Created: 2005-04-24 by JeffWaugh
Priority: HighPriority
People: JeffWaughLead, BenjaminMakoHillSecond
Contributors: JeffWaugh, GeoffreyRobertson
- Interested:
Status: BrainDump, UduBof, UbuntuCommunity
- Branch:
- Malone Bug:
- Packages:
- Depends:
- Dependents:
- AustralianTeam/Meetings/2006Apr04 (meeting.log.html)
- BelgianTeam/IrcMeetings/Logs (ubuntu-be-irc-meeting-2010-11-25-log.txt)
- Grantbow/UpdatedSlides (locos-ubuntu-2008-07.odp)
- NicaraguanTeam/Noticias (ubuntu-meeting-03-04-07.html)
- UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/CertificationAndTraining
- UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/MigratingToUbuntu
- UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/TrainingLiveCd
- UbuntuDownUnder/ScheduleFriday
- UbuntuDownUnder/ScheduleMonday
- UbuntuDownUnder/ScheduleThursday
- UbuntuDownUnder/ScheduleWednesday
UduSessions: 1
We want to create a customisable/brandable documentation and interactive training LiveCD.
Our short term goal is to create an "LPI approved training" LiveCD that provides an introduction to Linux and how the LiveCD works, and covers LPI level 1 and 2. Longer term, we will investigate 'orchard' style systems for producing custom and/or branded training and documentation LiveCDs for other projects.
There is a looming question about what level of interactivity we provide, and how to do it. We don't want to ship a simple documentation LiveCD, so we need elements of interactivity and guided discovery. Many CBT systems require Java or Flash, which we cannot distribute at the moment (aside from the very basic 'flashplayer' plugin). Systems such as Moodle will require a running webserver and potentially database, which is entirely doable on an Ubuntu LiveCD, but does introduce some complexity.
A web server based system seems to be the best choice, to provide an element of interactivity (such as tests and activities), and allowing us to provide a navigable, guided approach to learning... without shipping software we can't legally distribute.
A basic list of materials with appropriate licences, that we can immediately integrate on the LiveCD:
IOSN End User Guide:
LinuxIT LPI Training Program:
Geoffrey Robertson's Moodle: (see also )
Geoffrey Robertson's older SourceForge stuff:
How do we integrate disparate documentation and training materials on the CD?
(FIXME: Write about Moodle and alternatives here.)
LPI Approval Requirements
The "LPI Approved Training Materials" page, with a list of currently approved training materials:
There are no specs for what's required for approval on the website. It basically boils down to "high quality training materials that cover the full LPI curriculum". Glenn McKnight may be able to provide a more detailed specification (he arrives in Sydney on the 19th).
Outstanding Issues
- A guided learning system based on a web application may need to save state between user sessions - can that be stored on a file server or USB key? Can we avoid it entirely? This may become more of an issue for later versions that are more deeply interactive.
- How much space can we use on the CD?
- Can we create an accessible or internationalised TrainingLiveCD?
- Printing from the training material on the CD will require improved CSS if we choose HTML as the primary documentation format
- Can we supply videos in Free formats?
- moodle documentation 'pods' - distribution of proprietary codecs, etc?
Existing documentation:
- IOSN End User Linux Guide - LinuxIT LPI Training Program (UN) - Geoffrey Robertson's work:, - LPI Approved Training Materials -> list on website? mark will send one - coverage of LPI objectives / course - practice exams? interactive livecd? - state handling for CBT
- HTML only - videos? - What about printing? Improved CSS? - i18n and a11y is a desired goal
- mothership proposal - LPI branded and approved LiveCD - "how to use the livecd" starter guide up by default - guided discovery, categorisation, navigation - determine level of lab style activities <-> interactive CBT?
Observations / Comments
- Last time I checked (a year ago) eventhough tests are prepared based on the community contributions (a lot of gentoo people, iirc), once a 'student' wanted to take the test he was "forced" to sign a "Non-disclousure" agreement, otherwise he could not continue the process.
- From a teacher perspective, commenting about the questions once the exam was taken is not even relevant becuae is the teachers task to do different tests. And from a linux fan, that is against the community contribution. If I contribute, and it is based on "freedom" licences, then LPI should not force students to sign such letter.
Having said that, has the team interested in developing this CD (I am very willing to help) analized such already described situation? -- MauricioHernandez 2005-11-28 20:55:53
One of the edubuntu fans from Venezuela (RicardoStrusberg) have been already working on some interesting amount of material to help people with LPI exams. Ricardo and others (me again, too) have been working on the basics of the I.T.L.A (Free Technology Institute for Latinamerica) project, and one of the goals there is to also provide training / certification. We'd be glad to help. -- MauricioHernandez 2005-11-28 20:55:53
UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/TrainingLiveCd (last edited 2008-08-06 16:20:49 by localhost)