
Differences between revisions 1 and 13 (spanning 12 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2008-05-11 23:45:27
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Editor: 79-75-84-236
Revision 13 as of 2008-11-03 14:41:03
Size: 4647
Editor: 79-75-60-243
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||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Contents'''[[BR]][[TableOfContents]]|| ||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;"><<TableOfContents>>||
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= Overview = = Visión Xeneral =
Esta ye la páxina de les/os tornadores d''''Ubuntu al Asturianu'''.
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This is the home page for Ubuntu English translations. La nuesa intención ye la de caltener un canal de comunicación xeneral y común pa la torna d'esti (y otros) sistemes operativos al Asturianu.
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Our intention is to maintain a central communications channel for en-GB based languages. Generally, this includes the forms of English spoken in Commonwealth countries such as the [https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-en-gb United Kingdom], [wiki:IndianTeam India], [wiki:AustralianTranslationTeam Australia], [wiki:SouthAfricanTeam South Africa] and [wiki:CanadianTeam Canada]. = Cómo participar =
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These variants are almost identical in their written forms, so it makes sense for some communication and co-operation to take place. We hope to eliminate the duplication of effort that is currently taking place in regards to translations. El facese parte del grupu de traductores d''''Ubuntu''' al Asturianu permitete mandar les tornes ensin tener que ser aprobaes, votar nes normes del grupu, etc.
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Our translations are based on [https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+lang/en_GB British English]. That effort is headquartered [https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-en-gb here]. Essentially, we are producing an internationalised form of en_GB. '''NOTA IMPORTANTE''': Anguaño, tolos trabayos de traducción de programes y aplicaciones d''''Ubuntu''', asina como otros proyeutos de software llibre en Llingua Asturiana, tan coordinándose dende [[http://wiki.altuxa.com/softastur|SOFTASTUR]]. Equí alcontrarás información tocante a tolos proyeutos que se tan tornando a la nuesa llingua. L'equipu de traductores de Softastur podrá aidate en toles tos dubies, y ufriráte información sobro los proyeutos entamaos, o en caltenimientu.
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We do not intend to restrict the activities of local translation groups, but rather to provide a common base for everyone to build upon. Through co-operation, we hope to strengthen rather than weaken localised versions of English. Primero, pa faete sociu del grupu de '''Ubuntu Asturian Translators''' sigui estos pasos:
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= How to Participate =  1. Abre una cuenta equí [[https://launchpad.net/|Launchpad account]].
 1. Fai visible'l to email, d'esta miente podemos contautate pa cualesquier cosa.
 1. Pide pa facete sociu [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-ast|Ubuntu Asturianu (Asturies) Grupu de Tradutores]]
 1. Abre una cuenta na [[https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/softast-ubuntu|llista de correos]]
Empobina agora a [[http://wiki.altuxa.com/softastur|SOFTASTUR]], tendrás de rexistrate tamién, pero son 15 segundos, y dexa un mensaxe nel so '''chigre'''(foru), pa que la comunidá sepa de tí, (el to nome y/o alcuñu, e-mail,..) y pa que veas tola triba de proyeutos qu'hai disponibles. La comunidá pondráse en contautu contigu, y en función de los proyeutos que te presten, dirán asignándote les xeres afayaíces.
= Comunicación =
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Joining the Ubuntu English (United Kingdom) Translators team allows you to commit translations and vote on policies. If you are not a member, your contributions will need to be approved by a member. The procedure for joining is as follows. La ferramienta principal de esti "canal ye la nuesa [[https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/softast-ubuntu|llista de correos]]. Tamién pues usar los correos elleutrónicos de los/es socios/es. Sicasí, toles votaciones, noticies, suxerencies, nuevos proyeutos, estáu de los mesmos, dubies, etc, tan faciéndose agora dende [[http://wiki.altuxa.com/softastur|SOFTASTUR]]
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 1. Sign up for a [https://launchpad.net/ Launchpad account].
 1. Make your e-mail address visible on your Launchpad homepage so that we can get in touch with you. If we cannot contact you, you cannot join.
 1. Apply to join the [https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-en-gb Ubuntu English (United Kingdom) Translators team]
 1. Sign up to the [https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-l10n-eng ubuntu-l10n-eng mailing list]
 1. An Administrator should e-mail you. Reply to their message.
= Ferramientes =
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The team is moderated, meaning that you need to be approved by an Administrator before you are allowed to join. Membership is dependent upon:
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 * adequate command of the written English language to qualify as a translator
 * ability to contribute constructively and work as a team under the leadership of the Administrators
 * following established guidelines and directions
 * remaining contactable via the mailing list
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Don't let these requirements scare you off, though. Provided you have decent written English language skills, you will likely be admitted. == Tabla de Tornes ==
La mayor parte del esfuerciu, en términos de torna, ye cenciellamente la de sustituyir pallabres. Pa facelo más cenciello tendríemos de construyir una de eses tables, como tienen por exemplu los traductores al inglés en [[EnglishTranslation/WordSubstitution|esa tabla]]. Venga! echai un gabitu pa crear una tamien!
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= Communication =

Our primary communications channel is our [https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-l10n-eng mailing list].

= Tools =

== Table of translations ==
The bulk of our translation effort is simple word substitution. To streamline this process and to maintain consistency, we are compiling a [wiki:EnglishTranslation/WordSubstitution table of translations]. Please help us by contributing to that table. As a quick guide, refer to our ''table of common translations'', below.

For the ''Check Spelling'' function on the wiki to function correctly, we should also add our words to the [wiki:LocalSpellingWords Local Spelling Words] list.
Anguaño, esti trabayu de traducción y coordinación pa la llingua asturiana faise dende [[http://wiki.altuxa.com/softastur|Softastur]]
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Our primary tool is [https://translations.launchpad.net/ Rosetta], Ubuntu's Web-based translation tool. To get started, consult the [wiki:TranslatingUbuntu Translation Team portal] and the [https://help.launchpad.net/LaunchpadTranslationsFAQ FAQ list]. Ye la ferramienta principal [[https://translations.launchpad.net/|Rosetta]], Esta ye una ferramienta cenciella y sofitada na teunoloxia web, perfacil d'usar dende'l to navegador.
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Although already an excellent tool, Rosetta suffers from a number of [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta deficiencies] that may be of hindrance to our project. These issues are currently being addressed: Pesie a ser una ferramienta enforma potente, tamien tien los sos fallos, echa-y una gueyada pa ver si pues aidar[[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta|a solventar eses deficiencies]]:
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 * [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/similar-languages Similar Languages]
 * [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/language-glossary-links Language Glossary Links]
 * [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/the-english-language The English Language
 * [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/similar-languages|Similar Languages]]
 * [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/language-glossary-links|Language Glossary Links]]
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== Greasemonkey script ==
Team member [https://launchpad.net/people/malcolm-parsons Malcolm Parsons] maintains a [http://pepsiman.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/translate.user.js Greasemonkey script] to ease the translation process in Rosetta. It is updated at irregular intervals, so you will need to update periodically. Be sure to remove any previously installed versions before installing a new version.
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Note that the script merely makes suggestions for word substitutions (based on [wiki:EnglishTranslation/WordSubstitution our table of translations]). It does not check punctuation, grammar or style. It would be unfeasible for us (or evidently anyone else) to produce an automated corrector of these elements, so they must be assessed manually. = Guies de traducción =
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 * [http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ Mozilla Firefox]
 * the [http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/ Greasemonkey] extension
 * [http://www.gnome.org/projects/epiphany/ Epiphany]
 * [http://www.gnome.org/projects/epiphany/extensions Epiphany extensions]
 * The Greasemonkey extension from the above package enabled (Tools>Extensions).
 * El [[http://www.academiadelallingua.com/diccionariu/|Diccionariu oficial de la Llingua Asturiana]]
 * La [[http://www.academiadelallingua.com/diccionariu/gramatica_llingua.pdf|Gramatica Oficial de la Llingua Asturiana]]
 * Normes [[http://www.academiadelallingua.com/diccionariu/normes.pdf|ortográfiques de la Llingua Asturiana]].
 * La [[http://www.collins.co.uk/wordexchange/|Ortografia Oficial de la Llingua Asturiana]]
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Screenshots: [http://pepsiman.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/launchpad_with_greasemonkey.png One] | [http://pepsiman.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/launchpad_with_greasemonkey2.png Two]
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= Translation Guidelines = == Tabla de traduciones comunes ==
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Unless they conflict with the information given below, translations should be based on the following dictionaries:
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 * the [http://dictionary.cambridge.org/Default.asp?dict=CALD Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary]
 * the [http://www.askoxford.com/dictionaries/compact_oed/?view=uk Oxford English Dictionary]
 * the [http://www.collins.co.uk/wordexchange/ Collins Dictionary]
 * the [http://www.chambersharrap.co.uk/chambers/chref/chref.py/main Chambers 21st Century Dictionary]
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The [http://live.gnome.org/BritishEnglish GNOME] and [http://kde.me.uk/index.php?page=kde-en-gb KDE] projects have established guidelines for their own translation efforts. [http://en-gb.pyxidium.co.uk/ Pyxidium Limited] has been doing some good work with Ope``nOffic``e.org and Mozilla localisations. == Diferencies dialéutiques / contextuales ==
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== Table of common translations ==
Below is a table of common translations. Note that these rules do not always apply, so use with caution. For a more complete list, refer to the aforementioned [wiki:EnglishTranslation/WordSubstitution table of translations].
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 ||'''en-US Spelling''' || '''English Translation'''|| '''Example/Explanation''' ||
 || *alog || *alogue || catalogue, dialogue ||
 || *e* || *ae* || encyclopaedia, anaesthetic, archaeology ||
 || *ed || *t || spelt, spilt, spoilt, dreamt, knelt, burnt ||
 || *er || *re || centre, theatre, fibre, litre, metre, millimetre ||
 || *in || *ine || adrenaline, glycerine ||
 || *iza* || *isa* || civilisation, organisational ||
 || *ize || *ise || colourise, organise, but not size ||
 || *led || *lled || labelled ||
 || *or || *our || colour, favour, honour ||
 || *se || *ce || only when a noun: licence, practice, advice, defence ||
 || *yze || *yse || analyse ||
 || e* || oe* || oestrogen ||
 || multi* || multi-* || 'multi-storey', but not 'multiple' ||
 || Dr., Mr., Mrs. || Dr, Mr, Mrs || Only use a full stop if the final letter of the abbreviation is not the final letter of the word it is abbreviating. ||
 || St, St. || St, St. || St = Saint ; St. = Street ||
 || aluminum || aluminium || ||
 || check || tick || the tick box ||
 || check || cheque || a bank cheque ||
 || checker || chequer || a game of chequers, a chequered floor ||
 || counter-clockwise || anti-clockwise || rotate anti-clockwise ||
 || delete || Permanently Delete || make this change if a Delete action will bypass the Deleted Items folder (Trash) ||
 || disk || disc, disk || Contextual: If describing a round object (e.g. a CD or DVD), use 'disc'. Otherwise, use 'disk' (e.g. a hard disk drive). ||
 || gasoline || petrol || ||
 || gray || grey || ||
 || hood || bonnet || The lid covering the engine compartment of a car. ||
 || mom || mum || mother ||
 || parentheses || brackets || ||
 || period || full stop || ||
 || program || programme, program || Contextual: use 'program' in computing contexts, and 'programme' everywhere else (e.g. a computer program, a television programme) ||
 || pound sign || hash || ||
 || sulfur || sulphur || ||
 || trunk || boot || The luggage compartment of a car. ||
 || trash || rubbish, Deleted Items, Deleted Items folder || When referring to generic waste, use 'rubbish'. When referring to the place where deleted files go, use 'Deleted Items', or 'Deleted Items folder' (note the capitalisation) if you feel the need to reduce ambiguity. ||
 || zee || zed || pronunciation of the final letter of the English alphabet ||
 || ZIP code || postcode || Be careful with this one. A correct English translation may be referring to the American postal system, in which case "ZIP code" is correct. ||
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== Dialectical/Contextual Differences ==

Since our goal is to provide a common base for English, one must be mindful of the use of English internationally, and the differences between dialects and contexts (nouns/verbs, computing/non-computing, etc.). Below is a list of differences that should be reconciled. We will use the mailing list to discuss such matters.

 ||'''en-US Spelling''' || '''Current en-GB Translation'''|| '''Explanation/Alternatives''' ||
 || login || log-in || This may be dependent upon context ||
 || plugin || plug-in || This may be dependent upon context ||
 || setup || set-up || This may be dependent upon context ||

== Other Resources ==
== Otres fontes d'informacion interesantes ==
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 * [http://www.askoxford.com/asktheexperts/faq/?view=uk AskOxford's FAQ page] addresses some of the more ambiguous points of the English language.
 * The Collins [http://www.collins.co.uk/wordexchange/Default.aspx?pg=69&amp;amp;title=Grammar%20Glossary Word Helpdesk]: [http://www.collins.co.uk/wordexchange/Default.aspx?pg=72 Usage Notes], [http://www.collins.co.uk/wordexchange/Default.aspx?pg=69 Grammar Glossary], [http://www.collins.co.uk/wordexchange/Default.aspx?pg=71 Punctuation Glossary] and lists of [http://www.collins.co.uk/wordexchange/Default.aspx?pg=110 prefixes] and [http://www.collins.co.uk/wordexchange/Default.aspx?pg=111 suffixes]
 * Paul Brian's [http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html Common Errors in English] is based on en_US, but is nevertheless an excellent resource.
 * [http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwesl/egw/jones/differences.htm Spelling differences between American and British English]
 * [http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwesl/egw/jones/words.htm Common Words in American and British English]
 * [http://english2american.com/ The English-to-American Dictionary]
 * [http://www.peak.org/~jeremy/dictionary/chapters/title.php The American-British British-American Dictionary (for English Speaking People)]
 * [http://www.eurotexte.net/translation/tips_brit_vs_amer.shtml Tips - British English vs American English]
 * [http://www.effingpot.com/ The Best of British]
 * [http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/~jphb/american.html Notes on American English]
 * [http://www.hps.com/~tpg/ukdict/ United Kingdom English for the American Novice]
 * [http://www.travelfurther.net/dictionaries/ American-British/British-American Dictionaries]
 * [http://www3.telus.net/linguisticsissues/britishcanadianamericanvocab.html British, Canadian and American Vocabulary]
 * [http://www3.telus.net/linguisticsissues/BritishCanadianAmerican.htm Differences between British, Canadian and American Spelling]

Wikipedia hosts a number of informative [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?search=american+british+english pages] on the subject:

 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_english British English]
 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth_English Commonwealth English]
 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_English International English]
 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:English_language Category: English Language]
 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:English_dialects Category: English Dialects]
 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Forms_of_English Category: Forms of English]
 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:American_and_British_English_differences Category: American and British English differences]
 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences American and British English spelling differences]
 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_words_having_different_meanings_in_British_and_American_English List of words having different meanings in British and American English]
 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_words_not_widely_used_in_the_United_States List of British words not widely used in the United States]
 * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_words_not_widely_used_in_the_United_Kingdom List of American words not widely used in the United Kingdom]

Other useful resources:

 * [http://www.proz.com/translation-articles/articles/570/1/AMERICAN-VERSUS-BRITISH-ENGLISH American Versus British English: Why Translators need to Know the Difference]
 * [http://archive.1september.ru/eng/2001/05/1.htm Transatlantic Translation]
 * [http://www.peevish.co.uk/slang/ English slang and colloquialisms used in the United Kingdom]
 * [http://www.uta.fi/FAST/US1/REF/us1refs.html FAST-US-1 (TRENPK2) Introduction to American English]
 * [http://www.peevish.co.uk/slang/links.htm Online Slang Dictionaries and Language Links]
 * [http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/2284/ English to English]
 * [http://www.team.net/sol/solterms.html British car terms]
 * [http://www.nz.com/new-zealand/guide-book/language/dictionary.aspx NZ English to US English Dictionary]
 * La comunidá de '''traductores de Software llibre''' en llingua asturiana de [[http://wiki.altuxa.com/softastur|SOFTASTUR]]
 * La [[http://ast.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portada|Wikipedia n'Asturianu]]
 * El diccionariu [[http://mas.lne.es/diccionario/fuentes.php]]
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= Similar Groups =
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Below is a list of groups that share some of our values. For our translation effort to be successful, we should be communicating and co-operating with them as much as possible. = Grupos Similares =

Poner llista de grupos similares al nuesu, na nuesa llingua pa poder intercambiar informacion, etc.
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 * other English translation groups within Ubuntu
 * other English translation groups in other distributions
 * [http://www.wordforge.org/static/guide-british_english.html WordForge]
 * [http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/guide/british_english translate.sourceforge.net]
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 * the [http://live.gnome.org/BritishEnglish GNOME British English Translation] group
 * the [http://kde.me.uk/index.php?page=kde-en-gb KDE British English Translation] group
 * [http://en-gb.pyxidium.co.uk/ Pyxidium Limited] - Ope``nOffic``e.org and Mozilla localisations
 * [http://members.madasafish.com/~tyndall/fb_en-gb.html Firefox] British English translation
 * other upstream translation groups

Visión Xeneral

Esta ye la páxina de les/os tornadores d'Ubuntu al Asturianu.

La nuesa intención ye la de caltener un canal de comunicación xeneral y común pa la torna d'esti (y otros) sistemes operativos al Asturianu.

Cómo participar

El facese parte del grupu de traductores d'Ubuntu al Asturianu permitete mandar les tornes ensin tener que ser aprobaes, votar nes normes del grupu, etc.

NOTA IMPORTANTE: Anguaño, tolos trabayos de traducción de programes y aplicaciones d'Ubuntu, asina como otros proyeutos de software llibre en Llingua Asturiana, tan coordinándose dende SOFTASTUR. Equí alcontrarás información tocante a tolos proyeutos que se tan tornando a la nuesa llingua. L'equipu de traductores de Softastur podrá aidate en toles tos dubies, y ufriráte información sobro los proyeutos entamaos, o en caltenimientu.

Primero, pa faete sociu del grupu de Ubuntu Asturian Translators sigui estos pasos:

  1. Abre una cuenta equí Launchpad account.

  2. Fai visible'l to email, d'esta miente podemos contautate pa cualesquier cosa.
  3. Pide pa facete sociu Ubuntu Asturianu (Asturies) Grupu de Tradutores

  4. Abre una cuenta na llista de correos

Empobina agora a SOFTASTUR, tendrás de rexistrate tamién, pero son 15 segundos, y dexa un mensaxe nel so chigre(foru), pa que la comunidá sepa de tí, (el to nome y/o alcuñu, e-mail,..) y pa que veas tola triba de proyeutos qu'hai disponibles. La comunidá pondráse en contautu contigu, y en función de los proyeutos que te presten, dirán asignándote les xeres afayaíces.


La ferramienta principal de esti "canal ye la nuesa llista de correos. Tamién pues usar los correos elleutrónicos de los/es socios/es. Sicasí, toles votaciones, noticies, suxerencies, nuevos proyeutos, estáu de los mesmos, dubies, etc, tan faciéndose agora dende SOFTASTUR


Tabla de Tornes

La mayor parte del esfuerciu, en términos de torna, ye cenciellamente la de sustituyir pallabres. Pa facelo más cenciello tendríemos de construyir una de eses tables, como tienen por exemplu los traductores al inglés en esa tabla. Venga! echai un gabitu pa crear una tamien!

Anguaño, esti trabayu de traducción y coordinación pa la llingua asturiana faise dende Softastur


Ye la ferramienta principal Rosetta, Esta ye una ferramienta cenciella y sofitada na teunoloxia web, perfacil d'usar dende'l to navegador.

Pesie a ser una ferramienta enforma potente, tamien tien los sos fallos, echa-y una gueyada pa ver si pues aidara solventar eses deficiencies:

Guies de traducción

Tabla de traduciones comunes

Diferencies dialéutiques / contextuales

Otres fontes d'informacion interesantes

Highly recommended:

Grupos Similares

Poner llista de grupos similares al nuesu, na nuesa llingua pa poder intercambiar informacion, etc.



CategoryHomepage CategoryLoCoTeams CategoryEnglishTranslation

UbuntuAsturianTranslators (last edited 2022-02-11 05:56:44 by fitojb)