Today's Bug Day will focus on empathy!
After you have triaged or fixed a bug put your Launchpad Id in the last column and set the row's background to green by adding lightgreen in the first cell of the column after rowbgcolor=. This will let people know that the bug in that row has been hugged. /
Design specification
Are you unsure what’s the expected behavior with a particular bug? The Software Updates design specification may have the answer. It also includes links to bug reports for known UI problems, which may help you find duplicates. If something needs UI design, mark it Confirmed and assign it to ~mpt.
To sign up for 5-A-Day participation, please add your Launchpad ID to the Participants column. (This is not the email address you used for signing up for LP, but the last part of the URL that redirects you to (everything behind the ~ sign)):
Click on
- Look at the URL bar, everything behind the ~ sign is your Launchpad ID.
Also sign up here:
Stock Responses
For problem specific Stock Responses see: Bugs/Responses
° New Bugs
To mark it off the list you should:
- Verify the bug is still not fixed
Request any needed info, Subscribe, Status to incomplete or
- Set status to Confirmed
Windows Live account doesn't login on Ubuntu 14.04 beta |
Small viewport in Sounds peferences |
Dialpad does not accept touchscreen input |
Empathy does not open under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS |
emapthy loads ./mozilla/plugins on chat start |
package empathy 3.8.4-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting configuration. |
facebook account does not work |
empathy: contact remains in "|ungrouped" list when, it's added to some group |
empathy contact list crash after install irc plugin |
Users appear multiple times in the dropdown list |
Google authentication error in empathy |
empathy-common will not install |
Cannot restore buddy list if started "Hidden in background" |
no sound on video call |
empathy always requires the consent of all the accaunt |
Contrail plugin for Nova |
empathy-account crash |
Unable to search for contacts ("find" button disabled) |
Yahoo account does not connect, falls back to "requires authorization |
Can't stablish audio stream. Invalid remote candidates passed. |
Chat timestamp not in format configured via System Settings Date and Time |
Unable to add skype account to empathy under unity |
empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_notify() |
decouple account-plugin-* and mcp-account-manager-* from empathy |
empathy fails to start |
Empathy not respecting Online Accounts settings |
Spell Check not working in Empathy |
Empathy still receives messages while offline and not running |
empathy-call crashed with SIGSEGV in object_remove_closure() |
non-standard date format |
Regression in Empathy / Telepathy : force chat window to come in foreground when new message is received |
empaty does not connect to any account. and it does not show the yahoo contacts avatar. |
empathy does not work |
doesn't connecting to any account except facebook |
empathy needs SSL to connect but it doesn't have how to change it. |
Empathy not use routing table, but always use default gateway |
package empathy (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: package empathy is not ready for configuration cannot configure (current status `config-files') |
incoming messages not opened in a window |
Feature Request: Integrate "mightytext" into empathy to be able to send SMS from computer |
empathy-av crashed with SIGABRT in raise() |
empathy-auth-client crashed with SIGSEGV in ag_auth_data_get_parameters() |
Empathy not going Online and not showing any contacts |
Subscription Request lacks pertinent information |
No simple way to add IRC account in Empathy |
Status input unusable |
empathy-chat crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message() |
Incomplete Bugs
To mark it off the list you should:
Change the bug's status to "Confirmed" or "Triaged" if the reporter replied with enough information or
- Ask a secondary follow up question and subscribe to the bug report
Cannot add accounts |
Empathy doesn't change status upon standby or screen-lock |
Can't connect to Facebook IM. Says Account is already connected to server |
Can't join to some jabber conferences |
status menu doesn't affect Empathy ICQ status |
empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in malloc_consolidate() |
empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_free() |
empathy assert failure: *** glibc detected *** empathy: malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x0a36b1a0 *** |
Emoticons not shown on global menu |
empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in GI_libc_free() |
After updating to 11.10 Empathy always asks to import settings at start. |
empathy-chat crashed with SIGFPE in g_hash_table_lookup() |
empathy-accounts crashed with SIGSEGV |
unable to send message in Empathy IRC Chat |
getting "connection is untrusted" warnings |
empathy crashed with SIGABRT |
Incoming call window takes focus |
empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc() |
irc #rooms persistent setting |
failure to establish video stream |
Can't login to MSN using non hotmail domain |
alias gets reset and is not saved for jabber accounts |
empathy system tray icon doesn't minimize the application |
Bonjour protocol doesn't work as expected when firewall is enabled |
empathy cannot connect to my SIP server |
Empathy can only recevie 1 offline message on MSN when logged in |
empathy accounts fail to connect after manually unlocking keyring |
empathy keeps showing "network error" on facebook account |
° Confirmed Bugs
- Verify the bug is still not fixed
- Request any needed info, Subscribe, Status to incomplete or
Set status to triaged UbuntuBugControl
Empathy SIP not working on Ubuntu 13.10 |
Negative unread counts without rhyme or reason |
Cannot add IRC account with NickServ password |
Empathy showing me as sender of new message in message notification applet instead of original sender |
New messages: alert, but not shown in message window, when logging disabled |
Previous chats from Hangouts aren't imported |
empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in folks_persona_store_get_is_primary_store() |
Empathy requires authorisation for Facebook repeatedly |
empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast() |
if empathy start hidden it will fail to work with indicator-messages |
empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in ffi_call_unix64() |
Empathy shows numbers instead of names for some Facebook contacts |
empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_notify() |
empathy shows No online contacts when online |
Empathy accounts window crashes when I click on my gmail account |
empathy-contact-widget.c:402:contact_widget_details_update_edit |
icq not working |
No settings for SIP accounts |
Impossible to open Empathy contact list window if already started with '-h' option |
empathy isn't activating indicator when a message is received |
ICQ in empathy not connecting |
Empathy not displaying any online contacts |
Account creation window is empty |
Empathy shows no contacts in Ubuntu 13.04 |
Empathy don't open (process running) |
the facebook accounts in empathy shown disconnected |
empathy notification wrong sender name |
empathy do not conect to icq |
Can not add Yahoo account on fresh raring installs |
Google talk "Requires Authorization" after suspend/resume |
Empathy fails to connect constantly |
empathy-debugger crashed with SIGSEGV |
Google Talk account in empathy refuses to sign in |
Can not create SIP account in raring ringtail |
(stderr) Failed to parse new birthday string |
Cannot add IM account (empty setup dialog) |
empathy-call crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message() |
Empathy asks for account authorisation, but fails |
empathy-auth-client crashed with SIGSEGV in ag_auth_data_insert_parameters() |
authentication fails |
log messages does not work properly with čťžýá and cyrillic characters |
empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in new_chatroom_dialog_model_selection_changed() |
Chat windows should always be openend automatically (in the background) |
Empathy GUI does not start |
Empathy showing wrong history |
Empathy branch fails |
Empathy does not connect accounts, Facebook, Google, Outlook |
empathy contacts list compact mode is missing in 3.6 |
Cannot login to Empathy after setting up Google online account |
can't configure any accounts in empathy |
AgManager doesn't emit enabled-events for jabber and salut |
Internal Error when trying to connect |
Empathy (telepathy-sofiasip) cannot connect to SIP server via VPN |
empty accounts lines displayed (account-plugin-jabber not installed) |
empathy-auth-client crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message() |
Online Accounts UI Missing |
empathy-chat crashed with SIGSEGV in malloc_consolidate() |
Cannot link contacts anymore (metacontacts) |
missing settings: compact view, show/hide avatars, show/hide protocol |
empathy no longer allows for extended jabber configuration |
empathy-auth-client crashed with SIGSEGV in fast_validate() |
Unable to set Nickserv password in IRC account options |
inappropriate color theme in the contact list |
empathy-accounts corrupted and now crashing/broken |
Smiles don't copy |
empathyindicator menus dont work when getting contact requests |
Empathy is an insane memory hog |
Empathy fails authorization after restart in ubuntu 12.04 |
empathy appears as an inoperable gtk demo |
Status selections in drop down menu do not work |
Menu item to "Link Contacts…" does not appear |
Opening Empthay from the Indicator also opens the Preference window |
Deleted account always reappears after a reboot |
In dropdown pressing letter doesnt ract |
kde-telepathy-text-ui hijacks Empathy in Unity |