Please check the status of this specification in Launchpad before editing it. If it is Approved, contact the Assignee or another knowledgeable person before making changes.


This spec describes Ubuntu's Small Business Server e-mail, a solution aimed at making it easy for non-technical businesses set up an Ubuntu based server for a simple but scalable e-mail solution.

Packages and tools to make configuring of a Small Business Server for Ubuntu as easy as possible.



The free software universe in general, and Ubuntu in particular, already provides most of the tools and infrastructure components needed to fulfill the needs of small businesses. What we need is good integration between these components and easy configuration.

Use Cases


Management of accounts, Storage and file servers. Announcing services, adding users and workstations. Administrating rights and adding resources. Implementing backup, redundancy and distribution.


* Postfix * Dovecot * Davical * OpenLDAP * Avahi? * phamm | Gosa

Backups of home-directories


Everything in this spec will likely be done as deb-packages that will fit in well with other Ubuntu distributed software.

BoF agenda and discussion


CategorySpec CategoryServerTeam

UbuntuSmallBusinessServer/usbs-email (last edited 2010-09-03 07:24:46 by h-81-170-222-15)