Intrepid Ibex
Installable and usable
- Up to date PS3 SDK/toolchain
- ps3vram driver for LiveCD so we can access vram as swap and maybe finally run LiveCD Desktop for testing/installing
- Support Sixaxis controller
- Petitboot instead of or as an alternative to kboot
- Adobe's Flash or Gnash by default
- Lower resource desktop configuration specifically for PS3 - need to achieve this without annoying Gnome fans by just simply choosing Xfce, and hopefully without straying too far from 'real' Ubuntu.
- Consider packaging homebrew efforts such as spugl, python-ps3, spu-medialib and others if they are ready/stable in time.
- Get the most popular FOSS FPS games working on the ps3 and using the sixaxis properly: alienarena, nexuiz, openarena, sauerbraten, tremulous, urban terror, warsow
- Edit the kboot.msg to be more informative
- Make kboot less noisy, start faster, and look more professional
Hardy Heron
Waiting for Ribs
update: booting would be nice (25/02/08)
As Gutsy
Gutsy Gibbon
Kernel Upgrade to 2.6.24 (essential for wifi)
kboot image (otheros.bld) to match kernel
WPA tools (essential for wifi)
Bluetooth (Bluez has a patch)
hald problem spits out the CD ... I cant find a fix for this
Edit kboot.conf to provide all video modes from the prompt. Default to auto.
Edit the kboot.msg to be more informative
Include the following gnome themes: Human, Mint, Darker Ice Divinorum, Nodoka, Unity. (Unity is new)
Petitboot (in progress)
OpenGL acceleration via spegl, working compositing metacity. Later, when more functions are supported, compiz.
Get the most popular FOSS FPS games working on the ps3 and using the sixaxis properly: alienarena, nexuiz, openarena, sauerbraten, tremulous, urban terror, warsow
Include patent encumbered codecs working out of the box: If one has paid for a ps3, one has payed for codec licenses. Codecs should only ever be an issue when a machine is sold with Ubuntu preinstalled, and no other operating system has been purchased. The only thing one should have to reboot the ps3 for with a fresh psubuntu install is playing ps3 games. --If they start selling PS3's with no operating system on them or making ps3 owners agree to EULAs for codec licenses, we'll have to reevaluate this. I find that prospect doubtful.
Evaluate the feasibility of creating a wrapper for Adobe Flash for PPC OSX, have gnash installed by default.
Create default settings for the sixaxis such that psubuntu is installable with no mouse or keyboard and somewhat usable with the same. --all the way into installing and playing FOSS games.
RAM sharing over gigabit ethernet
Evalutate the profitability, using hard numbers, of using RSX memory; with our current means, exactly how long does it take to write data to all 256MB of the video memory? To read all data in the 256MB? (sequentially) Also, see what can be done to increase that data transfer speed. Many of the ps3 hackers aren't interested, but everything is worth looking into thoroughly.
Establish psubuntu apt repositories, but use canonical's when practical.
Unless we find people who use mail clients, get evolution off the .iso, and its services out of RAM. Most of the people who own a ps3 use webmail. They can always install evolution or some such thing from ubuntu repos anyway.