This week's Hug Day will focus on rhythmbox! The goal of today's bug day will be to provide a better experience 'out of the box' with rhythmbox, the default music library manager.
After you have triaged or fixed a bug put your name in the last column and set the row's background to green by adding lightgreen in the first cell of the column after rowbgcolor=. This will let people know that the bug in that row has been hugged.
During hug days you can also do 5-A-Day for this one you can do the following in order to tag your work on the hug day:
- 5-a-day --add-tag hugday-20080905
- Add bugs to 5-a-day as usual
- And when done with hug day run: 5-a-day --remove-tag hugday-20080905
Stock Responses
For problem specific Stock Responses see: Bugs/Responses
26 New Bugs
To mark it off the list you should:
- Verify the bug is still not fixed
Request any needed info, Subscribe, Status to incomplete or
- Set status to Confirmed
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc() |
Dereck |
error transferring track to ipod |
seb128 |
Files transferred to K850i have truncated metadata |
[hardy] Rhythmbox won't play ogg streams stating "internal stream error" |
Rhythmbox does not handle a sudden/unexpected dissappearance of pulse server properly |
Jamendo streaming issues: Can't skip to further back in recording; Doesn't buffer enough before playing |
no visual clue for successfull import |
When I change in a directory the name of a music-file I cann't import any new music-files in order to hear the tracks |
Song drag to playlist does not scroll playlist if on automatic playlist |
rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in _start() |
rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp() |
seb128 |
MKV with PCM sound track in very bad quality on Totem-Gstreamer |
webradio does not work, |
losing audio sync when watching videos |
gstreamer doesn't support 6 channel WMA PRO audio |
XM files played but not recognized by totem |
pedro |
Totem cannot play RealVideo RV30/40 files |
gstreamer feisty audio cd |
Apple WWDC 2007 video stream fails to play |
gstreamer audio cd playback problems |
Gstreamer packages need reboot to work |
Can't change volume - no devices found (Sound Working) |
[Gutsy] Erratic volume control behaviour |
pedro |
Does not detect AAC bitrate |
gstreamer ape support |
Lhademmor |
Aspect ratio wrong with twinview enabled |
fancy swirling effects should not be displayed when hardware too slow |
no video output module play nice with Compiz |
Remove mysql dependency for LPIA |
Automatic DVD playback now defaults to totem-gstreamer even when totem-xine is installed |
fullscreen in totem only uses one monitor in a dual monitor setup |
sound chirps and dropouts during playback MP3 shoutcast stream |
Error Windows stop playback (e.g. An error occured, Location not found) |
TV streams doesn't resume after pause |
Totem Plugin isn't working properly with LiveStream in Firefox RC1 |
Totem/Gstreamer Mozilla plugin doesn't handle all javascript buttons on BBC radio |
totem should be associated with 3g2 videos |
totem gstreamer: gst_object_unref: assertion `object != NULL' failed |
Real Audio streams play double after pause |
Support for multiplexed audio |
Totem only plays first track of audio cd |
[totem-xine] Player artifacts show when switching to full screen |
totem-plugin-viewer crashed with SIGSEGV in g_markup_escape_text() |
pedro |
totem-gstreamer-video-indexer crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_notify() |
pedro |
8 Confirmed Bugs
To mark it off the list you should:
- Verify the bug is still not fixed
Request any needed info, Subscribe, Status to incomplete or
Set status to triaged along with importance. (UbuntuBugControl)
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
no way to stop transcoding |
Copying too many songs does not warn/error early |
Hew |
Applications Consistently output "sh: jackd: command not found" when playing sounds with gstreamer. |
Hew |
totem-gstreamer does not detect srt file |
Hew |
rhythmbox default window size is not optimal |
Arabic titles are not displayed correctly |
Rhythmbox imports iPod-files altough iPod-plugin is off |
First "Import Folder" reports "Operation not supported" |
More Bugs
This list is just a nibble of the bigger picture.