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This page is for planning how to give Ubuntu a strong, effective presence at conferences, tradeshows and linux user group gatherings.

  • If you plan to attend a conference and have an Ubuntu booth or give a talk about Ubuntu, please add that info at ConferenceAppearances.

Warning /!\ NOTE: Due to merchandise availability, some items may be replaced with alternatives when shipping.


  • See DIYMarketing for the pieces you need to create your own materials to have an effective conference presence.

  • We will supply Conference Packs to LoCoTeams that are manning an Ubuntu booth.

  • We have 2 conference packs that we can send out, one is for Verified Loco teams and the other is for LoCo teams. They include the following:

Pack A for Verified LoCo Teams contain:

  • x55 Lanyards
  • x2 caps
  • x25 mixed sticker sheets
  • x25 pin-badges
  • x4 t-shirts (release t-shirt) for give-away/booth staff
  • x25 Bootable USB sticks
  • Name badges (LoCo to produce their own)

  • Ubuntu leaflets (LoCo to create a project to produce their own ideas)

Pack B for LoCo Teams contain

  • x25 mixed sticker sheets
  • x55 Lanyards
  • x12 Bootable USB sticks
  • Name badges (LoCo to produce their own)

  • Ubuntu leaflets (LoCo to create a project to produce their own ideas)

Conference Pack approval is at Canonical's discretion, and any left over materials should be shared with LoCo team members for other events. To request a pack, please complete the conference pack application form at least 4 weeks prior to the event:

You should also add yourself to ConferenceAppearances.

If you are an unofficial LoCo please detail some of your past events you've organised and how many people attended. Please also tell us about your LoCo, how many members are in it and how active you are.

Info on LoCo Furnished Resources

  • Ubuntu leaflets - not relevant in most countries due to various languages. LoCo council will introduce a community driven project for LoCo teams to design their own Ubuntu leaflets based on brand guidelines and access to assets.

  • Name-badge designs - this is mainly when hosting your own events. Locos to create their own designs using assets and making use of the brand guidelines.

Assets and Ubuntu brand guidelines can be found at: http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/

  • Please share your tips and suggestions for a successful conference presence at ConferenceTopTips. For event specific tips and suggestions go to the respective wiki page of this event. A list of event pages already holding such information can be found at ConferenceTopTips.

  • General information on collaborating with other projects can be found on ConferenceTopTips as well. If you have a master plan of collaboration with a specific project/local community of a project, consider creating an extra page.