
Revision 15 as of 2008-10-02 13:07:44

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This documents the procedure I used to setup a Grok virtual environment for working on the Viejo content management system. Note that as of September 29th, grokproject 0.9 and grok 0.14 work on python2.5. So the easy_install-2.4 can be omitted.

  • sudo apt-get install python-dev python-setuptools subversion bzr

  • sudo easy_install virtualenv

  • mkdir viejo_virtualenv

  • cd viejo_virtualenv

  • virtualenv --no-site-packages virtualgrok

  • source virtualgrok/bin/activate

  • easy_install grokproject

  • grokproject Viejo

  • cd Viejo

  • rm -rf setup.py buildout.cfg src

  • bzr branch lp:viejo-code

  • ./bin/buildout

  • ./bin/test

Now, we're good to go TDD Smile :) Start thinking and writing tests man, then we'll make them pass!