
23:09 < vorian> howdy
23:09 < r2d2rogers[LA]> "Where you from? That ain't no arkansas accent!"
23:09 < LDwayneS[PA]> Ok all..I'm off to bed..
23:09 < desertc> if any of you all want to have a laugh - give this online game, 'Kingdom of Loathing' a try.  Very ROFL
23:09 <@atoponce> LDwayneS[PA], thx for coming
23:09 < PinkFreud> gnite LDwayneS[PA]
23:10 < schultmc[IN]> night all
23:10 < ianmcorvidae> desertc: haha yes, love KoL
23:10 -!- schultmc[IN] is now known as schultmc
23:10 <@atoponce> schultmc, night
23:10 -!- LDwayneS[PA] is now known as LDwayneS
23:10 < eddieftw> KoL was fun for a while
23:10 < LaserJock> etank[KY]: I think I'd much rather be in KY than NV
23:10 < eddieftw> ive decided that i cant devote anymore time to that game
23:10 < tritium> Good  night, schultmc.
23:10 -!- r2d2rogers[LA] is now known as r2d2rogers
23:10  * tritium has fond memories of Indiana
23:10 < LDwayneS> atoponce: yw.. I'm always online..might not be here..but always online as LDwayneS
23:11 <+etank[KY]> LDwayneS: the jobs here suck
23:11 -!- xq[SC] is now known as xq
23:11 < desertc> LaserJock: NV is fun!  Good people who appreciate freedom.
23:11 < LDwayneS> usually in the pa Ubuntu room, and the CITRT (Church IT Round Table) room..
23:11 <+etank[KY]> uless you are at Lexmark (i am now) or Toyota
23:11 < LDwayneS> etank[KY]: I know..
23:11 -!- LDwayneS [n=lds@c-71-207-116-113.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-us ["Ex-Chat"]
23:11 < eddieftw> oh no, i completely forgot about my CS lab due tomorrow
23:12 <@atoponce> oops
23:12 < eddieftw> please dont make me do it!
23:12 < tyche> eddieftw: Oops!
23:12 < LaserJock> man I love not having to do homework anymore
23:12  * desertc agrees.
23:12 < tyche> eddieftw: You have to do your CS lab.  hee hee
23:12  * atoponce doesn't miss homework
23:12 < eddieftw> :(
23:12 < tritium> LaserJock: me too :)
23:12  * eddieftw doesn't like java. at all.
23:12 < tritium> LaserJock: have you defended yet?
23:12 < ianmcorvidae> ick, java
23:12 < tyche> eddieftw: Try tea instead
23:12 < ianmcorvidae> I have a very hate-hate relationship with java
23:13 -!- erstazi [n=erstazi@unaffiliated/erstazi] has left #ubuntu-us []
23:13 -!- mattaz_ [n=matt@75-167-27-87.phnx.qwest.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
23:14 < snap-l[MI]> I don't miss homework.
23:14 < vorian> snap-l[MI]: me either :)
23:14 < eddieftw> it's not HW i mind, it's this Java CS class that I mind
23:14 < tritium> I believe I produced the first dissertation prepared completely on ubunt (shortly after Warty was released).
23:14 < LaserJock> tritium: not yet
23:14 -!- Zelut[UT] is now known as Zelut
23:14 < vorian> eddieftw: it will all be overr one day
23:14 < LaserJock> tritium: I'm hoping May/June
23:15 < tritium> LaserJock: ah, good.  That's soon.  Good luck!  :)
23:15 < snap-l[MI]> eddieftw: I've learned to hate Java
23:15 < vorian> eddieftw: then you're home/food/car/etc will depend on it
23:15 < vorian> :P
23:15 < LaserJock> tritium: working on a paper and dissertation, setting up a new laser and doing last experiments
23:15 < snap-l[MI]> I used to think there was something wrong with me, but the language is just awful
23:15  * atoponce steps away for a minute or two
23:15 < tritium> LaserJock: that's excellent.
23:15 < LaserJock> tritium: yeah, not a lot of time for Ubuntu
23:15 < desertc> hey, a bit OT, but I went to a Bio Fuel demonstration at Vanderbilt yesterday.  They take the cafeteria's grease, mix glycerin and lye, let it settle, then get fuel for diesel engines and high-quality soap.  I was amazed.  5 gallons of fuel and 1 gallon of soap for about $6 of chemicals
23:16 < tritium> LaserJock: I can completely relate.
23:16 < eddieftw> Vanderbilt?
23:16 < LaserJock> tritium: I became a Debian Maintainer though and am working upstream on a 3D molecular visualization/editing app
23:16 < vorian> TN
23:16 < desertc> They do this to get rid of their 200 gals / week dirty grease that the cafeteria creates.
23:16 < eddieftw> desertc: it's not an issue of technologically complicated issues about eneergy renewal
23:17 < eddieftw> it's the oil lobby
23:17 < tritium> LaserJock: congratulations!  I never had such aspirations.  MOTU was enough for me.  :)
23:17 < desertc> eddieftw: yeah, but you should have tried this soap.  hands. smooth. felt like butter.  :-D
23:17 < tyche> desertc: And smell like french fries
23:18 < desertc> lol! no
23:18 <+nealmcb> ok - here's the python way to count participants by declared state: [(k, len(list(g))) for k, g in itertools.groupby(sorted(re.compile(r'\][^\[]*\[').split(s)))]
23:18 < eddieftw> freedom fries tyche
23:18 < snap-l[MI]> Mmmm.... fries.
23:18 < tyche> desertc: Fish?
23:19 <+nealmcb> where s is the string from /names with cruft on the beginning and end stripped out...
23:19 <+greg-g[MI]> phish?
23:19 < desertc> and they can't sell the fuel because of regulations, so they give it all away.  they sell the soap for a profit
23:20 < desertc> Hey, so back on the subject of locos -- I held a nerd movie night
23:20 < LaserJock> tritium: heh, well I didn't much either but there are a couple packages I'd like to maintain in Debian
23:20 < desertc> Was a good success!  We watched a movie that was licensed share-alike so people could get copies, if they wanted
23:20 < tritium> Damn, Marquette can't miss their threes now...
23:21 < desertc> There were 10 people who showed up to watch it.  I recommend it to all locos!
23:21 < tritium> LaserJock: :)
23:21 <+nealmcb> desertc: University of Colorado has fueled student busses with cafeteria grease for a few years now iirc
23:21 < LaserJock> tritium: somehow I keep "gaining" things to be doing
23:21 < desertc> nealmcb: I had always heard about these bio fuels, but I never realized how easy they were to make.
23:21 < LaserJock> tritium: but I'm not really getting a lot done :/
23:21 < tritium> LaserJock: are you married?  If not, just wait ;)
23:22 < LaserJock> tritium: yes, I'm married
23:22 -!- fxef [n=bob@c-76-107-35-219.hsd1.la.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-us
23:22 < LaserJock> or at least I was before Ubuntu .... ;-)
23:22 < tritium> LaserJock: ah, then you can relate.  :)
23:22 <+nealmcb> desertc: yeah.  but there isn't a lot of that fuel, so it is only a small part of the "solution"
23:23 <+greg-g[MI]> nealmcb: and will only be cheap until the deep friers of the world start seeing it as an asset/comodity
23:23 < desertc> nealmcb: not enough grease for everyone - no - but it's typically thrown away
23:23 <+nealmcb> right - other good reasons to do it
23:24 < tonyyarusso> oh hey, you folks are still at it
23:24 < desertc> welcome back, tonyyarusso !!
23:24 < tonyyarusso> heya desertc
23:24 < LaserJock> hiya tonyyarusso
23:24 < tritium> Hi tonyyarusso
23:24 < desertc> Hey, guys, Earth Day is coming up.  You think we could get tables at these events by saying Ubuntu saves old computers from landfills?
23:24 < tonyyarusso> Ooh, I like what you've done with your nick greg-g[MI]
23:25  * tonyyarusso is from MN, btw
23:25 <+greg-g[MI]> yeah, I see to be one of that last few doing it
23:25 < tonyyarusso> There are earth day events?
23:25 < tonyyarusso> with tables?
23:25 < desertc> tonyyarusso: every city has earth day events!
23:25 <+pleia2> many take place at college campuses
23:25 < desertc> http://ww2.earthday.net
23:26 < snap-l[MI]> I apologize to everyone for Earth Day on behalf of my generation
23:26 < lamalex[PA]> :P
23:26 < lamalex[PA]> thanks
23:26 < desertc> snap-l[MI]: u r a dirty hippy ??  rawr!
23:26 < vorian> lol, thanks snap-l[MI]
23:26 < snap-l[MI]> Although I have to say I have never, nor will I ever wear Burkenstocks.
23:26 < desertc> ;-)
23:27 < vorian> oh crap,
23:27 < vorian> that's my generation too
23:27 < tonyyarusso> Birkenstocks are still all the rage in Ontario.
23:27 < tyche> snap-l[MI]: What are Berkenstocks?
23:27  * tritium apologizes for Martian warming
23:27 < vorian> sorry for the uncalled for hype
23:27 < snap-l[MI]> Sorry, Birkenstocks
23:27 < snap-l[MI]> I can never type the damn things.
23:27 < tyche> snap-l[MI]: OK, so what are brikenstocks?
23:28 < tritium> tyche: sandals
23:28 < tyche> Ah.  OK.  Now I get it.
23:28 < snap-l[MI]> tyche: They're deity-awful sandals worn by fashion-concious hippies.
23:28 < vorian> snap-l[MI]: aren't birks a bit before your generation?
23:28 < desertc> "Many people get confused about the time in Ohio, whether it is in the Eastern or Central time zone.  It is actually in the 1960s."
23:28 < tyche> Sorry, I'm BEFORE the hippie generation.  Hee hee
23:28 < snap-l[MI]> vorian: Erm, I think we're the same age, sir.
23:28 < vorian> snap-l[MI]: ok, our generation
23:29  * tritium also apologizes for the record snowfall in WI
23:29 -!- klb[KY] is now known as klb
23:29 < vorian> tritium: lol
23:29 < vorian> desertc: 60's eh,
23:30 < peanutb> lol
23:30 < desertc> Just a joke I heard a while back.  ;)
23:30  * peanutb got a haircut
23:30 < snap-l[MI]> desertc: That's funny.
23:30 < vorian> desertc: that's only north of i70
23:30 < vorian> now south of i70, they are in the 40's
23:30  * tonyyarusso is north of I94, wonders where I70 is
23:30  * vorian hides from his neighbors
23:31 < tonyyarusso> we're at 43 right now
23:31 < desertc> You still got farms growing corn on the northwest side of the highway loop?
23:31 -!- etank[KY] is now known as etank
23:31 < vorian> desertc: in columbus?
23:31 < desertc> in columbus
23:31 < LaserJock> etank: how's the other distro going?
23:31 <+etank> night everyone
23:31 < vorian> Corn surrounds Columbus
23:31 <+etank> LaserJock: good
23:31 < LaserJock> etank: tried 2.0?
23:31 < vorian> night etank :)
23:31 <+etank> LaserJock: just released 2.0
23:31 <@atoponce> etank, night
23:31 <+etank> LaserJock: im on it now :)
23:31 <+greg-g[MI]> night whoever is leaving
23:32 < snap-l[MI]> Night etank
23:32 < LaserJock> etank: I might give it a go
23:32 < tritium> etank: which distro is this?
23:32 <+etank> LaserJock: do it do it
23:32 <+etank> tritium: Foresight Linux
23:32 < tritium> etank: ah, okay
23:32 < LaserJock> "Linux for Vista lovers"
23:32 < LaserJock> ;-)
23:32 <@atoponce> devil's linux
23:32 -!- kdubois[MI] is now known as kdubois
23:32  * atoponce ducks
23:33 < snap-l[MI]> At least it isn't Linspire
23:33 <@atoponce> or kde
23:33 -!- Palintheus[OK] is now known as Palintheus
23:33 < desertc> etank: www.freestateproject.org  (to help you find an excuse to move)
23:34 -!- lamalex[PA] is now known as lamalex
23:34 < desertc> peanutb: welcome back - we going to do any project together at the Linuxfest ?
23:34 <+greg-g[MI]> oh, so we're all doing this again huh....
23:34 -!- greg-g[MI] is now known as greg-g
23:34 < tritium> I could never move out of NM again.  I always miss the chile too much.
23:34 < desertc> I got many posters printed out and ready to put up.
23:35 < lamalex> does anyone here know how to define hosts in .ssh/config?
23:36 < vorian> yep
23:36 < vorian> host = ip
23:36 < lamalex> just like that?
23:37 < vorian> nono
23:37 < vorian> I'm wrong
23:37 < vorian> host is just the name you want to call the config
23:37 < eddieftw> im pretty sure it's ssh host@ip
23:37 < vorian> Hostname is the ip
23:37 < eddieftw> or user@ip
23:37 -!- Rossimo [n=rossimo@host-70-179.scceuvi.clients.pavlovmedia.com] has joined #ubuntu-us
23:37 < peanutb> desertc: I am going to be at the PNW booth, so far
23:37 < peanutb> and probably giving a talk
23:38 < peanutb> id love to do someting else though
23:38 < lamalex> I have no idea what you guys are saying
23:38 < eddieftw> well, you're better off doing user@ip than user@host because it's easier than setting up a webserver on your computer
23:38 < lamalex> can one of you just say an example line?
23:38 < desertc> neat - I offered to help out - so they signed me up for some work to do there
23:38 < eddieftw> much easier to just enable ssh
23:38 < lamalex> eddieftw: I'm not talking about how to ssh
23:38 < vorian> lamalex: like this
23:38 < lamalex> you can define hosts in .ssh/config
23:38 < vorian> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59560/
23:39 < lamalex> vorian: thanks
23:39 < vorian> np
23:39 < vorian> (sever should be server)
23:39 < lamalex> not if you want to call it sever :P
23:39 < desertc> peanutb: maybe we can get a bird-of-a-feather room on promoting linux in schools
23:40 < vorian> lamalex: true that
23:40 < vorian> once you get that set up
23:40 < lamalex> which is a pretty badass name
23:40 < vorian> all you have to do is ssh "host"
23:40 < lamalex> yeah
23:40 < vorian> haha
23:40 < H264> hey desertc
23:40 < lamalex> that was my goal, I just couldn't find syntax for that file
23:40 < desertc> H264: Heya!
23:40 < H264> what's up?
23:41 < desertc> H264: I just won a BlackBerry 8300 at a Cisco meetup, where I was angrily thinking about how AT&T was taking over our cellular data airwaves.  But not so angrily that I wouldn't accept their prize.  :)
23:42 < H264> heh
23:42 -!- dantalizing [n=dan@wsip-70-184-147-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-us
23:42 < desertc> I am going to auction it off and donate the money to some network neutrality foundation.
23:42 < H264> there is Tmobile too if you want plain old GSM...
23:42  * tritium goes to bed.  Good night, everyone.
23:42 < desertc> It's proprietary technology anyway, and who wants that
23:43 <+etank> guys this was a lot of fun
23:43 < LaserJock> tritium: good night
23:43 < desertc> cya, etank
23:43 <+etank> we need to do this once a month or so
23:43 <+etank> really we do
23:43 -!- The_Boat [n=larry@adsl-69-108-76-251.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-us
23:43 < H264> desertc: I'd sell it then keep the money for the openmoko fund :)
23:43 < desertc> etank: you should move up to NH so we can hang out at meetups
23:43 < The_Boat> Yo
23:43 <+etank> s/guys/g(uy|al)s/
23:43 <+etank> desertc: i wish
23:43 < desertc> H264: I'm very happy with my linux tablet computer that can make VoIP calls over WiFi
23:43 -!- The_Boat is now known as The_Boat[CA]
23:44 < lamalex> now if only I could get dns set up right
23:44 < desertc> etank: I'm bailing out of there once it gets cold again, anyway.  :)
23:44 < desertc> maybe.  ;)
23:45  * tonyyarusso invites y'all to sunny Minnesota
23:45 < tonyyarusso> well, partly cloudly, but whatever, it's nice this week
23:45 < desertc> lamalex: are you typing the IP addresses when you connect to freenode?
23:45 < eddieftw> if there are any security nuts, in here.. what is the risk of a computer's contents being hijacked via firewire in linux? I know that it's arbitrarily easy for Windows and possible in OSX, but im not sure about linux
23:45 < eddieftw> anyone?
23:45 < lamalex> desertc: huh?
23:45 < lamalex> desertc: I mean my internal dns
23:46 <@atoponce> The_Boat[CA], welcome
23:46 < desertc> anyone else done any interesting loco events recently?
23:46 < desertc> I'm always up for trying new ideas
23:47 <+nealmcb> eddieftw: hmm?  what is the firewire connected to?
23:47 < lamalex> I wanted to have a bikini carwash
23:47 < eddieftw> another machine
23:47 < vorian> night all
23:47 < desertc> vorian: cya
23:47 <+nealmcb> desertc: in Colorado we're gearing up for the 2 presentations in our second appearance at the state-wide Technology in Education conference
23:47 <@atoponce> vorian, night
23:48 < The_Boat[CA]> atoponce: thank you
23:48 <+nealmcb> eddieftw: and what are the vulnerabilities in windows with that?
23:48 -!- The_Boat[CA] [n=larry@adsl-69-108-76-251.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu-us ["Leaving."]
23:48 < desertc> nealmcb: that's excellent.  I have a friend moving out to denver, from my LUG.  you remind me to send his contact details to you.
23:48 <@atoponce> heh
23:48 <@atoponce> came, thanked me, and went
23:48 <@atoponce> that's nice of him. :)
23:49 < desertc> easy come, easy go?
23:49 <+nealmcb> desertc: props to Jim Hutchinson (musashi)
23:49 < LaserJock> nealmcb: that's cool
23:49 < tyche> Night, all
23:49 <+nealmcb> desertc: one of the presentations includes windows-based FOSS - and any input is welcome
23:49 < desertc> nealmcb: what is the topic of your presentation?
23:49 <@atoponce> tyche, night
23:50 -!- tyche [n=craig@ubuntu/member/tyche] has left #ubuntu-us ["Leaving..."]
23:50 < eddieftw> nealmcb: firewire is read/write automatically
23:50 -!- Rossimo [n=rossimo@host-70-179.scceuvi.clients.pavlovmedia.com] has left #ubuntu-us []
23:50 <+nealmcb> http://tiecolorado.org/2008/index.cfm
23:50 < eddieftw> you can read/write to windows via firewire. and most people run as Administrator to begin with
23:51 < snap-l[MI]> OK, Off to bed
23:51 < snap-l[MI]> Laterness
23:51 <@atoponce> snap-l[MI], later
23:51 -!- snap-l[MI] [n=snap-l@adsl-69-209-128-109.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has quit ["Night all!"]
23:51 <@atoponce> snap-l[MI], thx for coming
23:51 <@atoponce> too slow
23:51 <+nealmcb> https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Lessons
23:52 < desertc> Hey good news, everyone!  The US Navy just announced they will no longer purchase any more proprietary technology products.
23:52 <+greg-g> what??
23:52 < desertc> They have dedicated themselves to only open technologies.
23:52 -!- chrisndallas[TX] is now known as chrisindallas
23:52 <+greg-g> what????
23:52 -!- chrisindallas [n=catkins@pool-71-244-62-178.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu-us ["Outahere!"]
23:52 < nhaines[CA]> Yay!
23:53 <@atoponce> w00t
23:53 < H264> desertc: interesting... you have a linky?
23:53 < desertc> http://www.fcw.com/online/news/151858-1.html
23:53 <+greg-g> yeah, I need some proof here
23:53 < desertc> Oh, yee of little faith.... ;)
23:53 < H264> I can't imagine all software not open
23:53 <+nealmcb> finally - the one I was really looking for:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TIEColorado08
23:54 < desertc> "The days of proprietary technology must come to an end,"
23:54 < eddieftw> it was on /. as well
23:54 <+greg-g> call me a cynic, but, I'll believe it when I see them actually do it
23:54 -!- tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has quit ["booting Hardy, maybe"]
23:54 < desertc> eddieftw: Did I reference this after /. got it?  I hate when I do that.
23:54 < H264> ah... so you can't couple software to hardware
23:54 <+nealmcb> eddieftw: you mean windows opens up file sharing over firewire as a network protocol?  or as a hard-disk protocol?
23:54  * nealmcb doubts linux does anything of the kind
23:55 < H264> "We will no longer accept systems that couple hardware, software and data."
23:55 < H264> thats all
23:55 < H264> not necessarly open source
23:55 < desertc> H264: yes, but it is in reference to this DoD mandate: http://www.fcw.com/print/12_27/news/95458-1.html
23:56 < H264> basically making things more modual... and cheaper
23:56 < eddieftw> no it's how firewire was designed
23:56 < eddieftw> to send data both ways without any other software
23:57 < fxef> firewire apears as a network interface in Windows
23:58 < desertc> \d/
23:58 < jms1989[LA]> Really, I've never seen it and I have a firewire port.
23:59 -!- jms1989_ [n=jms1989@unaffiliated/jms1989] has joined #ubuntu-us
23:59 < fxef> look under network adapters
23:59 < desertc> nealmcb: that's terrific - will your talks be online?  if so, can you require them to be in .OGG file format?  ;)
--- Day changed Fri Mar 14 2008
00:00 < eddieftw> nealmcb: http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/03/04/1258210
00:01 < jms1989_> 1394 Net Adaptor?
00:01 < desertc> nealmcb: I went to this conference last year, in Indiana.
00:01 < fxef> that's it
00:01 -!- mode/#ubuntu-us [-vvvv etank Joe_CoT johnc4510 pleia2] by atoponce
00:02 < jms1989_> Ah, I never realized it.
00:02 <+nealmcb> desertc: "this conference"?
00:02 <+greg-g> me too please
00:02  * greg-g is going to bed soon
00:02  * jms1989_ smacks his head
00:02 <+nealmcb> desertc: I don't think they record them, but they put the slides up last year (well I hope they did...)
00:03 <@atoponce> greg-g, devoice you mean?
00:03 <+greg-g> atoponce: yeah, please ;)
00:03 -!- mode/#ubuntu-us [-v greg-g] by atoponce
00:03 < greg-g> thankya
00:03 <@atoponce> :)
00:03 < greg-g> :)
00:04 < desertc> nealmcb: I went to a conference called Technology in Education - but it was not by the same people.  Never mind!  :)
00:04 < greg-g> goodnight all, good times had by all (I hope)
00:04 <@atoponce> greg-g, night
00:04 < nhaines[CA]> Good night, greg-g!
00:04 <+nealmcb> desertc: I wonder if they are related though
00:04  * greg-g waves
00:04 < Palintheus> o/
00:04 -!- greg-g [n=greg@ubuntu/member/greg-g] has quit ["leaving"]
00:05  * nealmcb likes the channel a lot better when there aren't so many people talking at once :-)
00:05 <@atoponce> heh
00:05 < desertc> nealmcb: your "pamphlet" link on your wiki page is 404
00:05 -!- jms1989[LA] [n=jms1989@unaffiliated/jms1989] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
00:05  * nealmcb hasn't even really read jim's wiki page yet - gulp
00:06 <+nealmcb> desertc: which page?
00:06 < desertc> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TIEColorado08
00:06 -!- jms1989_ is now known as jms1989
00:07 < LaserJock> nealmcb: the link to the ESA has changed
00:07 -!- mode/#ubuntu-us [-o atoponce] by atoponce
00:07 < atoponce> well, time for me for me
00:07 < desertc> i guess!
00:08 < desertc> ;)  night atoponce
00:08 < atoponce> night all
00:08 < LaserJock> nealmcb: try http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/school-advocacy/C/index.html
00:08 < desertc> night everyone thanks for the social
00:08 < atoponce> heh
00:08 -!- desertc [n=mmm@ubuntu/member/desertc] has left #ubuntu-us ["Ex-Chat"]
00:09 < atoponce> s/well, time for me for me/well, time for bed for me/
00:09  * atoponce knows what he meant
00:09 < LaserJock> sure ....
00:09 < LaserJock> nealmcb: the ESA is also a bit old, I think we last updated it for Edgy
00:09 <+nealmcb> LaserJock: cool - thanks!
00:10 < LaserJock> maybe Feisty
00:10 < LaserJock> but I have a hard time getting people to write for Edubuntu
00:10 -!- sontek [n=sontek@opensuse/member/Sontek] has left #ubuntu-us []
00:13 <+nealmcb> LaserJock: updated - thanks
00:15 <+nealmcb> LaserJock: yeah - the Lessons wiki page has a few things, but we haven't found a lot of stuff suited for a curricuum
00:16 -!- pak33m [n=pak33m@] has joined #ubuntu-us
00:17 -!- pak33m [n=pak33m@] has left #ubuntu-us []
00:18 < LaserJock> nealmcb: it's a tough task. Edubuntu has mostly focused on classroom infrastructure with things like LTSP, ldap, etc.
00:18 < LaserJock> with Hardy though that will change some
00:18 -!- tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@unaffiliated/tgm4883laptop/x-172395] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
00:18 < LaserJock> LTSP has been moved to the Ubuntu Alternate CD and Edubuntu will focus more on educational apps
00:25 < nhaines[CA]> That is a little unfortunate but good for me and the kids I give Edubuntu to.
00:26 < LaserJock> I think it'll be better for everybody
00:26 < LaserJock> LTSP will hopefully get more attention from Ubuntu proper
00:27 < LaserJock> and we can hopefully provide more useful apps for people
00:30 < nhaines[CA]> Would be nice!
00:31 < LaserJock> if you have any suggestions of apps to include let us know :-)
00:31 < nhaines[CA]> :)
00:40 <+nealmcb> LaserJock: sounds like a good plan
00:43 <+nealmcb> LaserJock: do you know the status of https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Education/Launchpad/Groups/Consolidate
00:43 <+nealmcb> we've had trouble figuring out how and were to connect with folks
00:44 <+nealmcb> *where*
00:46 < jms1989> I ave a question. How come the backspace button isn't mapped to the back button in forefox?
00:46 -!- lamalex_2 [n=alex@unaffiliated/lamalex] has joined #ubuntu-us
00:46 < jms1989> *have
00:46 < [CA]Yasumoto> jms1989: that's actually a really controversial issue
00:47 < jms1989> Why?
00:47 < [CA]Yasumoto> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=400518
00:47 < nhaines[CA]> jms1989: historical reasons (hysterical raisins?)
00:47 < nhaines[CA]> It's still "back" in Windows.
00:47 < jms1989> It's mapped in windows, but not linux. I'm not sure about Macs.
00:48 < Flannel> Howdy all.  We still doing M-n-G?
00:48 < LaserJock> nealmcb: heh. if it were up to me that'd have been taken care of a long time ago (re: edu LP teams)
00:49 < LaserJock> nealmcb: basically you want to email edubuntu-users for most things
00:49 < nhaines[CA]> Heya, Flannel!
00:50 < [CA]Yasumoto> heya Flannel :)
00:51 < Flannel> Howdy guys
00:51 < Flannel> Just got back from my match
00:51 < Flannel> If we're still doing it, I'm Neal Bussett leader of Ubuntu California.
00:52 < nhaines[CA]> Better late than never!
00:52 < Flannel> although, I'll refrain from changing my nick like my cohorts
00:52 < jms1989> nhaines[CA]: so the fix on that webpage should work? How can I map it in about:config?
00:54 < nhaines[CA]> jms1989: Just go to about:config and change the browser.backspace_action key.
00:55 < nhaines[CA]> 0 == go back a page, 1 == scroll up one screenful (opposite of spacebar), 2 == do nothing
00:55 < fxef> jsm1989: backspace key works on my Linux FF
00:55 -!- reliantfc3 [n=merinda@cpe-24-26-210-127.hot.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
00:56 < jms1989>  it says 0 in my firefox profile that I copied from linux.
00:56 < nhaines[CA]> Then it should work.
00:56 -!- reliantfc3 [n=merinda@cpe-24-26-210-127.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-us
00:56 -!- lamalex [n=alex@unaffiliated/lamalex] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
00:57 -!- dantalizing [n=dan@wsip-70-184-147-28.ga.at.cox.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
00:57 -!- kdubois [n=kevin@c-98-224-219-25.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Connection timed out]
00:57 < jms1989> Sweet! I tried it in ff on xubuntu and it worked. When I go back to ubuntu, I'll try it. I'm on windows at the moment.
00:59 < nhaines[CA]> :)
01:00 < fxef> night, all
01:00 < jms1989> night
01:00 < nhaines[CA]> night!
01:01 -!- fxef [n=bob@c-76-107-35-219.hsd1.la.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-us ["Leaving"]
01:03 < jms1989> For so long I had to click the back button on the browser to go back a page, now I can map it to my backspace key. Yay. I hope that set that value to 0 in the next version of FF2 and FF3.
01:05 -!- j1mc [n=jc@adsl-75-22-17-39.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has quit ["= hasta la pasta"]
01:05 < nhaines[CA]> jms1989: historically backspace and spacebar scroll the screen on UNIX.  So that's the default there whereas in Windows it follows the IE convention.
01:05 < nhaines[CA]> But I'm glad you were able to change it.  :)  Remember that Alt-left also goes back a page.
01:07 < jms1989> I never knew that, I always use the backspace key in windows to go back a page.
01:10 -!- eddieftw [n=chagas@ubuntu/member/posingaspopular] has left #ubuntu-us []
01:15 -!- LaserJock [n=LaserJoc@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has quit ["Leaving"]
01:20 < nhaines[CA]> jms1989: Sure in Windows that's the convention, but on Unix it wasn't.
01:23 -!- [MA]yuriy is now known as yuriy
01:27 < jms1989> Then we need to get that key to be defaulted to the backspace key in future versions on Unix and Linux based systems.
01:28 < nhaines[CA]> So that everyone who's used Unix and not Windows can be inconvenienced as well?
01:29 < nhaines[CA]> The better thing to do is to add an option in the Firefox preferences dialog so it can be more readily changed.
01:30 < jms1989> That would work but what about Konquer (or however its spelt)?
01:31 < nhaines[CA]> What does Konqueror do?
01:31 < nhaines[CA]> (for backspace, I mean)
01:32 < jms1989> I don't know, I saw it mentined in that bug report link posted earlier.
01:33 < nhaines[CA]> Oh, right.
01:33 < nhaines[CA]> The point is that you're used to Internet Explorer's behavior, and in Unix nothing works that same way by default.
01:34 < nhaines[CA]> It's not wrong that you want backspace to go back one page.  It's just not the common behavior.  It's not a bug, it's a user preference.
01:34 < nhaines[CA]> Happily, Firefox lets you set that up.  Konqueror might do so as well, I believe.
01:35 < jms1989> I would test it if I had it installed but I don't at the moment. Ubuntu is sleeping right now.
01:37 < jms1989> I'd have to reboot to test it but I'm working on my podcast downloads. I could do it on my old compaq but I'd rather keep the root FS as clean as possible.
01:38 < jms1989> Anyone here want to test Konqueror's backspace key?
01:39 < H264> I know in OSX firefox will use the backspace to go back a page, in Linux it will not...
01:40  * RedHeron is away: afk, 20 minutes, tops... or not

USTeams/Meetings/IRCLogs/2008-03-13 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:39:50 by localhost)