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Here we have a sampling of bugs to work on for Hug Day. After you have triaged or fixed a bug put your name in the last column and set the row's background to green by adding lightgreen in the first cell of the column after "background-color:" and before ";". This will let people know that the bug in that row has been hugged.
You might find it more convenient to edit the wiki page using editmoin a command line utility for editing moinmoin wiki pages. It is available as a package in Gutsy and Hardy. More information including an easier way to do this was [https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugsquad/2007-November/000666.html mailed] to the Bug Squad.
During hug days you can also do [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day 5-A-Day] for this one you can do the following in order to tag your work on the hug day:
- 5-a-day --add-tag hugday-20080710
- Add bugs to 5-a-day as usual
- And when done with hug day run: 5-a-day --remove-tag hugday-20080710
More information about [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day#Tag tags here].
XYZ New audio bugs in linux
These are bugs reported against the Linux kernel relating directly to audio problems that are in the New status.
To mark it off the list you should:
Ask the reporter for the necessary debugging files found at DebuggingSoundProblems and set the bug to 'Incomplete' or
- If all debugging files are attached, change the status to Confirmed.
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