
Differences between revisions 1 and 91 (spanning 90 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2009-11-11 16:45:47
Size: 95
Editor: 173-29-14-23
Revision 91 as of 2011-04-12 10:49:56
Size: 16559
Editor: host-60-59-151-193
Comment: Removed fixed bugs and added tomboy related ones.
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= Common Bugs =

= Troubleshooting Tips =

== Files ==
||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:30%; background:#F1F1ED; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 98% 0.5ex; margin: 1em 0em 0em 0em; padding: 1em;"><<TableOfContents(2)>>||


This page lists issues that were identified in Ubuntu One client shipped in '''Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)'''
See also [[UbuntuOne/Status|The Ubuntu One status page]] for fresh info about current problems.

= Common (Duplicate) Bugs =
Finding bugs that have already been reported before can be difficult for a variety of reasons. The list below is meant to help identify common bugs:

== Ubuntu One Won't Connect ==
There are quite a few reasons Ubuntu One will not connect, so the bugs below are the most common known issues:
 * '''387308 - [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/387308|Proxy servers are not supported]]''' - Look for ''[Errno socket error] [Errno 8] _ssl.c:480: EOF occurred in violation of protocol'' error or other _ssl related errors in oauth-login.log, which indicates the user is behind a proxy server.
 * '''479687 - [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/479687|Token was not successfully retrieved: data was Expired timestamp]]''' - Look for this in the oauth-login.log file.
 * '''576263 - [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/576263|ubuntuone-preferences - ERROR - Got empty result for devices list.]]''' - Look for this in the u1-prefs.log file.

== Files not syncing ==
The following bugs cover times where Ubuntu One is not syncing properly or at all.

The files with invalid utf8 names will not be synced and the information about these files will be available in syncdaemon-invalid-names.log.

 * '''490988 - [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/490988|A lot of MakeDir and MakeFile errors]]''' - Look for a number of repeated ''ERROR - !MakeFile'' and ''ERROR - !MakeDir'' entries in the syncdaemon-exceptions.log file. These errors appear to be caused by a user switching Ubuntu One users on their computer without cleaning out their ~/Ubuntu One folder and meta data folder (~/.local/share/ubuntuone).

 * '''480069 - [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/480069|AttributeError: WaitForCondition - ubuntuone client not updating to server]]''' - Files won't sync and the following errors will be in the syncdaemon-exceptions.log file:
   AttributeError: 'WaitForCondition' object has no attribute 'share_id'}}}

 * '''ROOT_MISMATCH in syncdaemon.log''' - This normally indicates that there may be two Ubuntu One accounts, one in the local cache and another setup in the keyring. This happens if the user installed Ubuntu One with one account and then sets up the computer again with a different account (but all the old Ubuntu One files in ~/.local/share/ubuntuone are still there under the old account). Working around this:
  1. Open Applications->Accessories->Terminal and run:
  u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login ubuntuone-preferences;
  sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/ubuntuone
  rm -rf ~/.cache/ubuntuone
  rm -rf ~/.config/ubuntuone
  mv ~/Ubuntu\ One/ ~/Ubuntu\ One_old/ }}}
  2. Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys, go to the Passwords tab, delete the Ubuntu One and Desktopcouch tokens by right-clicking on them and selecting "Delete"
  3. Back in a terminal session, run:
  u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c }}}
  4. After doing all this syncing notes with tomboy still won't work until you make tomboy re-authentificate with ubuntuone (see the tomboy section of this page).
== Ubuntu One client crashes ==
The client can crash for a variety of reasons and it's not unusual for the user to not understand why the crash occurred (no meaningful error message). The syncdaemon-exceptions.log is key to verifying these bugs. If there is a syncdaemon-exceptions.log attached to a bug, start there and look at the list below.
 * '''517505 - [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/517505| AttributeError:'MetadataUpgrader' object has no attribute '_upgrade_metadata_6']]''' - Look for this in the syncdaemon-exceptions.log file. Common symptom is crashing when clicking on applet.

=== Permission-related issues ===
These are not really bugs in UbuntuOne, though syncdaemon should present a better error message to the user.
 * '''414371 - [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/414371|IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied in syncdaemon/file_shelf.py]]''' - Look for ''IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied'' in the syncdaemon-exceptions.log file.
 * '''407762 - [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/407762|ubuntuone-syncdaemon maxes out system resources when trying to hash a file with root permissions]]''' Look for "Hasher: hash error [Errno 13] Permission denied" DEBUG messages in syncdaemon.log
 * '''522030 - [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/522030|Syncdaemon crashes when ~/.local/share/ubuntuone has invalid permissions]]''' - Look for OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/home/$USER/.local/share/ubuntuone/...' in syncdaemon.exceptions.log

== Ubuntu One performance issues ==
Performance issues are normally categorized in two areas: a user's computer is slowed down as a result of Ubuntu One and syncing files is slow.

 * '''407762 - [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/407762|Really high CPU and growing memory usage by syncdaemon]]''' - At least one cause is when syncdaemon gets a "permission denied" error when trying to hash a file.
 * '''461963 - [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/461963|Slow upload syncing from client]]''' - The work to fix the root cause of this issue can be found in [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/485004|bug 485004]]
== Notes (tomboy) ==
 * '''709378 - [[http://pad.lv/709378|Tomboy fails to sync after editing note via web: "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."]]''' - The server-side is already fixed; see [[https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-users/msg00717.html|the ubuntuone-users announcement]] for the details.
 * '''757841 - [[http://pad.lv/757841|Tomboy can use outdated SSO tokens]]'''. The bug report contains the link to the script that copies the SSO token to tomboy gconf.

=== Making tomboy re-authenticate to the server ===
If tomboy completely refuses to sync notes with ubuntuone you can try the following:
 1. close tomboy
 1. open {{{gconf-editor}}}
 1. unset the key ''/apps/tomboy/sync/sync_selected_service_addin''
 1. unset all keys in ''/apps/tomboy/sync/ubuntuone''
 1. restart tomboy and tell it (from its preferences menu) that you want to sync notes with ubuntuone.
== Bookmarks (bindwood) issues ==
Bindwood still won't work with firefox 4. But this issue is worked at.

= Procedures and Responses =

== Files (ubuntuone-client) ==

=== Connection problems ===
First look at the common bugs listed above to see if this is a known issue. If you can't find anything there, then use the response below which provides steps to try to work through the connection issue as well as requests the appropriate log files if the steps don't result in success.

==== Response ====

FIXME: Needs to be updated with SSO info.

I'm sorry to hear Ubuntu One isn't working properly for you. Can you try the following and let me know the results?

 1. Quit the Ubuntu One client
 1. Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys
 1. Click on the arrow next to "Passwords"
 1. Right-click on the Ubuntu One token and select "Delete"
 1. Go to https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/
 1. Click on the checkbox next to your computer
 1. Click the "Remove selected computers" button
 1. Open Applications->Internet->Ubuntu One
 1. A web page should open, prompting you to add your computer to your Ubuntu One account
 1. Add your computer

You should be connected after you follow these steps. If you are not connected, can you please attach the following files to this bug report?

~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log <<BR>>

Thank you,

=== Syncing problems (not syncing completely, conflicts, etc.) ===
First look at the common bugs listed above to see if this is a known issue. If you can't find anything there, then use the response below which provides steps to get the appropriate debug file the developers will need to troubleshoot the issue.

==== Response ====
I'm sorry to hear Ubuntu One is not working properly for you. Can you do the following in order to provide us with important details that will help us determine the root cause of this issue?

 1. Open Applications->Accessories->Terminal and run: echo -e "[logging]\nlevel = DEBUG" > ~/.config/ubuntuone/logging.conf; u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c
 1. Copy files into your ~/Ubuntu One folder
 1. Attach ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log and ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exception.log to this bug report

Note that attaching syncdaemon.log will show filenames you are attempting to sync with Ubuntu One. If you do not want this to be public, please mark the bug as private and this bug report will only be available to you and the Ubuntu One team.

Thank you,

= Troubleshooting/Debugging Tips =

== Account Related ==

=== How to change the email address associated with your Ubuntu One account ===
Please see [[https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+faq/810| FAQ #810]] which gives the steps. If these steps need to change, well change them in the FAQ.
Line 9: Line 125:
== CouchDB == First of all, make sure that evolution-couchdb package is installed, the visible presence of Ubuntu One address book is not enough: [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/510366|Ghost CouchDB addressbook after evolution-couchdb removal]]
$ apt-cache policy evolution-couchdb
  Installed: 0.3.4-0ubuntu2

You can browse through your local couchdb contacts by going to ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html and opening contacts databases. You may search through the contacts using CouchDb Temporary View. For example, to search for the entries that have "John" as the first name, use the following map function:
function(doc) {
  if (doc.first_name == "John") {
    emit(null, doc);
You can explore the properties of the doc object by clicking on any contacts database entry. See [[http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/contact|contact record description]] for the list of all fields.

=== Getting debug info ===
 '''This does not work on Maverick and e-addressbook-factory does not seem to be the same. Ideas?'''
 1. Applications->Accessories->Terminal, and run:
    evolution --force-shutdown
    /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.28 > ~/evolution_debug.log
 1. if /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.28 doesn't exist try
    /usr/lib/evolution/e-addressbook-factory > ~/evolution_debug.log
 1. Applications->Internet->Evolution Mail
 1. Try to reproduce bug and then attach ~/evolution_debug.log to a bug report

== CouchDB/Desktopcouch ==
=== Desktopcouch ===

=== Debug log for CouchDB syncing ===
~/.cache/desktop-couch/log/desktop-couch-replication.log This likely has some private information so if you request it to be attached to a bug, please let the user know about this and state something like:

''Note that attaching desktop-couch-replication.log will show information about what you are attempting to sync with Ubuntu One. If you do not want this to be public, please mark the bug as private and this bug report will only be available to you and the Ubuntu One team.''

== Files (Ubuntu One client & syncdaemon) ==

=== Turning debug mode on for Ubuntu SSO client (oauth-login.log) ===

FIXME: DEBUG envvar needs to be set for ubuntuone-sso-login. Is it {{{
killall ubuntu-sso-login
env DEBUG=1 /usr/lib/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-login

The log will be in ~/.cache/sso/oauth-login.log

=== How to kill syncdaemon from a terminal session ===
Run this command from a terminal session: killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon

=== Is Ubuntu One syncing files? ===
One way to check this is from a terminal session: u1sdtool --current-transfers

=== Which files are already synced on the local computer? ===
Run [[http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36063440/u1sdstatus.py|this script]] from [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/488232|bug 488232]] to show which files are already synced and what files are still present on the local computer only.

=== Running syncdaemon in debug mode ===
DEBUG mode is often necessary for sync related issues. Think of times where files don't appear to sync correctly (incomplete, unexpected .u1conflict files, etc.) This will generate a more detailed (and bigger in size) ''~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log''

If you need to request the syncdaemon.log file, please use some wording like this in the request:

''Note that attaching syncdaemon.log will show filenames you are attempting to sync with Ubuntu One. If you do not want this to be public, please mark the bug as private and this bug report will only be available to you and the Ubuntu One team.''

==== Temporary debug mode ====
When you don't want debug mode on all the time, use this method:

 1. Applications->Accessories->Terminal, and run:
    sudo killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon
    /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug > ~/syncdaemon-debug.log
 1. Connect Ubuntu One client from Preferences applet or u1sdtool --connect

==== Permanent debug mode ====
If you want to keep the syncdaemon in debug mode all the time, then use this method:

 1. Open Applications->Accessories->Terminal and run: echo -e "[logging]\nlevel = DEBUG" > ~/.config/ubuntuone/logging.conf; u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c
 1. Restart the Ubuntu One client

=== How to completely remove and reinstall the client ===
Please see [[https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/778|FAQ #778]] which gives the steps. If these steps need to change, we'll change them in the FAQ.

== General ==

=== What version of Ubuntu One is installed? ===
From a terminal session: sudo apt-cache policy package-name-goes-here
Output will show what version is installed, which versions are available.

=== Requesting apport info for an Ubuntu One project bug ===
Sometimes users file a bug without any debug information that normally comes from apport. The following is the command the user needs to run in a terminal session to send this information (replace XXXXXX with the appropriate bug number): apport-collect -p ubuntuone-client XXXXXX

=== Fixing Launchpad permissions for Apport ===
Some users will be requested to send more information via apport. If they haven't used apport before, they have to give apport permission on Launchpad to change anything on their behalf. Sometimes users get confused and select the wrong permission and will receive a (401) error when they run apport. In order to fix this (replace XXXXXX with the appropriate bug number):

 1. Applications->Accessories->Terminal, and run:
    rm ~/.cache/apport/launchpad.credentials
    apport-collect -p ubuntuone-client XXXXXX
 1. When prompted in your web browser, click the "Change Anything" button (the last one in the list)
 1. Go back to your terminal session and press "Enter"

=== Updating from the Ubuntu One Karmic package to the PPA ===
See '''[[https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/836|FAQ 836]]''' for steps on how to do this.

== Notes (Tomboy) ==

=== Getting debug info ===
 1. Quit Tomboy
 1. Applications->Accessories->Terminal, and run:
    tomboy --debug > ~/tomboy_debug.log
 1. Try to reproduce the bug and then attach ~/tomboy_debug.log to a bug report

If you're requesting this log to be attached to a bug, you should provide this notice to the user:

''Note that attaching the Tomboy debug log will show information about what you are attempting to sync with Ubuntu One. If you do not want this to be public, please mark the bug as private and this bug report will only be available to you and the Ubuntu One team.''
=== How to remove the note from the server ===
See LP:563920

This page lists issues that were identified in Ubuntu One client shipped in Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) See also The Ubuntu One status page for fresh info about current problems.

Common (Duplicate) Bugs

Finding bugs that have already been reported before can be difficult for a variety of reasons. The list below is meant to help identify common bugs:

Ubuntu One Won't Connect

There are quite a few reasons Ubuntu One will not connect, so the bugs below are the most common known issues:

Files not syncing

The following bugs cover times where Ubuntu One is not syncing properly or at all.

The files with invalid utf8 names will not be synced and the information about these files will be available in syncdaemon-invalid-names.log.

  • 490988 - A lot of MakeDir and MakeFile errors - Look for a number of repeated ERROR - MakeFile and ERROR - MakeDir entries in the syncdaemon-exceptions.log file. These errors appear to be caused by a user switching Ubuntu One users on their computer without cleaning out their ~/Ubuntu One folder and meta data folder (~/.local/share/ubuntuone).

  • 480069 - AttributeError: WaitForCondition - ubuntuone client not updating to server - Files won't sync and the following errors will be in the syncdaemon-exceptions.log file:

    •    AttributeError: 'WaitForCondition' object has no attribute 'share_id'
  • ROOT_MISMATCH in syncdaemon.log - This normally indicates that there may be two Ubuntu One accounts, one in the local cache and another setup in the keyring. This happens if the user installed Ubuntu One with one account and then sets up the computer again with a different account (but all the old Ubuntu One files in ~/.local/share/ubuntuone are still there under the old account). Working around this:

    1. Open Applications->Accessories->Terminal and run:

        u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login ubuntuone-preferences;
        sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/ubuntuone
        rm -rf ~/.cache/ubuntuone
        rm -rf ~/.config/ubuntuone
        mv ~/Ubuntu\ One/ ~/Ubuntu\ One_old/ 
    2. Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys, go to the Passwords tab, delete the Ubuntu One and Desktopcouch tokens by right-clicking on them and selecting "Delete"

    3. Back in a terminal session, run:
        u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c 
    4. After doing all this syncing notes with tomboy still won't work until you make tomboy re-authentificate with ubuntuone (see the tomboy section of this page).

Ubuntu One client crashes

The client can crash for a variety of reasons and it's not unusual for the user to not understand why the crash occurred (no meaningful error message). The syncdaemon-exceptions.log is key to verifying these bugs. If there is a syncdaemon-exceptions.log attached to a bug, start there and look at the list below.

These are not really bugs in UbuntuOne, though syncdaemon should present a better error message to the user.

Ubuntu One performance issues

Performance issues are normally categorized in two areas: a user's computer is slowed down as a result of Ubuntu One and syncing files is slow.

Notes (tomboy)

Making tomboy re-authenticate to the server

If tomboy completely refuses to sync notes with ubuntuone you can try the following:

  1. close tomboy
  2. open gconf-editor

  3. unset the key /apps/tomboy/sync/sync_selected_service_addin

  4. unset all keys in /apps/tomboy/sync/ubuntuone

  5. restart tomboy and tell it (from its preferences menu) that you want to sync notes with ubuntuone.

Bookmarks (bindwood) issues

Bindwood still won't work with firefox 4. But this issue is worked at.

Procedures and Responses

Files (ubuntuone-client)

Connection problems

First look at the common bugs listed above to see if this is a known issue. If you can't find anything there, then use the response below which provides steps to try to work through the connection issue as well as requests the appropriate log files if the steps don't result in success.


FIXME: Needs to be updated with SSO info.

I'm sorry to hear Ubuntu One isn't working properly for you. Can you try the following and let me know the results?

  1. Quit the Ubuntu One client
  2. Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys

  3. Click on the arrow next to "Passwords"
  4. Right-click on the Ubuntu One token and select "Delete"
  5. Go to https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/

  6. Click on the checkbox next to your computer
  7. Click the "Remove selected computers" button
  8. Open Applications->Internet->Ubuntu One

  9. A web page should open, prompting you to add your computer to your Ubuntu One account
  10. Add your computer

You should be connected after you follow these steps. If you are not connected, can you please attach the following files to this bug report?


Thank you,

Syncing problems (not syncing completely, conflicts, etc.)

First look at the common bugs listed above to see if this is a known issue. If you can't find anything there, then use the response below which provides steps to get the appropriate debug file the developers will need to troubleshoot the issue.


I'm sorry to hear Ubuntu One is not working properly for you. Can you do the following in order to provide us with important details that will help us determine the root cause of this issue?

  1. Open Applications->Accessories->Terminal and run: echo -e "[logging]\nlevel = DEBUG" > ~/.config/ubuntuone/logging.conf; u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c

  2. Copy files into your ~/Ubuntu One folder
  3. Attach ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log and ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exception.log to this bug report

Note that attaching syncdaemon.log will show filenames you are attempting to sync with Ubuntu One. If you do not want this to be public, please mark the bug as private and this bug report will only be available to you and the Ubuntu One team.

Thank you,

Troubleshooting/Debugging Tips

How to change the email address associated with your Ubuntu One account

Please see FAQ #810 which gives the steps. If these steps need to change, well change them in the FAQ.


First of all, make sure that evolution-couchdb package is installed, the visible presence of Ubuntu One address book is not enough: Ghost CouchDB addressbook after evolution-couchdb removal

$ apt-cache policy evolution-couchdb
  Installed: 0.3.4-0ubuntu2

You can browse through your local couchdb contacts by going to ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html and opening contacts databases. You may search through the contacts using CouchDb Temporary View. For example, to search for the entries that have "John" as the first name, use the following map function:

function(doc) {
  if (doc.first_name == "John") {
    emit(null, doc);

You can explore the properties of the doc object by clicking on any contacts database entry. See contact record description for the list of all fields.

Getting debug info

  • This does not work on Maverick and e-addressbook-factory does not seem to be the same. Ideas?

  • Applications->Accessories->Terminal, and run:

    • evolution --force-shutdown

      /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.28 > ~/evolution_debug.log

  • if /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.28 doesn't exist try
    • /usr/lib/evolution/e-addressbook-factory > ~/evolution_debug.log

  • Applications->Internet->Evolution Mail

  • Try to reproduce bug and then attach ~/evolution_debug.log to a bug report




Debug log for CouchDB syncing

~/.cache/desktop-couch/log/desktop-couch-replication.log This likely has some private information so if you request it to be attached to a bug, please let the user know about this and state something like:

Note that attaching desktop-couch-replication.log will show information about what you are attempting to sync with Ubuntu One. If you do not want this to be public, please mark the bug as private and this bug report will only be available to you and the Ubuntu One team.

Files (Ubuntu One client & syncdaemon)

Turning debug mode on for Ubuntu SSO client (oauth-login.log)

FIXME: DEBUG envvar needs to be set for ubuntuone-sso-login. Is it

killall ubuntu-sso-login
env DEBUG=1 /usr/lib/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-login

The log will be in ~/.cache/sso/oauth-login.log

How to kill syncdaemon from a terminal session

Run this command from a terminal session: killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon

Is Ubuntu One syncing files?

One way to check this is from a terminal session: u1sdtool --current-transfers

Which files are already synced on the local computer?

Run this script from bug 488232 to show which files are already synced and what files are still present on the local computer only.

Running syncdaemon in debug mode

DEBUG mode is often necessary for sync related issues. Think of times where files don't appear to sync correctly (incomplete, unexpected .u1conflict files, etc.) This will generate a more detailed (and bigger in size) ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log

If you need to request the syncdaemon.log file, please use some wording like this in the request:

Note that attaching syncdaemon.log will show filenames you are attempting to sync with Ubuntu One. If you do not want this to be public, please mark the bug as private and this bug report will only be available to you and the Ubuntu One team.

Temporary debug mode

When you don't want debug mode on all the time, use this method:

  1. Applications->Accessories->Terminal, and run:

    • sudo killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon

      /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug > ~/syncdaemon-debug.log

  2. Connect Ubuntu One client from Preferences applet or u1sdtool --connect

Permanent debug mode

If you want to keep the syncdaemon in debug mode all the time, then use this method:

  1. Open Applications->Accessories->Terminal and run: echo -e "[logging]\nlevel = DEBUG" > ~/.config/ubuntuone/logging.conf; u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c

  2. Restart the Ubuntu One client

How to completely remove and reinstall the client

Please see FAQ #778 which gives the steps. If these steps need to change, we'll change them in the FAQ.


What version of Ubuntu One is installed?

From a terminal session: sudo apt-cache policy package-name-goes-here Output will show what version is installed, which versions are available.

Requesting apport info for an Ubuntu One project bug

Sometimes users file a bug without any debug information that normally comes from apport. The following is the command the user needs to run in a terminal session to send this information (replace XXXXXX with the appropriate bug number): apport-collect -p ubuntuone-client XXXXXX

Fixing Launchpad permissions for Apport

Some users will be requested to send more information via apport. If they haven't used apport before, they have to give apport permission on Launchpad to change anything on their behalf. Sometimes users get confused and select the wrong permission and will receive a (401) error when they run apport. In order to fix this (replace XXXXXX with the appropriate bug number):

  1. Applications->Accessories->Terminal, and run:

    • rm ~/.cache/apport/launchpad.credentials apport-collect -p ubuntuone-client XXXXXX
  2. When prompted in your web browser, click the "Change Anything" button (the last one in the list)
  3. Go back to your terminal session and press "Enter"

Updating from the Ubuntu One Karmic package to the PPA

See FAQ 836 for steps on how to do this.

Notes (Tomboy)

Getting debug info

  1. Quit Tomboy
  2. Applications->Accessories->Terminal, and run:

    • tomboy --debug > ~/tomboy_debug.log

  3. Try to reproduce the bug and then attach ~/tomboy_debug.log to a bug report

If you're requesting this log to be attached to a bug, you should provide this notice to the user:

Note that attaching the Tomboy debug log will show information about what you are attempting to sync with Ubuntu One. If you do not want this to be public, please mark the bug as private and this bug report will only be available to you and the Ubuntu One team.

How to remove the note from the server

See 563920 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/563920/comments/3