



Because Launchpad will contain a large database of branches (see MaloneBazaarIntegration), Bazaar can interrogate it to get information that helps with development.


Use cases

Bazaar needs to be able to tell Launchpad:

  • this branch fixes bug x in site y

  • give me a branch that fixes bug p in site q

  • ...


  • show me branches launchpad knows about GnomeBaker.

  • show unmerged bug fixes branches for GnomeBaker.

  • show me new translation branches
  • Alice has made a branch with new translations for GnomeBaker. She wants to tell Launchpad to merge these into Ubuntu's package without using the web site.

  • this branch is for the GnomeBaker product

  • this branch is owned by me
  • show me new branches owned by Andrew

Interface design

Rough sketch of UI:

  • file in arch branch 'branch.rdf' for example. arch to not merge changes to this file. baz search-branches
    • --project --product --bugfix
    baz describe
    • push or pull RDF to or from LP. RDF would describe Product.
      • some information that could be in the RDF: fixes bug: http://...

      • RDF describes owners. XXX: see BranchOwnership

 baz describe --description "my ..." 
   --server url
   --title text
   --description text
   --bugfix url
   --homepage url
   --my-email email
   --project-email email
   --translation XXX (XXX: remove this, merge everything?)

 baz description [branch]  # dump info from rdf
   --xml to get raw data
   --server url

 baz push-description
   --server url

 baz pull-description
   --server url

lp url to be a configurable item (overrideable by server-url)

This should round-trip when editting/exporting/importing the RDF. So every part of the description that isn't exported/imported should be left alone.


Outstanding issues

CategoryUdu CategorySpec

UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/BazaarLaunchpadClient (last edited 2008-08-06 16:20:49 by localhost)