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Log for US Teams Meeting on August 26th, 2009
22:01 < pleia2> hey everyone :) 22:01 < pleia2> who is about for the meeting? 22:01 < dantalizing> morning! 22:01 < akgraner> hey pleia2 22:01 < dantalizing> o/ 22:01 < akgraner> o/ 22:02 < pleia2> ok, so we've got an agenda up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/Meetings 22:02 < pleia2> site update: we have two articles in the wings near ready for publishing, just queuing them up 22:03 < dantalizing> i owe you a doc ... 22:03 * dantalizing adds a note to his todo 22:03 < akgraner> pleia2, do I owe you anything else? 22:03 < pleia2> akgraner: nope! :) 22:03 < akgraner> whew! 22:03 < dantalizing> a beer 22:03 < pleia2> mmm beer 22:03 < akgraner> hehe that's a given.. 22:04 < pleia2> any other thoughts/comments on the website at the moment? 22:04 < dantalizing> it makes me happy 22:05 < pleia2> suggestions for articles? 22:05 < pleia2> beer or the website? 22:05 < pleia2> hehe 22:05 < dantalizing> yes 22:05 < pleia2> me to \o/ 22:05 < akgraner> basic event planning.. 22:05 < pleia2> too 22:05 < pleia2> akgraner: do you know if are there any wiki pages out there that can be referenced for that? 22:05 < akgraner> or is that already being done? 22:06 < pleia2> not done, but it's a good idea 22:06 < akgraner> I don't but I can look a little harder to find some 22:06 < pleia2> hoping we could dig up existing docs, add to them, write our article 22:07 < pleia2> akgraner: that'd be great :) 22:07 < akgraner> I need to do one about negotiating space/hotel rooms etc some folks don't know that hotels will give some great deals on room rates and spaces for events.. 22:08 < pleia2> akgraner: yes! that'd be great, I'm working to help plan fosscon and we're clueless.. 22:08 < akgraner> I'll work on that this week then 22:08 < pleia2> thanks :) 22:08 < Flannel> Is fosscon going to actually happen this year then? 22:08 < pleia2> Flannel: we're in active discussions with RIT (Rochester, NY) for next summer 22:09 < Flannel> Eh? sheesh, two false starts in my backyard and you decide to finally have it somewhere all the way across the US? 22:10 < pleia2> we're a whole different organization team, most of which is on this coast 22:10 < pleia2> I don't think we've even talked to the west coast failed fosscon people 22:11 < pleia2> anyway, if you are interested we're doing planning over in #fosscon 22:11 < pleia2> looks like we sent off a proposal to RIT today with some details about food 22:11 < pleia2> hehe 22:11 < pleia2> right, US meeting! 22:12 < pleia2> so if we don't have more thoughts about articles/site... 22:12 < pleia2> boredandblogging added an agenda item about increasing visibility of the site 22:12 < dantalizing> :) 22:12 < pleia2> "How does an individual find the USTeams wiki pages? Besides being referenced by a couple of LoCo wiki pages, USTeams isn't listed prominently anywhere. If someone looks at LoCoTeamsList, there are links to the individual LoCos, but nothing about USTeams." etc 22:13 < pleia2> any thoughts? 22:13 < Flannel> US Teams (finding a mentor, etc) is something LoCos need, so we don't really need prominent placemet insofar as the wiki page stuff. 22:13 < pleia2> I blog about it sometimes, tweet articles 22:14 < akgraner> can there be a section on the LoCo Teams wiki 22:14 < pleia2> that would be nice, but I don't know the protocol there since it's not /actually/ a loco team itself 22:15 < Flannel> How does one find the other teams? (not loco teams, just team teams) 22:15 < pleia2> how do we get added to the solar system on planet.ubuntu.com ? 22:15 < dantalizing> i think we sent an email to rt 22:15 < akgraner> can we just ask? 22:16 < pleia2> by looking here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu 22:16 < pleia2> but I think mostly people find teams by googling for them or something 22:16 < akgraner> Dang I need to get out more that's the 1st time I've seen that one... 22:17 < pleia2> yeah, I don't know if it's actively maintained 22:17 < Flannel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Teams 22:17 < pleia2> neat 22:17 < pleia2> oh dear, my wrong name is on that page 22:17 < johnc4510> sorry i'm late 22:18 < pleia2> welcome, johnc4510 :) 22:18 < dantalizing> mm...history 22:18 < johnc4510> thx 22:18 < dantalizing> morning johnc4510 22:18 < johnc4510> dantalizing: hey bud 22:18 < akgraner> can there be a place on the website or the LoCo page that has links like the last 2 22:19 < pleia2> good idea 22:20 * Grantbow sneaks into the back of the room - sorry I'm late. 22:20 < pleia2> hm, I don't have any bright ideas, I guess I can keep an eye out for ways we can better integrate the USTeams elsewhere 22:21 < akgraner> I only knew to ask about a mentor because I read about them on the UW site and I figured if UW offered it then other teams did too... 22:21 < akgraner> then I started asking about it.. 22:21 < pleia2> one thing I'd like to do is meander through the 50 teams in this country and see who has RSS feeds I can add to the planet 22:21 < pleia2> akgraner: ah, interesting 22:21 < johnc4510> pleia2: i was just reading back to catch up...about visibility...can we add ourselves to the master team list in some way?? 22:21 < pleia2> then I can say "hey I added you to the planet, yay!" 22:22 < pleia2> johnc4510: akgraner suggested that, I don't know about protocol with editing that list 22:22 < ShawnR> would anyone here mind helping me with a touchpad tweak for 9.04? 22:22 < pleia2> hm, so when googling for "ubuntu us" our site is on top 22:22 < johnc4510> well, it is an open wiki...but i think we should run it by boredandblogging and see what he says...maybe under a different catagory 22:22 < johnc4510> ? 22:23 < pleia2> I think the page itself says "don't touch" :) 22:23 < johnc4510> ah 22:23 < ShawnR> synaptics touchpad, the scrolling and touch works fine, it's just the tap zones, all things i read tell me to edit the xorg.conf and every time i change it (as they state) i reboot to a "your xorg.conf is corrupt, need to use low gfx mode" 22:23 < pleia2> ShawnR: might want to try in #ubuntu for support (this channel is for US Teams mentoring and we're in the middle of a meetign) 22:23 < ShawnR> oh, sorry 22:23 < pleia2> no problem :) 22:23 < ShawnR> i tried the main chan 22:23 < ShawnR> but it is so flippin busy 22:23 < pleia2> just want to get you to the right place 22:24 < ShawnR> no one helps 22:24 < johnc4510> i know i have edited my own teams info in the past but...i understand 22:24 < ShawnR> i was looking through all the ubuntu type chans 22:24 < dantalizing> the page was just updated 2 months ago 22:24 < pleia2> dantalizing: can ShawnR get help in #ubuntu-us-fl? 22:24 < ShawnR> is there such a chan? 22:24 < pleia2> ShawnR: yes :) 22:24 < Grantbow> ShawnR: try #ubuntu-beginners 22:24 < ShawnR> lol, guess not, but i'm in there now :) 22:24 < dantalizing> pleia2: shawnr, if there are people around, they will certainly try to help 22:24 < ShawnR> well, i just "made" the -fl chan 22:24 < ShawnR> i'll try -beginners, but it doesn't seem to be a beginners ? 22:24 < pleia2> #ubuntu-us-fl has 35 people in it... 22:25 < pleia2> sure you typed it right? 22:25 < ShawnR> oh, i clicked on the first link... i guess it took the ? as part of the chan name 22:25 < ShawnR> lol 22:25 < pleia2> so maybe we can ask boredandblogging about the protocol and whether it can be added, it is his agenda item and all :) 22:25 < pleia2> see if he has any other thoughts too 22:26 < johnc4510> we might also add a sticky here pointing to the website: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=284 22:26 < pleia2> good idea 22:27 < doctormo> hey pleia2 22:27 < pleia2> doctormo: hey :) 22:27 < johnc4510> we probably need to go through that and clean it up anyway 22:27 < doctormo> tonights lesson went well, remote access. 22:27 < pleia2> johnc4510: hm who has admin on our forum anyway? 22:27 < johnc4510> i do 22:27 < pleia2> oh good 22:27 < johnc4510> nick and etank 22:28 < pleia2> yeah, we should clean up those sticky things, the lands end thing is kinda moot now 22:28 < pleia2> as are hardy heron release parties :) 22:28 < johnc4510> nods 22:28 < pleia2> so, sticky there, follow-up on loco list 22:28 < johnc4510> we should get the forums admins to change nick and etank for you and dantalizing too 22:28 < pleia2> yeah 22:29 < akgraner> there are some folks who will look to the website for the answers as they don't like wiki's forums or mailing lists.. as more and more average non-technical users come on board.. 22:29 < johnc4510> ok, i'll take care of that 22:29 < pleia2> akgraner: so, do you think more links on the main website to resources would help? 22:29 < akgraner> so the website can be a place to get ahead of that curve and be prepared for that 22:29 < akgraner> yep 22:30 * pleia2 nods 22:30 < akgraner> people don't mind clicking a link, but figuring out how to search for through wiki's... 22:30 < johnc4510> we can set up some links in one of the sidebars...but i need ideas/a list of what we want linked 22:31 < johnc4510> specifics in other words 22:31 < johnc4510> :) 22:31 < pleia2> yeah 22:32 < johnc4510> if someone could make a list for us to go over...?? akgraner ?? 22:32 < pleia2> we actually do have a lot of news stuff linked already 22:32 < johnc4510> lol 22:32 < akgraner> johnc4510, I can make a list and send it to the mailing list and you all can narrow it or whatever if that will help 22:33 < pleia2> akgraner: that would be great! 22:33 < johnc4510> akgraner: it would...thsx 22:33 < johnc4510> thx 22:33 < johnc4510> :) 22:33 < akgraner> however I don't know all the wiki's as I just saw tonight so I might just be able to give you some topics.. 22:33 < pleia2> your suggestions will probably jog my memory for others 22:33 < johnc4510> better than nothing 22:34 < akgraner> but I will search for them as well...before I just post a topic/idea 22:34 < johnc4510> we will have to be a little selective so as not to have a 100 links available 22:34 < johnc4510> akgraner: thx 22:34 < johnc4510> there is a lot of info on the wiki for the loco teams :) 22:35 < pleia2> yeah, too much and our site becomes uselessly overwhelming 22:35 < johnc4510> btw, did all the approved teams send for a free copy of jono's community book? 22:35 < johnc4510> i hope so 22:36 < pleia2> us-pa did 22:36 < akgraner> I was thinking more of one link to a wiki that held links to all the other stuff.. not a million links on the website does that make sense? 22:36 < johnc4510> az +1 22:36 < johnc4510> akgraner: that might be good too 22:36 < pleia2> the loco wiki documentation needs a map to navigate - a map that doesn't exist 22:37 < johnc4510> nods 22:37 < johnc4510> it's a jungle hee hee 22:37 < akgraner> yeah I ask boredandblogging if there was a wiki tree 22:37 < pleia2> a wiki tree would be nice 22:37 < johnc4510> a tree would have work from the start...not sure if you could now 22:37 < pleia2> with the loco docs you click 4 times and you are lost :) 22:38 < johnc4510> nods 22:38 < pleia2> there are a couple different menus at the tops of pages for wiki stuff 22:38 < pleia2> consolidation would help a lot 22:39 < Grantbow> who is the lead manager of the LoCo pages? 22:39 < johnc4510> on the wiki? 22:39 < pleia2> in theory, I think the loco council 22:39 < pleia2> in practice, it's a wiki, sorta just exists 22:39 < johnc4510> nods 22:39 * Grantbow nods 22:40 < pleia2> hm, so I think if some of us start weeding through the jungle to pull out what we like and link to it, it'd be helpful to contributing to a more global initiative in the future to tame it 22:40 < pleia2> I think there was a loco docs day a while back? 22:41 < dantalizing> yes 22:41 < dantalizing> we're actually doing some wiki cleanup (doc jam) as part of the global jam 22:41 < pleia2> cool 22:41 < dantalizing> maybe we can have a -us doc jam? 22:42 < akgraner> dantalizing, we are looking into doing that in NC as well... 22:42 < johnc4510> that would be great 22:42 < pleia2> well, that would be a nice way of getting us out there 22:42 < pleia2> all of us blabbering about our doc jam, nudging teams into contributing 22:42 < dantalizing> mmm...blabber 22:42 < johnc4510> :) az would be willing to help with that 22:42 < pleia2> pa too! 22:43 < johnc4510> btw...that would be an awesome thing for an unapproved team to add to their approval wiki :) 22:43 < pleia2> yeah, so nc should do it too 22:43 < pleia2> hehe 22:43 < dantalizing> mmm...coersion 22:44 < dantalizing> seriously ...good idea 22:44 < dantalizing> i'll mention it to some teams 22:44 < pleia2> cool 22:44 < akgraner> I like that idea... 22:44 < johnc4510> so can we have a us loco doc jam on jam day then??? 22:44 < pleia2> so what do we think - our doc day would be... cleaning up our on wiki, us teams cleaning up their own wikis, all of us cleaning up loco documentation in general? 22:44 < akgraner> woo hoo can I just say I luv events! 22:45 < dantalizing> pleia2: +1 22:45 < dantalizing> akgraner: +1 22:45 < akgraner> pleia2, +1 22:45 < Grantbow> pleia2: +1 22:46 < johnc4510> i like the idea of us all working as one team so to speak to clean up the loco documentation 22:46 < pleia2> johnc4510: I'm not sure, the pa jam day is pretty busy with myth stuff... I'm wondering if this should be a separate thing entirely 22:46 < dantalizing> well the jam is 3 days 22:46 < johnc4510> k 22:46 < dantalizing> so we have a weekend :) 22:46 < dantalizing> october 2-4 22:47 < pleia2> is there risk of it getting lost in the noise of the big Jam itself? 22:47 < dantalizing> i dont think so 22:47 < pleia2> ok :) 22:47 < akgraner> there are teams asking "what can we do" 22:48 < dantalizing> i think the idea of contributing to the larger jam is more enticing to a lot of people/teams 22:48 < johnc4510> nds 22:48 < johnc4510> nods 22:48 < pleia2> so I think maybe for pa we'll do something like "here is our live event... but if you're stuck home..docs!" 22:48 < pleia2> and I'll pitch in on the 2nd and 4th when I'm not all tied up with eventing 22:48 < akgraner> we can have doc days like people do hug days with bugs right... 22:48 < johnc4510> i think we should submit the us loco team as one team that will coordinate all the us loco teams as one 22:49 < johnc4510> for the jam 22:49 < pleia2> maybe, I think we should at least nudge some teams into participating that haven't signed up 22:49 < pleia2> not enough from the US on the page yet :) 22:49 < johnc4510> k 22:50 < johnc4510> az hasn't signed on yet, but i can get them in on this for sure 22:50 < akgraner> wanna divide up the US area and conquer I mean start nudging 22:50 < akgraner> :-) 22:50 < pleia2> so... I'll put together a wiki page probably tomorrow night describing our intentions for a doc-jam that weekend 22:50 < pleia2> hehe 22:50 < dantalizing> i'll hit the teams i'm mentoring 22:51 < dantalizing> and GA 22:51 < dantalizing> :) 22:51 < akgraner> yeah that GA team jeez..:-P 22:51 < pleia2> johnc4510: oh! Kansas is your team and they had some trouble while you were gone 22:51 < johnc4510> cool....we should post it to the web site too 22:51 < pleia2> "your team" - one you mentor 22:51 < Grantbow> I'll email the California list about it when the wiki page is up 22:51 < johnc4510> pleia2: what sort of problems 22:51 < pleia2> I've helped them some, but they're still having trouble talking to each other 22:51 < Flannel> Email us about what? 22:52 < pleia2> johnc4510: there seem to be at least 3 people trying to start things, but they are having trouble communicating 22:52 < Grantbow> Flannel: US Doc Jam 22:52 < pleia2> one lurks on irc, another on forums, some just are *around* the internet 22:52 < pleia2> hehe 22:52 < Flannel> Grantbow: I don't think there'll be a need for email, we'll just incorporate it 22:52 < Flannel> that is, for a separate email 22:52 < Grantbow> whatever 22:53 < pleia2> johnc4510: Ahmuck in #ubuntu-us-ks might be someone to talk to (he's not there at the moment) 22:53 < johnc4510> pleia2: ok, i'll check into the irc channel tomorrow then...are they hanging out there? 22:53 < johnc4510> pleia2: kk 22:53 < johnc4510> thx 22:53 < pleia2> np 22:54 < akgraner> dantalizing, you wanna post to NC or you want me to take care of that? 22:54 < dantalizing> lol... 22:54 < dantalizing> akgraner: thats all you 22:54 < akgraner> :-P 22:55 < akgraner> take me to your mentor.. dantalizing isn't that you :-P 22:55 < dantalizing> akgraner: no i just lurk there 22:55 < dantalizing> :) 22:55 < akgraner> :-) 22:55 < pleia2> hehe 22:55 < dantalizing> i'm just there to pick up tips 22:56 < akgraner> :-) 22:56 < pleia2> ok, I think we can probably wrap this up 22:56 < dantalizing> awight 22:56 < dantalizing> gn all .. 22:56 < pleia2> night, dantalizing! 22:57 < dantalizing> thx everyone 22:57 < akgraner> night, dantalizing 22:57 < johnc4510> thx to all 22:58 < johnc4510> pleia2: oh, next meeting?? 22:58 < akgraner> what johnc4510 said... what a cool meeting...:-) 22:58 < pleia2> oh right 22:58 < pleia2> same time and evening in 2 weeks? 22:58 < johnc4510> ok with me 22:59 < pleia2> cool 22:59 < johnc4510> thx 22:59 < akgraner> so the 9th 22:59 < akgraner> cool with me