
Create a Journal for (*)Ubuntu users, including articles, blog posts, news and forum posts. This journal would be created by various members of the *ubuntu community.


There is a need in the community for a collection of interesting articles and news to be published to inform people about the way in which ubuntu is being used.

Use cases

Mr. Smith is interested in Ubuntu and uses it a lot. He is subscribed to UbuntuJournal and gets it delivered once in a while. In one particular issue, he reads the guide about the installation of XGL. With this help, he was able to set up XGL on his own machine.

Jack likes to read before he goes to bed, he enjoys the magazine and finds out how easy it is, to contribute to Ubuntu. The following weekend, he tries out Rosetta, on which he read an article in Ubuntu Journal, to translate his favourite apps.


Start with 6 issues a year. Articles have to be based on an up-to-date ubuntu.



It should be published under a CC license or similar. Available in PDF/HTML or as a paperback journal. The format of the magazine should make it available to all, with the option to pay for a printed version.


One should try to publish already existing articles, such as good blogposts, ubuntu behind the scenes or forum threads. It would also be good to have an interview with an ubuntu developer in every issue, talking about different aspects of their work in contributing to ubuntu. A team should look for good articles and encourage community members to write articles. They should manage the deadlines. When there is enough info, the team starts to put it all together and correct it and make it ready for print. A service such as www.lulu.com could be used for printing.



Example Content

To give people an idea of what should be written in the journal:

of course owners of the texts will be asked if they allow us to print it

Outstanding issues

BoF agenda and discussion


UbuntuJournal (last edited 2011-02-27 14:06:51 by host86-162-220-149)