
Revision 3 as of 2007-09-03 20:40:31

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Ubuntu Users is a non-profit social networking site for Linux users. Over the next few weeks and months we hope to get the beta up and running to a new social networking platform with full email, blog and chat facilities.


If you are interested in participating in the beta please sign up here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=535741. (UbuntuForums membership required)


We are looking for experienced coders, designers and database security experts. If you would like to contribute to the project you can join UbuntuForums and participate in the concept art competition or drop in on us in ##ubuntu-users.org on irc.freenode.net using your IRC client of choice.


To try and get things off the ground in an organised manner, we've moved ourselves into teams. If you think you can help out in any of these areas please contact an existing members of the team via LaunchPad or on IRC (details below). They'll probably change over time, but some structure is needed to get the ball rolling.

  • Coding - This will be the programming aspects of the site
  • Art - This will be the User Interface team and will also work with the Marketing team
  • Marketing - Every good, strong project needs a marketing team. This team will eventually branch into another team if we decide to start offering fan based products like mugs, t-shirts etc.
  • Security - This team will house the network security team, a very important team when you are responsible for people’s personal data
  • Support - To deal with support requests
  • R&D - Research and Development team for developing new ideas

  • Hosting - This will be the team responsible for managing the server(s)


Internet Relay Chat: ##ubuntu-users.org on irc.freenode.net

Ubuntu Users URL http://www.ubuntu-users.org/

Paladine http://blog.paladine.org.uk/

Launchpad https://launchpad.net/~uusn-devcomm

The current logo featured on http://www.ubuntu-users.org/ shows a group of wanderers, lost in the vast arid desert of Microsoft - drawn to the free power and energy of Ubuntu. The beacon is bringing people together, the lone wanderer in the foreground is making his way out of the dark and into the enlightened community of Ubuntu users.