
Revision 3 as of 2005-10-31 19:45:04

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A partitioning tool for Ubuntu Expess.

For automatic partitioning, we would like to share code with the existing installer component (partman). This will be best accomplished by providing it as an installable binary package (in addition to an installer component), so that it can be added to the live seed and used in a standard environment. partman uses debconf progress indicators, so some consideration is required in order to provide a consistent progress bar in the installation tool.

For advanced/interactive partitioning, we will extend an existing partitioning tool. The selection and development of this tool are discussed in GraphicalPartitioningTool. The installer must unmount all hard disk filesystems and deactivate swap before acting on the partition table, or launching an external partition editor.


Use cases





Data preservation and migration

Outstanding issues

BoF agenda and discussion