Log for US Teams Meeting on August 4th, 2009

21:04 < dantalizing> meetign time?
21:05 < pleia2> oh hey
21:05 < pleia2> sorry :) was distracted
21:06 < pleia2> johnc4510: about?
21:06 < pleia2> our agenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/Meetings
21:08 < pleia2> hmm, well I need johnc4510 for our first item
21:10 < dantalizing> is there gonna be a workflow?
21:10 < dantalizing> approval process?
21:10 < dantalizing> who and how?
21:11 < pleia2> for the articles?
21:11 < dantalizing> yes
21:11 < pleia2> I think we sorta just play it by ear at first, submit articles to us (the board and mentors?) and we post them
21:12 < dantalizing> the site runs drupal, right?
21:12 < pleia2> yeah
21:13 < pleia2> I don't know much about drupal, so if there is a mechanism for such things I don't know about it :)
21:13 < pleia2> currently the login and creation of accounts is pretty restrictive, I think
21:13 < dantalizing> :)
21:13 < dantalizing> is that a canonical hosting thing?
21:14 < pleia2> nah, it's hosted on the ubuntupennsylvania server
21:14 < dantalizing> ah
21:15 < pleia2> we just didn't have a need for site users aside from admins at first
21:15 < Flannel> Articles in this case being what?
21:15 < tyche> pleia2: Any administrator can edit or delete content
21:15 < pleia2> figured that would be something that we'd enable later on if we decided the site needed users
21:15 < dantalizing> right
21:16 < dantalizing> i just didnt know if there was a plan already
21:16 < dantalizing> is johnc4510 the admin?
21:16 < tyche> johnc4510 is one
21:16 < pleia2> Flannel: short articles about running locos, mostly just little things that point to current documentation but we can post in some form to the ubuntu-us mailing list and to planet to help out teams
21:16 < pleia2> also little news things like "yay NY got approved!"
21:17 < pleia2> the intent is to let people know what the resources out there are, I *still* discover things on the maze of LoCo wiki pages out there
21:18 < tyche> Yea, it needs an index
21:18 -!- linuxcrypt [n=linuxcry@76-240-22-193.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:19 < pleia2> so I guess we want to figure out how to post these articles too
21:20 < tyche> Question:  would you want to sticky the current "Welcome . . ." and have the articles under it?
21:20 < pleia2> what I described to johnc4510:
21:20 < pleia2> We have discussed some what changes would need to be made, what I currently envision is the site staying the same as it is now - except between the big introduction blurb and all the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc badges at the bottom of the page would be a "Featured Article"
21:20 < pleia2> (either full article, or first paragraphs with a "Read More..." link), and then a link below that with to a "Past Articles" page. Is this reasonable to do in Drupal? Any alternate ideas as to how we publish articles on the site?
21:20 < pleia2> ^^ possible?
21:21 < tyche> I don't see why not.  I'm not a Drupal expert, but I believe it can be done.  It just might need a bit more administration.
21:22 < tyche> I believe the logos are actually in the footer of the page.
21:22 < pleia2> cool
21:22 < pleia2> ah ok
21:23 < pleia2> alright, hopefully we can catch up with johnc4510 and get his thoughts on this and see about moving forward with implementing it
21:23 < tyche> BTW, pleia2, I'm still listed as an administrator (I just checked).  I was originally put in just to help set up the site.  If you want to pull my administration privileges I'll understand.
21:24 < tyche> Both kennymc0 and I were set up that way.  (kennymco ended up being the expert)
21:24 < pleia2> tyche: if you can be at all helpful, you are welcome to stay :) I don't know anything about this
21:24 < pleia2> heh
21:24 < pleia2> e
21:24 < pleia2> ok, other agenda items...
21:24 < pleia2> mentoring, are there any teams who have approached us for mentoring who don't have it yet?
21:25 < pleia2> pak33m became a mentor recently :) I gave him AK
21:25 < pleia2> because I thought it would be funny for a FL guy to mentor the AK team? hehe
21:25 < dantalizing> fl rocks, just fyi
21:26 < pleia2> yes, it does :)
21:26 < pleia2> anyway I think mentoring is chugging along nicely
21:26 < dantalizing> nc is cruising along with no help needed
21:26 < dantalizing> sc just recently got a new contact
21:27 < dantalizing> i would classify ne as 'chugging' along
21:27 < dantalizing> ethan is getting up to speed and has some things planned
21:28 < pleia2> cool
21:28 < pleia2> NY got approved :) I was very pleased with that, they never really needed my help
21:29 < dantalizing> anyone in here from Oregon?
21:30 < dantalizing> there were inquiries about restarting the OR team
21:31 < pleia2> oh, there was someone in here the other day asking about ND, I pointed him to the current team lead, who is hopefully still around somewhere
21:31 < dantalizing> if you saw the linuxcon email thread a couple weeks ago, there is a guy named david who was looking for them
21:31 < pleia2> ah
21:31 < dantalizing> they dont look active anymore
21:31 < dantalizing> but i wasnt sure
21:32 < dantalizing> told him to check the ml, irc, etc
21:32  * pleia2 nods
21:32 < dantalizing> and to ping us if he wants to try to revive the team
21:32 < dantalizing> assuming they need reviving
21:32 < dantalizing> i saw the latest wiki events were 2008
21:33 < pleia2> well, having been active once is a good sign at least
21:33 < dantalizing> yeah ... so if they're not doing something already, hopefully he can get that team revived
21:33  * pleia2 nods
21:34 < pleia2> well that's all good, sounds like we're doing our jobs :)
21:34 < dantalizing> trying
21:35 < pleia2> hehe
21:35 < pleia2> alright, so last agenda item... global jam!
21:35 < dantalizing> are we jammed out?
21:35 < pleia2> unfortunately pennsylvania already had an event planned in the works for that weekend when the jam was announced
21:35 < dantalizing> i think people are gonna start throwing things at me
21:36 < dantalizing> pleia2: so cant you roll that into the jam?
21:36 < Flannel> depending on the event, rolling in a jam might not work.
21:36 < pleia2> we're doing a mythbuntu build event again, these tend to be very popular and fill up quickly
21:36 < Flannel> Last time we tried to roll a jam into an expo, didn't work out too well
21:37 < pleia2> mostly we don't have the resources to do much beyond the mythbuntu thing itself
21:37 < dantalizing> well it doesnt have to be bug/packaging/doc jam
21:38 < pleia2> we'll just *call* it a myth jam ;)
21:38 < dantalizing> i believe jorge mentioned installfests too
21:38 < dantalizing> pleia2: +1
21:39 < dantalizing> i just want to make sure everyone is aware out there
21:39  * pleia2 nods
21:39 < dantalizing> us teams seem to be underrepresented... imo
21:39 < pleia2> yeah
21:41  * dantalizing wants to hold a mythjam now
21:41 < pleia2> hehe
21:41 < pleia2> we're doing a myth presentation for SFD
21:41 < pleia2> the mythjam is a follow-up to that
21:41 < pleia2> (which is the main reason we don't wnat to move the date)
21:42 < dantalizing> so i guess atlantalinuxfest is out for you?
21:42 < pleia2> unfortunately
21:42 < dantalizing> boo
21:42 < pleia2> holding it on SFD is sad :(
21:42 < dantalizing> lies
21:42 < pleia2> all the PA folks are tied up with our own event!
21:44 < dantalizing> atlantalinuxfest is gonna be good
21:44 < dantalizing> it was good last year
21:44 < dantalizing> this is shaping up much better this time
21:44 < pleia2> it's ashame too, I really would have liked to go
21:44 < dantalizing> plus ... this year we'll have boredandblogging's hair to stare at
21:44 < pleia2> and OLF conflicts with my birthday vacation in california
21:45 < pleia2> anyway, any bright ideas on getting more US teams Jamming?
21:45 < dantalizing> i say all the mentors throw the suggestion out to their related teams
21:47  * pleia2 nods
21:47 < dantalizing> jono/jorge should have a planning meeting coming up ... or was that today????
21:48 < pleia2> hm, nothing on the fridge calendar
21:48 < Flannel> You can see the howtos from last time too
21:48 < pleia2> oh, looks like it was scheduled for today but no one showed up
21:49 < pleia2> doh :)
21:49 < dantalizing> yes at wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalJam
21:50 < dantalizing> i didnt see an email
21:50 < dantalizing> maybe i just missed it
21:51 < pleia2> I just peeked in the locoteams channel
21:52 < dantalizing> ah
21:52 < dantalizing> 1700 utc ... middle of the work day in -u
21:52 < dantalizing> or -us
21:53  * pleia2 nods
21:54 < dantalizing> ok, other than to say 'Ubuntu Global Jam' and 'Atlanta Linux Fest', i'm done
21:56 < pleia2> me too :)
21:56 < dantalizing> ok...i'm off to play with a baby
21:56 < dantalizing> gn all!
21:56 < dantalizing> thx pleia2
21:56 < dantalizing> and Flannel and tyche
21:56 < tyche> Night, dantalizing
21:57 < tyche> pleia2: Do you have a minute?
21:57 < pleia2> tyche: sure
21:57 < pleia2> thanks everyone :)
21:57 < johnc4510> did i miss the meeting?
21:58 < tyche> OK, I just checked.  The logos are part of the footer, so any articles can be put between the welcome and the logos easily.
21:58 < pleia2> johnc4510: gah, yes :)
21:58 < johnc4510> i thought it was a 7 my time
21:58 < johnc4510> sorry
21:58 < pleia2> tyche: awesome, thanks
21:58 < johnc4510> :(
21:58 < tyche> I haven't sticky-ed the welcome, yet, but it can easily be done.  This works much like the fridge does.
21:58 < johnc4510> hey tyche
21:58 < tyche> Hey, johnc4510.  Just holding up your end.  Hee hee
21:58 < pleia2> johnc4510: most of us are still here, if you want to scroll up to the beginning of the meeting where we talked about articles and drupal you could give your $.02
21:59 < pleia2> sounds like from tyche we can do what we want though
21:59 < johnc4510> k, hang on
22:01 < johnc4510> pleia2: if i read right, you need some way to let people post to the site without giving them admin capabilities??
22:01 < johnc4510> people we elect to have access anyway
22:01 < tyche> johnc4510: may I suggest the same way that I'm doing with nhandler?  He writes it up, and I approve it.
22:01 < pleia2> no, that was just something dantalizing mentioned
22:02 < tyche> Or suggest edits, as necessary
22:02 < pleia2> I figure admins can just add articles for now
22:02 < johnc4510> ah ok
22:02 < johnc4510> nods
22:02 < johnc4510> that's good...they can just email them to us
22:03 < tyche> If they're members, they can actually write them up on Drupal, so all we have to do is approve, disapprove, or suggest edits.
22:03 < johnc4510> i'll have to look and see if dantalizing is an admin or not on the site...i think he is but i'm not sure
22:03 < johnc4510> tyche: hmmm, we haven't let anyone but the admins. have access of any kind so far
22:04 < tyche> True.  But we hadn't considered going beyond the site's being set up, before, either.
22:04 < johnc4510> i suppose there is a way to let them write but not publish like we do on the fridge editors when they start
22:04 < tyche> Yep
22:05 < johnc4510> i'll have to look at that to see what's involved...
22:05 < tyche> It puts the admins in control, without having to do the work of actually putting it in.
22:05 < johnc4510> nods
22:05 < tyche> It also gives the users more of a feeling of participating.
22:05 < johnc4510> ok, i'll look into that tomorrow
22:06 < pleia2> thanks johnc4510 :)
22:06 < johnc4510> pleia2: np, sorry i misread the meeting time
22:06 < tyche> The other thing is to sticky your Welcome
22:06 < johnc4510> :(
22:06 < johnc4510> tyche: ok, that's easy enought to do
22:06 < pleia2> johnc4510: no worries :)
22:06 < johnc4510> k
22:06 < johnc4510> thx
22:06 < pleia2> oh good, sticky welcome is easy \o/
22:06 < pleia2> hooray for drupal
22:07 < tyche> Yep.  That way the teasers go in under the Welcome, ahead of the logos, and the reference page is the one the users have already made.
22:07 < johnc4510> pleia2: yeah making it sticky is a breeze...one button
22:07 < johnc4510> or checkbox
22:07 < johnc4510> tyche: k, i'll do that tomorrow first thing then
22:08 < johnc4510> if we are going to let a select group of folks write but not publish, i'll need a list of names to set up restricted accounts for
22:08 < tyche> Done
22:08 < johnc4510> k
22:09 < pleia2> johnc4510: ok, I'm thinking we (me?) write a few initial articles and then do a call to the list for more volunteers
22:09 < pleia2> so for now it can just be the current admins, we'll add writers as time goes on
22:09 < tyche> You also need to get the word out that the site is active and recruiting users.
22:10 < pleia2> yeah, I want to get a couple articles up so people know what to expect/contribute
22:10 < johnc4510> pleia2: sounds good...we should keep the list as short as possible i think once we decide
22:10 < pleia2> so far my ideas are: Yay NY is approved, my documenting events article (somewhat written), and then another small article I toss together pointing at some of the wiki stuff
22:10 < pleia2> I'll work on these this week and over the weekend
22:10 < johnc4510> by short, i'm thinking maybe 4-8 people at the most
22:11 < pleia2> yeah
22:11 < johnc4510> k
22:11 < johnc4510> sounds good
22:12 < pleia2> thanks tyche and johnc4510!
22:13 < johnc4510> you bet
22:13 < johnc4510> :)
22:13 < johnc4510> later then
22:13 < johnc4510> i'll get on that tomorrow
22:13 < tyche> NP.  Glad to be of service (even if I'm NOT officially a member of the team.  Hee hee)

USTeams/Meetings/IRCLogs/2009-08-04 (last edited 2009-08-08 18:15:56 by alderaan)