
Branch deletion




Sometimes people want to delete a branch from a product, so that the branch no longer appears on Launchpad.

Use cases

  • Branch actually contains proprietary data that shouldn't have been published.
  • Branch was created and then abandoned (c.f. 90% of sourceforge)
  • Branch was created in error (e.g. used the wrong name or other commands when creating it; c.f. accumulation of arch branches or usenet groups with misspelled names.)

It would seem there are several levels of deletion: in a very few cases, we really do want to completely forget about the branch. More usually we want to just mark the branch as "very uninteresting". (Right?)

Interface design


Outstanding Issues

  • What do we do with children of the branch? (Probably retain them. "Child" is a vague term for branches that might regularly merge from two or more parents.)

CategoryUdu CategorySpec

UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/BranchDeletion (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:22 by localhost)