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Full Circle Podcast #5: Manual Dexterity




Runtime: 41 minutes 43 seconds

Your Hosts

  • Robin Catling
  • Ed Hewitt

Additional audio by Victoria Pritchard and Philippa Hammond

Show Notes

Welcome and Intro




1. Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 2 is out!

2. Ubuntu gone back to Google!

3. OMG! Ubuntu Podcast starts on Tuesday 20 April

4. Lubuntu not joining the ubuntu family until 10.10

5. 10.10 Maverick Release Schedule

  • June 3rd: Alpha 1
  • July 1st: Alpha 2
  • August 15th: Alpha 3
  • September 2nd: Alpha 4
  • September 23rd: Beta
  • October 21st: Release Candidate
  • October 28th: Ubuntu 10.10 released

6. UbuntuOne music store comes to banshee

=== Interview ===


Simon Wears (aka ‘Munky-Junky’) on MadJam Manchester Bug-Jam MadJam

Simon’s blog



KDE SC 4.4



OggCamp is a free software / free culture unconference organised by the presenters of the Ubuntu UK Podcast and Linux Outlaws. This year’s OggCamp will take place at The Black-E in Liverpool on the 1st and 2nd of May. The event will run approximately 10am – 5pm each day.

The Black-E Entrance to OggCamp10 is free and no tickets are required.


Benjamin Humphrey, Ubuntu Manual Project Site: http://ubuntu-manual.org Launchpad Project home: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual Benjamin’s blog: http://humphreybc.wordpress.com/

Outro and Next Episode


Comments on this page, using the comment form, OR; Send us a comment to podcast@fullcirclemagazine.org. You can also send us a comment by recording an audio clip of no more than 30 seconds and sending it to the same address. Comments and audio may be edited for length. Please remember this is a family-friendly show.

Other Notes

Creative Commons Music Tracks

Opening: ‘Achilles’ by Kevin Macleod

Main Theme: ‘Revolve’ by His Boy Elroy

Incidental: ‘Dance Zone’ by Unknown

Incidental: ‘On the Run’ by Unknown

Incidental: 'Iron Man’ by Unknown

Trailer: 'The Wild Life’ by Peter John Ross

File Sizes:

OGG 29.5Mb

mp3 21.5Mb