
Revision 3 as of 2006-02-26 17:35:20

Clear message

Ubuntu-libre (derived from a proposal for an Ubuntu version called Gnubuntu) attempts to become an official version of Ubuntu that will protect user freedom by default. When a user installs default Ubuntu-libre system he can be sure that only free software will be installed on his system during the installation and later while using the package manager for installing additional software.

Ubuntu-libre doesn't try to prevent user from installing proprietary software or adding package repositories for proprietary software, but the user has to explicitly break his own freedom by doing so.

Use cases

  • X likes Ubuntu technically, but is concerned about his freedom.
  • Y is a system administration at an organization, which has a commitment to use only free software.


In short this means that Ubuntu restricted and multiverse components will not be parts of Ubuntu-libre default installation. Future goals will probably include work for filling the gaps left by removing restricted component. As the guarded freedom of Ubuntu-libre may attract some current users of GNU operating system, work enabling Ubuntu-libre user to choose between HURD and Linux, is another possible future distinctive feature. How ever it is not that easy and is probably not going to happen any day soon.