
Differences between revisions 12 and 14 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 12 as of 2011-05-06 23:20:34
Size: 8577
Editor: www
Comment: update to get netrom working
Revision 14 as of 2011-05-06 23:36:44
Size: 8998
Editor: www
Comment: working!
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Joey, NV0N, has been working on finding the right configuration for USB Sound Modems like the Tigertronics SignalLink USB to be used for accessing packet BBSes. (APRS setup is a bit different in that it uses "kissattach" and "kissparms".)

elow is a work in progress under Natty. Feel free to edit this page if you have success.
Joey, NV0N on #ubuntu-hams, has a working configuration for USB Sound Modems like the Tigertronics SignalLink USB to be used for accessing packet BBSes. (APRS setup is a bit different in that it uses "kissattach" and "kissparms".). This is a known working configuration under Natty. Feel free to edit this page if you have success or other comments.
Line 273: Line 271:
=== rsports ===
ROSE is almost never used so just comment out the ports.

# /etc/ax25/rsports
# The format of this file is:
# name address description
#rose 2080192203 Rose port

== modprobe ==
Create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/netrom.conf and put this in it
alias nr0 netrom
Line 274: Line 291:
Note: make sure you reboot at least once after doing all the above.


Joey, NV0N on #ubuntu-hams, has a working configuration for USB Sound Modems like the Tigertronics SignalLink USB to be used for accessing packet BBSes. (APRS setup is a bit different in that it uses "kissattach" and "kissparms".). This is a known working configuration under Natty. Feel free to edit this page if you have success or other comments.


This setup requires these packages:

  • libax25 - library for hamradio applications
  • ax25-apps - AX25 ham radio applications
  • ax25-tools - AX-25 tools
  • ax25-xtools - AX-25 tools (X versions) - optional
  • ax25spyd - AX.25 traffic analyzer, dumper and spy daemon
  • soundmodem - Sound Card Amateur Packet Radio Modems
  • rigctl - Rig Control programs
  • node - ham radio node (digipeter) application

Configuration Files

Soundmodem config

From /etc/ax25/soundmodem.conf


  • the IP address can be arbitrary for your testing (in fact, you can just leave it as is)
  • replace the NV0N callsign with yours
  • replace the hamlib configuration with yours. (123 is a Yaesu FT-897)
  • I've added hamlib_params below which you may need to change or delete.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<configuration name="siglink"><channel name="Channel 0"><mod mode="afsk" bps="1200" f0="1200" f1="2200" diffenc="1" filter="df9ic/g3ruh" inlv="8" fec="3" tunelen="32" synclen="32"/><demod mode="afsk" bps="1200" f0="1200" f1="2200" diffdec="1" filter="df9ic/g3ruh"/><pkt mode="MKISS" ifname="sm0" hwaddr="NV0N-8" ip="" netmask="" broadcast="" file="/dev/soundmodem0" unlink="1"/></channel><chaccess txdelay="300" slottime="100" ppersist="64" fulldup="0" txtail="30"/><audio type="alsa" device="plughw:2,0" halfdup="1" capturechannelmode="Mono"/><ptt file="/dev/ttyUSB0" hamlib_model="123" hamlib_params="serial_speed=4800,rts_state=OFF,dtr_state=OFF"/></configuration></modem>


The standard naming convention for soundmodems is sm0

# /etc/ax25/axports
# The format of this file is:
# name callsign speed paclen window description
sm0     NV0N-8  1200    255     2       145.090 MHz (1200  bps)


# /etc/ax25/ax25d.conf
# ax25d Configuration File.
# AX.25 Ports begin with a '['.
[NV0N-8 via sm0]
parameters 1    10  *  *  *   *   *
NOCALL * * * * * * L
default 1 10 3 300 10 5 -       root    /usr/sbin/node node %d %s

parameters 1    10  *  *  *   *   *
NOCALL     *     *  *  *  *   *   L
default    *     *  *  *  *   *   0        root /usr/sbin/node node


Avahi's publish command sends packets out over ax.25 which is something we don't want. Below is a copy of a working /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf that you can use. The lines "#jjs changed" are the ports turned off.

# This file is part of avahi.
# avahi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# avahi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with avahi; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
# USA.

# See avahi-daemon.conf(5) for more information on this configuration
# file!



#jjs changed
#jjs changed




  • set your callsign and related fields
  • don't forget to set the local node to whatever you are using (e.g.

# /etc/ax25/node.conf - LinuxNode configuration file
# see node.conf(5)

# Idle timeout (seconds).
IdleTimeout     900

# Timeout when gatewaying (seconds).
ConnTimeout     14400

# Visible hostname. Will be shown at telnet login.

# Node ID.
NodeId          #HAMLID:NV0N-10
#NodeId         \033[01;31m***\033[0m

# ReConnect flag.
ReConnect       on

# "Local" network.

# Command aliases.
# Alias         CAllbook 'telnet %{} 1235 %1'
# Alias         CONVers  'telnet %{} 3600 "/n %u %{1:32768}\n/w *"'
# Alias         CLuster  'c hkiclh'

# Hidden ports.
#HiddenPorts    2

# External commands
# Flags:        1       Run command through pipe
#               2       Reconnect prompt
#ExtCmd         PMS     3       root /usr/sbin/pms pms -u \%U -o VK2LID
#ExtCmd         PS      1       nobody  /bin/ps ps ax
#ExtCmd         TPM     1       nobody  /usr/bin/finger finger tpm
#ExtCmd         Vpaiva  1       nobody  /home/tpm/bin/vpaiva vpaiva
#ExtCmd         NOde    0       root    /usr/local/bin/node node
ExtCmd          ECho    1       nobody  /bin/echo echo \%U\%u \%S\%s \%P\%p \%R\%r \%T\%t \%\% \%0 \%1 \%2 \%3 \%4 \%5 \%6 \%7 \%8 \%9
#ExtCmd         ECho    1       nobody  /bin/echo echo foo\%{1:***}bar \%{U}\%{0:foo}\%{1:bar}\%{2:huu}\%{3:haa}
ExtCmd          TIme    1       nobody  /bin/echo echo %N Node session started at %I, current time is \%I.

# Netrom port name. This port is used for outgoing netrom connects.
NrPort          nr0

# Logging level
LogLevel        3

# The escape character (CTRL-T)
EscapeChar      ^T

# Resolve ip numbers to addresses?
ResolveAddrs    off

# Node prompt.
NodePrompt      "\n"
#NodePrompt     "\n%s@%h \%i> "
#NodePrompt     "\033[36m%U\033[0m de \033[01;35m#LNODE\033[0m:\033[01;31mVK2LID-10\033[0m> "


Set your callsign and related fields

# /etc/ax25/node.perms - LinuxNode permissions file
# see node.perms(5)

# user  type    port    passwd  perms
nv0n      *      *       secret  255

# User vk2lid can login without password from anywhere else but 'inet'.
#vk2lid inet    *       qwerty  95
#vk2lid *       *       *       95

# VK2BBS is a bbs so it needs escape disabled.
#vk2bbs *       *       *       287

# Default permissions per connection type.
*       ax25    *       *       31
*       netrom  *       *       31
*       local   *       *       31
*       ampr    *       *       31
*       inet    *       *       0
*       host    *       *       31


# /etc/ax25/nrports
# The format of this file is:
# name callsign alias paclen description
nr0     NV0N-8 #LNODE   236     Switch Port


ROSE is almost never used so just comment out the ports.

# /etc/ax25/rsports
# The format of this file is:
# name address description
#rose   2080192203      Rose port


Create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/netrom.conf and put this in it

alias nr0          netrom

startup script

Note: make sure you reboot at least once after doing all the above.

This is the startup script (I call it Must be run as root/sudo. Advice is to run these manually the first few times until you get no errors. Keep in mind the route commands below need to match what you put into soundmodem.conf above.

#load netrom
modprobe netrom
nrattach -i nr0
# start ax25 with the soundmodem driver using the port
# defined in /etc/ax25/axports
/usr/sbin/soundmodem /etc/ax25/soundmodem.conf -R -M >/dev/null 2>/dev/null&
sleep 1
# TNC Parameters txd, persist, slottime, txtail are done by
# soundmodemconfig and stored in soundmodem.conf
# this adds a route to our soundmodem
/sbin/route add -host dev sm0
# route to the rest of the netrom IP capable nodes
/sbin/route add -net netmask gw dev sm0
sleep 1
# listen for various incoming connects like PMS, node, etc.
# (MUST first be configured in /etc/ax25/ax25d.conf)
sleep 1
# listen for stations heard

At this point you should be at a command line and can run

axcall sm0 callsign

where callsign is your local BBS.

UbuntuHams/USBSoundModem (last edited 2011-05-07 15:47:55 by www)