Meeting minutes for 2021-09-18
- 2021-09-18 18:30 ~ 19:30 UTC+9
- Text chat meeting on telegram
- Chair: Youngbin Han
- Note Taker: Gunyong Yoon (or Gyuseok Jung)
- Vincent Wong
- Hong Phuc Dang
- Rohit Man Amatya
- Sartika
- Updates from teams
- Action items from last meeting
- Topics for discussions
New members
Updates from teams
- Coordination team
- Marketing Team
- Technical team
- Sponsorship team
- Content team
Action items from last meeting
- Youngbin Han: Publish meeting minutes on Ubuntu wiki and discourse
- Youngbin Han: Next meeting chair - prepare and invite people to next meeting
- Youngbin Han: Prepare list of live session speakers
- Vincent Wong: Prepare meeting minutes for next meeting (Note taker)
- Vincent/Sartika: Check with Gimpscape.ID for any further design ideas
- RJ: Think more about Gathertown map design, Video to finish manually translating by TW volunteers
- Hong Phuc: Provide list of questions for panel session
- Test calls with live session speakers
Topics for discussion
- To Dos
- Sponsor recognition email - to all attendees (according to sponsorship contracts)
- Diamond ~ Silver: Logo, URL, Name, short info
- Bronze ~ Supporter + other: Logo, Name, short info
- Marketing team to prepare and send emails about 1~2days before the event.
- Opening session: intro video of each local community
- Short videos with“Hello, I’m ~~~ welcome to the first ubucon asia” from each organizer?
- Moderator shifts: 6~8 moderators wanted
- What moderators to
- give grant to speakers + Introduce speakers
coordinate Q&A between attendees and speakers
- What moderators to
Complete building gather space & social event program on gather space
- Also configure payment + buy reservation (250~300 150 people capacity + expand when required)
- upload Keynote video
- We got the video but it’s too short.
- If Ken doesn’t provide a longer one. play a video with program information instead. (looping slide show with background music.)
- upload subtitles and set videos as “unlisted”
- plus, collect names of volunteers for subtitle credits
- Make a list of speakers, organizers, volunteers, patrons - to provide free swags(50USD gift card) as appreciation
- Final promotion: to bring more attendees!
- Free swag lottery on virtual booth!
- Featured sessions
- Treasure find event
- Sponsor recognition email - to all attendees (according to sponsorship contracts)
Action Items
- No meeting next week.
- Come on in to the event.
- Vincent to prepare and send Sponsor recognition email next week.
- Youngbin, Vincent: Prepare list of speakers, organizers, volunteers, patrons - who will get free swags.