
Differences between revisions 8 and 9
Revision 8 as of 2006-11-06 21:06:22
Size: 3183
Editor: 201-10-88-225
Revision 9 as of 2006-11-06 22:49:29
Size: 3249
Editor: 207
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Here is a general layout:

Please check the status of this specification in Launchpad before editing it. If it is Approved, contact the Assignee or another knowledgeable person before making changes.


Display a slideshow about the operating system during installation from the desktop CD.


During the install off a live CD, there is a long wait during which the user can explore the live Ubuntu desktop. But many users simply wait for the copy and fix-up to complete, during which they see a nice progress bar. We would like to offer those users a nice slideshow, which could exhibit some of the exciting features of the new OS they are installing.

(Or, per Jeff Waugh, concentrate on showing benefits rather than features!)

Use cases



Here is a general layout: attachment:slideshow_general_layout.png


Content ideas:

  • Welcome
  • Free software element
  • Community: forums, support methods
  • communicate: e-mail, web browsing, groupware, multi-protocol instant messenger
  • media support, photo management, music management (ipod handling)
  • office use: database
  • packages: in place upgrades, 10,000 packages available
  • security: no viruses, spyware
  • possibilities: desktop, server, thin client

Don't repeat slides, users will stop watching the install. Don't have the timespan too long, max 1 minute. But 15-20 minutes is a lot of slides.

Hide slideshow if running at 640x480.

Have settings for each image when to show for the install progress % points.


Data preservation and migration

Unresolved issues

BoF agenda and discussion

  • Any volunteers to create the slideshow images?
    • Sketch out some ideas. (What is the marketing aim of this? Should it be feature/app based or more general branding/marketing based? -kwwii)
    • Will probably need screenshots, so need a plan that can be executed or re-executed quite quickly after UI freeze
  • Technical implementation
    • Different flavours (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc.) will require different slideshow images, so they will probably need to go somewhere flavour-specific, either packaged or dropped in by cdimage.

    • Format? Originally the idea was Flash, but that suffers from technical constraints and bugs even with gstreamer's SWF support; a series of images would be a lot better than nothing, and would have the benefit of being easy to produce even by non-experts.

      • I Agree with a serie of images. The image change when the installation reach determined progress (ex.: 15% show the "Clean and plastic menus", with an image of gnome main menu; on 95% shows "Explore your new system!" with some images of the ways that how the user could start enjoying your new installed system). --CypherBios

        • "Flash? Why not a series of PNG's?!" If you read carefully, that's exactly what I just said! We are agreeing vociferously. --ColinWatson


Ubiquity/Slideshow (last edited 2009-06-02 18:21:54 by host86-146-95-247)