Ubuntu Kylin 14.04 LTS Proposal
The Ubuntu Kylin team is proposing that the Ubuntu Kylin 14.04 release would be supported for 5 years as an LTS release.
Ubuntu Kylin LTS Support Cycle. Most packages shipped in Ubuntu Kylin that are not shipped in Ubuntu are developed by the Ubuntu Kylin team. Since the team is upstream, those packages are, and will continue to be, well maintained.
Point Releases
Ubuntu Kylin will be following the point releases with Ubuntu as written in, to benefit from HWE improvement of point releases:
- Ubuntu Kylin 14.04.1:
- Ubuntu Kylin 14.04.2:
- Ubuntu Kylin 14.04.3:
- Ubuntu Kylin 14.04.4:
List of proposed long-term support applications
Ubuntu Kylin does not use seed, ubuntu-default-builder is used instead. Package addition and removal are done by ubuntukylin-default-settings.
- List of packages that are in Ubuntu Kylin but not in Ubuntu, also maintained by Ubuntu Kylin team
- unity-china-music-scope
- unity-china-photo-scope
- unity-china-video-scope
- youker-assistant
- ubuntukylin-wallpapers
- fcitx-ui-qimpanel
- ubuntukylin-theme
- chinese-calendar
- indicator-china-weather
- Other recommended packages of ubuntukylin-default-settings:
- cheese
- smplayer
- fcitx-googlepinyin
- fcitx-table-wubi
- nautilus-open-terminal
- firefox-locale-zh-hans
- thunderbird-locale-zh-hans
- thunderbird-locale-zh-cn
- libreoffice-l10n-zh-cn
- For completeness, packages removed by ubuntukylin-default-settings are listed below:
- ibus ibus-gtk ibus-gtk3 python-ibus ibus-pinyin-db-android libopencc1
- ubiquity-plugin-ubuntuone ubuntu-wallpapers ubuntu-wallpapers-saucy
- indicator-messages totem totem-common libtotem0 gir1.2-totem-plparser-1.0
- language-pack-de language-pack-es language-pack-pt firefox-locale-de firefox-locale-es firefox-locale-pt
- example-content guile-2.0-libs liblouis-data lintian landscape-client-ui-install
- fonts-freefont-ttf fonts-kacst fonts-kacst-one fonts-lao fonts-nanum
- fonts-takao-pgothic fonts-tlwg-kinnari fonts-tlwg-loma
- fonts-tlwg-mono fonts-tlwg-norasi fonts-tlwg-purisa
- fonts-tlwg-sawasdee fonts-tlwg-typewriter fonts-tlwg-typist
- fonts-tlwg-typo fonts-tlwg-umpush fonts-tlwg-waree fonts-thai-tlwg
Ubuntu Kylin/14.04/LTS-Proposal (last edited 2014-11-14 03:51:13 by anthonywong)