This week's Hug Day will focus on rhythmbox!
After you have triaged or fixed a bug put your name in the last column and set the row's background to green by adding lightgreen in the first cell of the column after rowbgcolor=. This will let people know that the bug in that row has been hugged.
During hug days you can also do 5-A-Day for this one you can do the following in order to tag your work on the hug day:
- 5-a-day --add-tag hugday-20081125
- Add bugs to 5-a-day as usual
- And when done with hug day run: 5-a-day --remove-tag hugday-20081125
Stock Responses
For problem specific Stock Responses see: Bugs/Responses
11 New Bugs [Rhythmbox]
To mark it off the list you should:
- Verify the bug is still not fixed
Request any needed info, Subscribe, Status to incomplete or
- Set status to Confirmed
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
rhythmbox 0.11.5 - Hardy - fails to remember or detect daap shares |
Rhytmbox report Gstreamer error on modifying an mp3 info tag |
rhythmbox lyrics plugin fetches lyrics but does not always display them |
NewSong-Notification is deferred |
Rhythmbox pause button fade duration isn't customizable |
Rhythmbox ignores Replaingain-Tag of OGGs |
Power Manager plugin prevents Suspend when not playing music |
sschelfhout |
rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in start_stream_fade() |
rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in rb_shell_player_set_playing_entry() |
Rhythmbox stops ogg streams stating "internal stream error" when title/artist changes |
UPnP plugin fails to load: missing python-coherence |
sschelfhout |
2 New Bugs [Gstreamer]
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
gstreamer doesn't support 6 channel WMA PRO audio |
webradio does not work, |
30 New Bugs [Totem]
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
Totem won't play properly after hibernate |
package totem-common 2.22.1-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: unable to make backup symlink for `./usr/share/gnome/help/totem/oc/figures/totem_next_button.png': No such file or directory |
totem-gstreamer: please add gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mpegdemux to Suggests |
usability: dvd playback does not start automatically |
after 2 minutes of playback, totem says 'cannot find resource' |
totem-gstreamer: doesn't display what codec it needs |
Interpid: Totem BBC Module Kills Goom Visualization |
Can't rewind .mov playback while movie is loading |
[Intrepid] Totem-mozilla can't play media player streaming (asx) |
Totem cant play from iPod |
specific content in totem bbc plugin not updated |
repeated undismissable codec error dialogue when playing an rm file |
Totem hangs when asked to play DVD |
Totem-gstreamer does not play home-made ISO files |
MythTV support is missing |
Totem-plugin-viewer shows only pause and volume control in Naxos Music Library |
totem youtube plugin and codec installer are confusing and awkward |
totem plays on two accounts simultaneously |
Error when streaming missing depayloader plugin |
Teratec Cinergy T only shows black screen in Totem |
Remember Internet addresses |
[ATI][8.04] No ATI choices in TV out preferences |
totem-audio-preview still works and dont close after deleting previewed file |
totem does nut fully uninstall, leaves symlinks and totem-gstreamer |
installing multimedia codecs itself always fails |
Enable nvtv option |
Automatic DVD playback now defaults to totem-gstreamer even when totem-xine is installed |
Remove mysql dependency for LPIA |
totem-video-thumbnailer crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_check() |
totem-mozilla cannot play embeded video, although mozilla-mplayer does |
50 Incomplete Bugs [Rhythmbox]
To mark it off the list you should:
Change the bug's status to "Confirmed" or "Triaged" if the reporter replied with enough information or
- Ask a secondary follow up question and subscribe to the bug report
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
rythmbox ceases to function while firefox is running |
Rhythmbox freeze between tracks |
Rhythmbox randomly keeps running in the background and won't restart until killed |
Won't play music after switching CDs |
Using rhyhmbox - absolutly no sound!!! |
50% files' information can't currently display at least |
Huge performance problem since update |
bad sound |
rhythmbox has erased radio list |
Rhythmbox erroneously displays genre from ID3 tag on some mp3 files |
rhythmbox deletes existing music when copying from CD |
rhythmbox does not play my cds |
No sound with Ubuntu 8.10 while in 8.04 OK |
2 Problems with Podcasts |
podcast dont download |
rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in IAg_type_check_instance_cast() |
Rhythmbox crashes after downloading a podcast |
Seek bar doesn't work |
album cover reloaded on every new song played |
rhythmbox hangs after a few days (too many threads?) |
Rhythmbox repeatedly downloads podcasts from podibooks |
the internetradio "" is not possible to play |
Rhythmbox skips when playing 16 kbps audio |
Rhythmbox Internet Radio stops when opening a new tab in Firefox |
will not play radio stations anymore after upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 |
Rhythmbox doesn't recognize my Thomson LYRA PDP95G1K |
Slider doesn't forward if write access isn't given |
iPod problems when iPod full |
music player gives 'could not stop playback. unknown playback error' message when I try to play tracks |
rhythmbox forgets podcast name after the download |
cannot drag a folder with mp3s into the Play Queue |
rhythmbox-metadata crashed with SIGSEGV |
Rhtyhmbox crashes when playing music (X-server error) |
rhythmbox-metadata process uses 100% cpu, even after closing app |
cannot create download directory (intrepid) |
Song skips when playing from network drive |
Rhythmbox has errors and won't open with first command |
rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in malloc() |
joumetal |
podcast codec doesnt work |
Spelling mistake - "Sleep Desactivated" |
rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV |
Stream has no data |
Unable to copy files to Ipod |
Rhytmbox frezes when attempting to seek |
remove loading bar in status bar |
[Hardy]: Rhythmbox Won't resume after pause |
Will not subscribe to podcast address when I add it. It just ignores the input and lists zero podcasts. |
Scrolling Firefox interrupts Rhythmbox audio |
rhythmbox crashed while enabling MTP plugin |
rhythmbox should provide more music radio stations |
6 Incomplete Bugs [Gstreamer]
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
Can't change volume - no devices found (Sound Working) |
Gstreamer packages need reboot to work |
gstreamer audio cd playback problems |
[gutsy] no sound: Failed to construct test pipeline in sound recording |
gstreamer feisty audio cd |
losing audio sync when watching videos |
58 Incomplete Bugs [Totem]
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
audio doesn't work on selfmade dvd |
"internal data stream error" |
movie player flickers |
sound out put volume very low through front panel heaadphone |
cant open source after trying to start via os-menu |
cd playback stops and program locks up |
Der Totem Video-Player stuerzt ab, sobald ich enter druecke |
Totem opens and halts |
volume mouse wheel |
Only one sub is displayed |
Totem unable to decrypt avi/wmv files (Ubuntu 8.10) |
right click to get property of mpeg freezes nautilus |
Totem Streaming clips regardless of bitrate settings |
when i see videos a blue(striped)scrren appears in regular intervals of time |
Totem skips the end of songs |
bug report on movie player |
video is being played very slowly with movie player |
totem doesn't understand video type video/x-ati-vcr |
Totem crashes when trying to play a movie |
DVD navigation no longer works |
Totem 2.24.2 |
totem (2.24.2) youtube plugin |
media voice sop |
x-ms-dos-exe application |
Youtube plugin hangs totem or something. gdb traced. |
totem: can't skip chapters in matroska files |
totem - some mp3 files resize totem window |
wmv files cannot be played |
mozila firefox freezes after displaying attach email with .wav file |
Totem visualization freezes |
totem shows videos decolorized |
totem hangs during video playback |
Properties section doesn't show up |
totem freeze when fast-forwarding a mp3/video file |
DVD plays poorly with horizonatal lines that break up picture |
install realplayer in the new site BBC radio |
Error. Could not read from resource |
Totem 2.22.1 audio streaming does not work for |
[totem-xine] Player artifacts show when switching to full screen |
Firefox 3.0 Totem Web Browser Plugin 2.22.1 does not play audio wav-files completely. |
totem open menu shows some folders twice |
Hardy - No preview icon when file extention is .mpeg |
At least one media player plugin for firefox should be installed by default. |
Movie Player defaulting to Spanish |
Error Windows stop playback (e.g. An error occured, Location not found) |
totem refuses to play certain wmv files |
Totem is 'uninterruptible' |
problem playing mono sound files on totem |
totem can't leave fullscreen |
[hardy] totem-xine dvb playback no channels list |
Totem can't handle ffdemux_flv |
Black & White Video Output (Gutsy) |
Totem: YUV video, U/V components are swapped |
[totem-xine] DVD will not play |
noisy audio decode error |
totem-mozilla can't play application/x-oleobject, or can ?? |
[apport] epiphany crashed with SIGSEGV in kernel_vsyscall() |
Font size adjust wont work with external subtitles |
8 Confirmed Bugs [Rhythmbox]
To mark it off the list you should:
- Verify the bug is still not fixed
- Request any needed info, Subscribe, Status to incomplete or
Set status to triaged UbuntuBugControl
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
Error in podcast: Unable to parse the feed contents. |
preset radio stations don't work |
no way to stop transcoding |
Transferring AAC files to iPod is broken |
rhythmbox default window size is not optimal |
Wishlist: Better Radio Support |
Listview Column Header Volume Icon Does Nothing |
Rhythmbox should not have "delete" nor "paste" option for read-only track name display |
3 Confirmed Bugs [Gstreamer]
To mark it off the list you should:
- Verify the bug is still not fixed
- Request any needed info, Subscribe, Status to incomplete or
Set status to triaged UbuntuBugControl
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
Does not detect AAC bitrate |
Totem using GStreamer as backend cannot play RealVideo RV30/40 files |
Totem cannot play *.amr (AMR-NB) even when medibuntu libavcodec installed (and it can play sound in *.3gp with AMR-NB audio) |
17 Confirmed Bugs [Totem]
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
Deinterlace, Subtitel and DVD Menu dont work (since mid-April) |
"Could not read from resource" error when playing encrypted DVD |
bemused plugin in totem-plugins not working |
Totem should give a dialog saying libdvdcss2 is required, instead of saying it can't read the disk. |
firefox ignores gconf mms-settings |
Totem loses sound when seeking or when switching language |
gnome-video-thumbnailer unable to process file |
Cancelling codec search produces redundant error alert |
Totem should notify users about installing libdvdread3 and libdvdcss2 to read encrypted DVD |
Totem's menu entry should read "Totem Movie Player" |
[apport] totem crashed with SIGSEGV in IAg_object_ref() |
totem and other media players need to check DVD region |
Subtitles look crap with default totem deinterlace method. |
volume slider should not use PCM but software mixer or master volume |
totem-gstreamer does not support 5.1 surround sound |
No way of viewing movies on my TV out (Radeon Mobility 9600) |
Controls are sluggish |