Name: Walter Garcia-Fontes
Age: Born in 1956 (Montevideo-Uruguay)
City or residence: L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Country: Spain
Contact: [MAILTO]
I've been using Unix since the late 80's. Joined the Ubuntu Community with the Edgy distribution. I'm involved with the Catalan LOCO team, I help when I can.
I'm an active contributor and the moderator of the Catalan Team Ubuntu forum ( where I have tried to help and support users since 2007.
I work on Catalan translations and translation suggestions.
Helped in Catalan Ubuntu Live CD Customization.
I help in the maintenance of the web page of the Ubuntu Catalan Loco team.
I am a volunteer bug triager and participate also in the community of Ubuntu bug triagers.
===Other Contributions outside Ubuntu===
Manyex: an application to help the creation of exams in LaTeX ([WWW]
ODStatistics: A set of LibreOffice Calc spreadsheets with macros to perform statistical analysis. It is intended to be used for educational purposes. So far it includes only descriptive statistics ([WWW]
Bulmages ([WWW] I participate in the development and translation of Bulmages, and in its costumization Fapacges ([WWW] for the use in Catalonnian parental school associations
WalterGarciaFontes (last edited 2016-04-20 11:56:45 by walter-garcia)